In this article, the causes of cancer and how to protect yourself from cancer are discussed.
There are many kinds of cancer, with mostly caused by a combination of factors over time. While you can’t change some risk factors (e.g. genes), there are lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk.
Around 1/3rd of deaths from cancer are due to tobacco use, high body mass index, alcohol consumption, low fruit and vegetable intake and lack of physical activity.
Records on cancer in 2015 was 8.8million, nearly 10 million in 2020 and at the end of 2022, estimated to be even more.
CANCER : is a term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body.It is characterized by rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, which can invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs, It is a leading cause of death worldwide.
Each year, approximately 400,000 children develop cancer.
CANCER: is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body.
Cancer develops when the mechanism stops working, old cells do not die and instead grow out of the control, forming new abnormal cells.
These extra cells may form a mass of tissue, called a tumor.
– breast cancer
-lung cancer
-colon and rectum (colorectal) cancer
-prostate cancers.
-Lung (1.8 million deaths)-Colorectal (916 000 deaths)-Liver (830 000 deaths)-Gastric (769 000 deaths)-Breast (685 000 deaths)
-Tobacco use
-Alcohol consumption
-Unhealthy diet
-Physical inactivity
-Air pollution
-Chronic infections e.g, HBV,HCV etc
-Exposure to sunlight
-Age: the risk of developing most cancers increases with age.
-Environmental factorsIonizing radiation – x-ray, gamma ray, radioactive substances, Chemical substances – asbestos, tobacco, aflatoxin (a food contaminant), arsenic (a drinking water contaminant).
-prostate cancer :Diet high in calcium.
-cervical cancer:Folate deficiency
-Breast cancer:Fatty food and alcohol drinks.
-Lung cancer :arsenic in drinking water.
-colorectal and renal cancer :Red meat, fatty food, and processed meat.
Note that prevention of cancer is those actions we take to lower the risk of getting cancer. These actions include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding exposure to those things that can lead to cancer, and taking medicines or vaccines that can prevent cancer from developing.
Cancer of the breast in the most common among many other kinds of cancer.
Women are prone to developing lumps in one or both breasts. Studies have shown that black African women have advanced cancer (stages 3 and 4) by the time it is obvious it is cancer. Delayed visits to see a doctor is a major contributory factor. It is to raise public awareness that this Page has chosen this topic.
Women are advised to examine their breasts for unusual lumps. This examination should be done every month and preferably at the end of a menstrual period when the premenstrual fluid retention has settled. Most breast lumps are simple and not cancer. If you do notice a lump it is strongly advisable you see a doctor.
There are times when your doctor, following an examination, will consider the breast lump simple and may recommend an ultrasound scan examination. In women with other features such as pain, bloody or coloured discharge from the nipple or the nipples pointing inwards or the skin of the breasts having little dimples like an orange skin, more tests may be required to rule out cancer.
Cancer of the breast runs in certain families. If a close family member (mother or sister) has had breast cancer or died from it, it is important that you undertake self-breast examination and see a doctor should you develop any breast symptoms or signs described above. You doctor is likely to send you for a mammography (X-Ray of the breasts) and you may require a biopsy taken from the lump. If available, genetic tests may be done to see if a woman is at increased risk of developing cancer.
Early diagnosis of cancer could result in better survival and cure rates. This is a plea to young ladies and women to see a doctor should they be concerned about changes in their breasts. Prevention is better than cure and early diagnosis is associated with improved chances of survival.
Men can also develop breast cancer but this is not common.
Here are some simple tips you can adopt in your daily life!
1. No to refined oil
2. No to milks of animal origin (nido)
3. No to cubes
4. No to the consumption of the gasified juices of the different breweries (32 pieces of sugar per liter)
5. No refined sugars
6. No Microwave
7. No to mammography before delivery but echomamaire
8. No to too tight bras or after returning to work
9. No alcohol
10. No for reheating frozen meals
11. No to the conservation of water in the refrigerator in plastic bottles
12. All contraceptive pills are not good because they change the woman’s hormonal system and give cancer.
13. Deodorants are dangerous especially used after shaving.
14. Cancer cells eat mainly sugar, everything is synthetic sugar even brown.
15. A cancer patient who suppresses sugar in his diet sees his disease regressed and can live long: sugar = deadly enemy
16. A glass of beer is made 5 hours in the body and during this time the organs of the system are operating at idle speed.
1. Vegetables
2. Honey in measured quantities in place of sugar
3. Vegetable proteins such as beans versus meat
4. Two glasses of water on an empty stomach before brushing teeth, water kept in the room having the same temperature as we woke up
5. Unheated Meals
6. One of the best ways on how to protect yourself from cancer is to be takinv anti cancer juice: aloe vera + ginger + parsley + celery + promaline (middle of the pineapple) mix and drink on an empty stomach.
7. Other anti-cancer juice: corossol (seedless) + promaline.
8. Eat the raw or cooked carrot or juice each day.
The association of American doctors has given answers to the cause of cancer
1. Do not drink tea in a plastic cup (cup).
2. Do not eat anything hot in a paper or plastic bag. Example: potato (fried).
3. Do not cook microwavable foods using plastic material
*As a reminder:*
When plastic is in contact with heat, this creates chemicals that can cause 52 types of cancer.
*This message is better than 100 unnecessary SMS.*
Inform your loved ones in order to be free from these effects.
*? Avoid drinking Coca Cola on pineapple or after you have eaten pineapple as a dessert.*
Do not mix pineapple juice with Coca.
*This mixture is deadly!* People are dying there and they mistakenly believe that they were poisoned …. They were victims of their ignorance of this fatal cocktail!
Dr. Richard from the United States.
*Important Health Tips:*
? Answer calls to the left ear.
? Do not take your medication with cold water ….
? Do not eat heavy meals after 5 pm.
? Drink more water in the morning, less at night.
? Do not lie down immediately after taking medication or after meals.
? When your phone’s battery is low at the last bar, do not answer the phone, because the radiation is 1000 times more powerful.
? Can you pass this on to the people you love?
Hope this article on how to protect yourself from cancer is helpful?
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