IT’S OKAY TO CRY SEASON 2: Episode 11-20


Season 2. Episode 19

“Thank you, Jason said after taking few spoons.
“You’re welcome, Hope replied and stood up to give him water but he stopped her and did it himself..

“This is not the restaurant, I can do it, he said smiling at her and she settled down not knowing what to say.
“I’m Jason, he broke the silence looking at her.

“Hope, she replied.
“Nice to meet you Hope. I actually came down from the states with Palesa, she’s the daughter of my mom best friend and we grew up together. Her father was involved in a fatal accident about a month ago, so I decided to come say hi to him and have a look in your country, Jason said and Hope nodded looking at her food.

“Hey are you a shy type? Jason asked raising her chin.
“Not really, just that I don’t know what to say, she replied..

“Okay should I tell you what to say? He asked.
“Okay, she replied.

“Can I know more about you? Jason asked and the door opened.
They turned and saw the twins walked in,
“Welcome, Hope said to them and they pretended to be cool when they saw Jason..

“Thank you. You again? They asked Jason going to him, and he stood up with his hand stretched for a handshake.
“You’re welcome, I came here looking for Palesa, he replied.

“She isn’t here? Favor asked.
“No, I think she must be in the restaurant but I don’t think I can trace that place, Jason replied.

“There’s no problem, I’ll call my mom and let her know you’re here. But why are you sitting on the dinning? Faith asked.
“Actually I was keeping her company, he replied..

“Oh no come sit here, I’ll let my mom know you’re waiting here, Faith said.
“Alright, Jason said going with Faith while Favour gave an angry face to Hope and went in.

“Hello mom, this guy of yesterday is here, he came looking for Palesa, Favour called in her room..
“Seriously? Palesa where is Jason? Anastasia asked her.

“Jason? I left him at home, where is he? Palesa asked back.
“Okay just keep him company i’ll be back, Anastasia said.

“Actually Hope was keeping him company before we came back, Favour said.
“What! Don’t let her go close to him, I’ll be there right away, Anastasia said and dropped the call.

“What’s wrong? Palesa asked.
“We need to go now, I thought that foolish girl left but she’s at home with Jason as we speak, Anastasia replied.

“What! Palesa shouted, but Anastasia quickly called up the girls to give them orders while Palesa already hurried to the car to wait for Anastasia.

“What’s all this? I thought you send her away best? palesa said in the car.
“I asked her to go believe me, but that girl is nothing but trouble to me. She’s too stubborn, Anastasia replied.

“G0sh! Palesa said breathing hard and Anastasia looked at her.
“Relax okay, she said.

“Relax? Just when I wanted separating them they are at close range together and you want me to relax? Palesa asked.
“I understand, but trust me when I say she won’t have Jason, is a promise, Anastasia replied.

Soon they drove in and they hurriedly went in and saw Jason with the twins,
“Jason, Palesa called out and hugged him before he could say anything.
“You didn’t tell me you’re here, Palesa said looking around but Hope was not in sight.

“The house was lonely so I left to look for you thinking you were here, he replied.
“But you should have checked at the restaurant, she said.

“Well you told me you’re at Best place and here I am, he replied.
“Whatever, still you should have called, Palesa said.

“hello ma, sorry I disturbed, he greeted.
“No its nothing, you’re welcome, Anastasia replied and her twins used eye contact to tell her where Hope is.

“So palesa are you going home now? Anastasia asked.
“Yes, sorry for stressing you, she replied.

“Wait, so soon? He asked.
“Yes, she left the restaurant because of you and I have to attend to dad you know, Palesa replied.

“Okay if you say so, please where is she? He asked Faith.
“Who? Faith replied.

“I mean the girl I was with before you walked in, I wanted greeting her before I leave, he said.
“Oh she went out, she won’t be back soon, Favour replied.

“Is that so? Okay please send my greetings to her, bye, Jason said.
“We will do that, bye, the twins replied and they went out.

“Don’t worry ma, I’ll drive her home, Jason said and that was when they noticed there was a car parked outside.
“Okay Best, we will go home from here, thank you, Palesa said hugging her.

“Sorry we didn’t get to talk, Anastasia said.
“There’s no problem, at least I ate that dish, Palesa replied smiling.

“And you didn’t take me along, Jason came in.
“My bad, am sorry, Palesa replied.

“Don’t worry tomorrow, I’ll keep something sweet and we will talk better, Anastasia said.
“Till then, bye, Palesa said and Jason opened the door for her.

“Thank you, she whispered and he got in and drove off.
Anastasia got inside and saw her twins watching the cable,
“Where is she? She asked.

“Inside, they replied and she went in to see Hope sitting on the bed.
“Welcome mom, she greeted.

“Why are you still here? Anastasia asked..
“I am in my mom place, if you really want me to go, please throw my things out. For Christ sake mom what can I do to make you accept me? Should i serve you as a waitress or your maid? Don’t worry I’ll abandon my studies and do it, Hope said getting up and Anastasia scoffed.

“You really think I will ever accept you? Never, Hope don’t even think of it because it will never happen so stop wasting your time, Anastasia replied.
“Well no problem, but just give me a little time so i can work to have your acceptance, if i can’t then I’ll just accept my fate, Hope said.

“Hope get your things out of my house, safe me this stress and leave! I want you to go and i promise you I’ll be so happy, Anastasia replied and Hope licked her lips.
“Why are you always taking me away from my family? She asked.

“Your family isn’t here Hope, can’t you see? Anastasia asked..
“Then where are there? Hope asked back..

“I don’t know, you may find them in your fathers place, please just go, Anastasia replied and left the room and Hope let herself freely on the bed.
“Now what Hope? She asked herself and heaved………….

Entering in they met with Julia,
“Welcome mom, are you just back? Palesa asked after giving her a peck and Jason did same.
“Yeah i just got In, am sure you went to see Anastasia right? Julia asked..

“Yea, she was quite busy over there so we decided to come back early to let her concentrate, Palesa replied.
“Am glad to here that, Julia said and the cook approached them.

“Will you love to eat now ma? She asked.
“No no, I gat snacks already, Julia replied.

“Nah that will be later i guess, palesa replied and Jason shook his head when he was asked too and the cook left.
“I know Anastasia must have stocked your belly up, Julia said and they smiled.

“But ma, why is she not staying with her husband? Jason asked.
“Its a long story. Actually she was married but divorced now, Julia asked.

“Sorry am curious, but why? Jason asked.
“Ermmm… Her husband wanted a male child but Anastasia gave birth to 5 females, so that led to a divorce when Her husband got another lady pregn@nt who gave him a male child. She decided to leave, Julia replied.

“But Best told me she has 4 kids and all females, Palesa said.
“She has 2 set of twins, and her last child was born the same day with you and in the same hospital….. What was that her name again?… Yes Hope, that was the baby name. But something happened, she was kidnapped when she was 3 years and no heard from her again, Julia replied.

“Did you just say the baby name was Hope? Jason asked and Julia nodded.
“I guess she didn’t want to talk about it, alright enough of the talk, I’ll so check on my husband and have my rest, Julia said getting up.

“Alright mom, They said…………..

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