L. O. V. E More Than Four Letters: Episode 31-The End

?? L. O. V. E ??

???(More than four letters_ Silverado high school)???

? Chapter thirty seven ?


NEPA disappointed big time yesterday and my phone was dead, that’s why I couldn’t post yesterday’s evening… Biane

? Tessa ?

“Appa, shouldn’t we go shopping today?”

“Really?, You’ll go shopping?”

“Yes, at the mall” I replied cheerfully, I dunno why but I feel happy for no reason today

“I can take you Noona” Jason said


“Anytime” he replied

“No I want to go with dad” I replied bluntly

“You’re so stubborn, I give up then, I’ll just go chill somewhere” Jason replied

” Are you angry?, Oh Jason, don’t behave like a baby, I’ve always gone to places with you and now I want to go out with dad too, huh?”

“I’m ok with it, just be back before I start missing you” he replied

” Oh such a cutie, can’t wait to see what you look like” I replied

” You’ll be really shocked cos I’m very handsome, you’d have seen the handsomeness trait in my hyung, Teddy is very handsome too” he replied

“minister Zhao said we’ll see a donor before the end of this month” dad said

” Chincha?”

” Deh”

” I’m so happy!, No wonder I’m very happy since morning, let’s go shopping!” I exclaimed in excitement


We got to the mall and I couldn’t hide my excitement, I mentioned all what I wanted and dad got them including raw pork and kimchi, I really crave for omelette rice, I’ve not tasted it since we came here

When we finished up, we were heading out when dad said he needs to use the restroom

“Go on in but don’t keep me waiting” I said

“Just stay here, I won’t take long” he replied as he helped me lean on the car

I suddenly can’t feel my bracelet on my wrist again

? Olly ?

I landed in China since yesterday and I got a house for myself already, i should have gone to see Tessa since yesterday but fear won’t let me, this is unlike me but what can I do when I don’t think I can do it?

I summoned a little courage today as I stared at her address that Teddy gave me

I sighed and got in the car

I started the drive to her house, hoping silently that this will go well

But passing by a mall, my eyes suddenly caught sight of the back view of a girl, if I’m not hallucinating, this looks like the back view of Tessa, she’s leaning on a car, her long hair flowing freely

Just as if to confirm my suspicion, she faced my direction and my heart skipped a beat, it’s her! Tess!, It’s really her!

She looks helpless and beautiful as ever though one look at her white eyeballs, you’ll know she can’t see

I dunno when I started crying as I stared

She became like this cos of me, I caused all these, I’m such a j.erk!, I’m a ba$tard!

Now that I think of it, I’m really a badluck, nothing good happened to her when i was with her, shouldn’t I just leave her to be in peace?, Who knows what bad thing will happen when I show up in her life again???

And I’m scared, I can’t even face her, it’s cowardly right?, But it’s the truth, I dunno how to face her, I wiped my tears and made to step on the gas and drive away but almost immediately, I saw her searching the ground with her hands for something

What can she be searching for?, She rummaged the ground till she got to the main road and just at the time, a car is coming her direction

My adrenaline shot into action immediately

I jumped out of the car and ran to her with just six big steps

I pulled her out of the road and in the process, I fell and she fell on top of me, I held her head to my chest

We stayed like that for about two minutes before I let her go

She searched for my face with her hands as we layed down and rubbed my cheeks

“Oliver?” She called and my heart Started palpitating

” Oh …no…I’m Wyatt, not Oliver” I replied, though I dunno why I lied

” Oh I’m sorry” she replied

I stared at her now blind eyes and fought back my tears

I helped her up but she bent down and started searching the ground frantically again

“What are you searching for?”

“My bracelet, I can’t lose my bracelet” she said and started crying

My heart just kept pounding, she’s like this cos of s bracelet?

I searched with my eyes and found it just beside the car and when I took it, my eyes widened, it’s the one I gave her!, I noticed she still has the earrings on her ears too, she still kept them?, Then she must have been waiting for me?, Why did I lie about my true identity?

“Did you find it?” She asked

“Oh, yes” I replied and fixed it tightly on her wrist

” Is it very important?” I asked

“It’s the most important property I have” she replied

” Oh”

“and I’m sorry for mistaking you for Olly, your body scents are just the same and your cheekbones are same, your voices are somehow similar too” she said, tugging at her wrist

” Oh, it’s ok” I replied though I’m dying inside

” Thanks for saving me, I’m Tessa by the way” she said

“Like I said, I’m …… Wyatt” I replied as if something is in my throat

Just then, I saw Mr Robert coming out of the mall, I should have rushed away but he has already seen me

He stood glued to his spot and stared at me intently


“shhhh” I hushed, placing my second finger between my lips

” Tess I’ll be back” I said and made to go

“Excuse me but don’t call me Tess, I’m Tessa” she said


“Only one person has the right to call me that” she replied and my heart skipped a beat, I know she’s refferring to me

“I’ll be cautious about that” I replied as I rushed to Mr Robert

“Olly how did you…

” I made a mistake, I introduced myself to her as Wyatt, not Olly” I said silently

“what!, Wae?, She has been waiting for you since all these days, how come you came now and Introduced yourself as another person?, Olly when did you wake up?”

” Just last week and don’t bother to ask about the chairman cos he’s dead, Nora, Julian and the other ev1l doers died in agony, I won’t be able to give details right now” I rushed

” But it’s still wrong to introduce yourself as another person, she’ll be disappointed if she finds out after she regains her sight” he said

” I thought…I thought I’m a badluck, I thought everything won’t be alright again once I’m with her, I was scared, honestly I did it without thinking” I replied

” What do you plan on doing?”

” I’ll keep acting like Wyatt till she finds a donor”

” Minister Zhao assured us that we might find a donor before the end of this month, we don’t have much time Left, are you sure you’re ready to face her anger once she finds out after regaining her sight?

“It’s ok, I even want her to be angry at me, I want her to punch me and $lap me or just kick me, I’m ready to take her anger, anything, I’ll take it” I said sincerely

He sighed heavily as he walked to waiting Tessa

” I’m back Tessa” he said

“Appa, you took so long, I almost got hit by a car if not for… Wyatt” she complained

Mr Robert faced me and I smiled

“thanks Wyatt” he said

“Oh Wyatt, you’re still here, that’s my dad Mr Robert” she said and I smiled

“he has introduced himself already, I need to be on my way right now”

“Can’t you come over to our house this evening for dinner?, To thank you for saving me, you can’t refuse” she said, regally as usual

I smiled

” Sure, I’ll be there by seven”

“It’s street twenty seven, phase four” she said

” Copied” I replied despite the fact that I know it already

“Bye Wyatt” she waved

“We’ll be expecting you” Mr Robert said and left with her

I sighed, I know this will end well

? Sam ?

Korea ?

I jumped round my room as I just finished talking to Violet, just how did the love bug bite me unknowingly?

I’m still confused about it, but it’s a good thing

Well the BVS making an announcement about Their new band name(BVS) today and Violet as the new band member, it’ll be live so I get to watch it

As for we the GOLDS,we won’t be doing anything until Olly arrives with Tessa

I put on the TV to the entertainment channel and it’s just at the nick of time

Interviewer: so miss Violet, we heard you’re a twin sister to the late Violet?

Violet: sure, we bear the same name cos of how we resemble each other so much

Interviewer: I get that, so how do you feel about joining the BVS?

Violet: I feel on top of the world, but I’ve always been there

Interviewer: can you please enlighten us about that statement?, You’ve always been there?

Violet: it’s not for today

Interviewer: so any boyfriend?

Violet: yes he asked me out just three days ago and I said yes!

Interviewer: that’s sweet, and miss Berry, what do you feel about your new band name?

Berry: it’s actually cool

Interviewer: miss Sona, any soulmate?

Sona: no, I’m still an SSS

Interviewer: meaning?

Sona: single still searching

Interviewer: so when should the fans be expecting your next song?

Violet, Berry, Sona: anytime soon

I smiled as I watched em, they’re so adorable, especially Violet and you know why

My phone suddenly beeped, it’s a message from Violet

? Come to the GOLDS private clubhouse right now, the BVS will be hanging out together with you guys

I chuckled in excitement as I ran upstairs to get changed


I got there and everyone is present already

“We’re about to make a video call to Mr Robert” Sam said

“Oh really?”

I sat with them as the call connected and we can visibly see Mr Robert and Tessa

Teddy: hi Tessa, hi Mr Robert

Mr Robert: Teddy how come you guys are just calling, since all these days

Garett: we’re so sorry, we were scared late Nora would try to trace the calls

Tessa: late Nora?

Tamara: Bess, didn’t Olly tell you?

Tessa: Olly?, Is Olly awake?, Is he out of coma?, How is he?, Is he Fine?, Where is he?

Mr Robert: I’ll call you guys back in a jiffy

He disconnected the call after that

“What’s happening?” Dino asked no one in particular

” Did Olly not get to her yet?” Sona said

“I think so, he might still be scared” Loretta said

” I know right?, That coward” I replied

Violet stood up and came to me, she pecked my cheeks suddenly and I blushed as everyone gasped

“WTF just happened???” Tamara asked

“Well I’m no longer an SNS, I’m now TBMS” I replied

“Meaning?” They all chorused

” Taken By My Soulmate” I replied and pecked her back as they all started laughing

? Tessa ?

I suddenly can’t hear their voices again

“Why is Anyone not talking?” I asked

“I disconnected the call” dad replied

I started crying

“Appa, why will you disconnect?” I asked in tears

“Just look at you, at the mention of Olly, you started getting emotional, just look at your eyes soaked with tears already” he replied and I hugged him

” I miss Olly, I miss him so much, too much daddy” I said

He wiped my tears

” I know daughter but tears won’t solve anything like you know, and you just have to make sure you’re fine before we find a donor, you know we’ll probably find one this month” he said and I nodded as the doorbell sounded

“That must be Wyatt” I announced

I dunno why but there’s something about him that reminds me about Olly, actually many things, body scent, their resembling voices and all

“Hi Tessa”

“Hi, you came”

“I had no choice” he replied

“Good evening Mr Robert” he greeted

“Same here Wyatt” dad replied as we proceeded to the dinning room where the maid already cooked dinner, my best food

We started eating in silence and dad went upstairs after some minutes

I remembered when Olly was feeding me back then in Korea, I smiled at the thought of it, but when i thought about the fact that he’s not here with me, I couldn’t fight back my tears

“Hey why are you crying?” Wyatt asked

“I’m just reminiscing about something” I replied, wiping my tears

” What?”

“You know, there’s someone, he once fed me with this same food, when I wanted to decline, do you know what he said?” I asked

” He said you can’t refuse his rĀ©mantic feeding” he replied and my heart skipped a beat, I stood up abruptly

“How did you know the exact words?”

“I’m, I’m…. just good at rĀ©mantic words” he replied

” I see”

I made to sit down again but my butt missed the chair and I fell

He rushed to me and helped me up, my nose caught the scent of his body again

“How can your body scent be exactly like Olly’s?”

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