Chapter 18

Leighton Elementary School.

Ella was in class..
It’s leisure time and they decided to stay in to discuss about some little childish stuffs.

“I just love how my mum moved in this morning,, dad kssed her cheeks”
Ella blushed.
Alina grinned.

“I’m happy for you friend, then you too will be able to flaunt ya Mom when other are flaunting theirs”
Alina said.

“yes,, I’m damn Happy”
Ella replied.

“I can’t wait to have a little one”
Ella giggled.

“small babies are cure and also anonying, you won’t believe Jessie was crying because I refused to eat a leftover pizza”
Alina coughed.

Jessie is Alina’s younger sister.
“I want that too,, I guess I’ll tell Mom”
Ella pouted.

“The earlier, the better”
Alina said and they stucked hands.

” We’re actually legends”
Ella laughed cutely.
Alina Joined.

“What’d you think? ”
Alina winked childishly.

“thanks bess”

“you’re welcome,, always and everyday”

Ella just got back from school..
She screamed her lungs out.

Lisa replied from the kitchen..
Ella ran to her as she sighted her and hugged her legs up to her tiny wait encircling her on her tempting butts.

Lisa bent down to her size and kssed her hair.

“How was school?”
Lisa asked

“Good Mom,, I learned many things”
Ella grinned.

“Awesome you’re gonna tell. Me everything once you finished eating your lunch,, c’mon go take off your uniform”
Lisa Smiled.
Ella nodded and ran out of the kitchen.

The maids widened their eyes.
“So, Ella can be this soft”
They murmured.

“Even beyond soft,, she always obey her commands”

“I’m shocked”

“same here”
They chattered as they watched her chop the Onions fastly like an expertised chef.

“Get me the steaks.

“ok ma’am..

Ella was fast asleep on Lisa laps..

She told her she wanted to watch the end of Elena Of Avaldor but she ended dozing off.

She balanced he neck and carried her on her shoulder.

Lisa wore her flip-flops and gently took Ella to her room..
She locked the door after tucking her in

“Why is he not back?”
She thought..
A notification entered her phone..

? Goodnight sissy..
That was from Trini..

? Sleep tight Love ??
Lisa texted and sent it

She slipped he phone into her pygamas pocket and went to sit on the couch in the living room.

She switched the TV station to Kix..
“All Of Us Are Dead”
She read out the title..

“It’s gonna be interesting”
She smiled and laid on the couch facing the television.

Sometimes she covered her eyes because of the scary scenes..

The movie was becoming interesting until the episode ended.

She muttered…

She switched it to another station..
The movie showing there was an h©rror movie..

She held the throw pillows tight..
The Dragon was moving to the girl and it suddenly tore her apart..

She screamed and ran out of the living room..

She jumped on Reece who was just coming from his office..

She held his body tight and clung tight not ready to let go..

“Are you okay?”
Reece asked.

“Ghost, Dragon..
She kept blabbing.


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