By Terri Savage



Thomas eyes opened the next morning and discovered himself on the floor.

He looked up and his eyes widened when he saw someone cuddling his wife.

He observed closely and discovered it was Henry.

Thomas started wondering how he ended up sleeping on the floor when he was sleeping on the bed last night and when did Henry came to sleep with them.

He stood there, placing his hand on his chin. He knows the kind of son he had and this might be one of his doing.

“Henry!!” Thomas called out loud.

Joyce was the first person to wake up, she was surprised when she saw Thomas standing, she looked at the hand holding her down and found out Henry was the one cuddling her.

She was shocked on how it happened cos last night Thomas was the one cuddling her and not Henry and when did he even came into the room.

“Baby” Joyce tapped Henry on his arm.

Henry groaned sleepily before opening his eyes.

“Mum” He called rubbing his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” Joyce asked, her eyes intently on Thomas who has a smirk on his face.

“To sleep beside you” Henry replied and looked side way to find Thomas.

“Good morning best dad in the whole world” Henry said blinking cutely.

“Henry you pushed me off the bed last night just to cuddled my wife, the woman I spent time and money on, are you jealous of me to the extent of dragging your mum with me?” Thomas asked.

” There’s love in sharing, you have been cuddling her for years now, she is my mum and there’s no harm in you helping a brother” Henry replied.

Joyce started laughing.

” Henry!!, you” Thomas pointed a finger at him, he jumped on the bed with the intention of pouncing on him but Henry was a step ahead of him, he quickly jumped out of the bed and Thomas ended up meeting the empty space.

” Mum, I love you” He shouted and ran out.

Thomas stood up and went after him.

Henry looked back and saw Thomas coming for him, he increased his pace till he got to his room, he quickly opened the door and went in, locking the door immediately.

Thomas got there and tried pushing the door but found out it was locked.

“I hate you son” He said and walked away.

Henry rested on the door with his back, smiling and at the same time panting heavily.

Hilliary eyes opened when the noise reached his ears.

His caught Henry resting his back on the door.

He was about to say something but Henry moved closer and fell directly on him.

“Twin bro I love you” Henry said wrapping his hands around him.

“Are you okay? where did you sleep last night? ” Hilliary asked.

“In my parents room”.

“Why are you breathing heavily then?”.

Henry smiled.

“I pushed my dad off the bed yesterday and cuddled my mum instead, he slept on the floor, he woke up today and chased me out” Henry replied.

” Why will you do something like that?” Hilliary asked admist laughter.

” We are both ¢razy hope you know that?” Henry said.

“Yeah I know”.

“Then kss me” Henry said and started going for his lips.

Hilliary quickly pushed him away.

“Id!ot, practice that gay spirit with someone, I can’t leave pssy for some dry a$s” Hilliary said and stood.

Henry rolled on the bed laughing.

“Let’s bath together” Henry suggested.

“My dk is for my future girlfriend” Hilliary said.

” Coming from someone whose dk is a public magazine”.

” Still I’m better than you, ain’t trying to practice gay..”

Henry took his half shoe and stoned Hilliary but he fastly dodged and entered the bathroom.

” Fk you”.

Henry stood up from the bed and picked his half shoe, he wore it and left his room.

When he got outside he looked left and right before he started descending the stairs.

He went straight to the kitchen and hugged Joyce from behind.

“Baby” Joyce called.

“Yes mum”.

“You should be preparing for school, you wanna be late?” Joyce asked.

“I just wanted to check what you were doing, my friend slept here” He said

“The Nigerian guy?” She asked.

“Yes, you will like him”.

“Go and take your bath and come down with him for breakfast” She said.

” Okay mum” He said and left.



Henry and Hilliary were all done, they stood before the mirror styling their hair to perfection.

” I am so cute” Hilliary said touching his face.

” But not an inch to me” Henry replied.

Hilliary scoffed and walked to the bed.

” You’re leaving?”.

” Then are we going to stay here forever?” Hilliary replied going for the door.

” My people he is jealous cos I’m more handsome than him” Henry took his bag and rushed out.

They went downstairs together.

Joyce was setting the table when they got there.

She look up and her eyes fell on Hilliary.

Henry took his hand and led him to the table.

“Mum” Hilliary called and Joyce blinked.

He surprised her more when he hugged her, Henry saw the surprise look on her face and chuckled.

“You’re so cute” Hilliary said pulling her cheeks.

Joyce smiled and touched his hair.

“Eat both of you, you don’t wanna be late” Joyce said.

They settled down and began eating, shortly Thomas walked downstairs.

“Is that your dad?” Hilliary asked slowly.

Henry nodded.

Immediately Thomas got to the table, Hilliary stood up and hugged him.

“Morning dad”.

Thomas stood puzzled, Joyce who was coming back from the kitchen saw the scene and started laughing.

“Who is he Henry?” Thomas asked.

“My twin bro”.

“When did you become a twin?, we only gave to you” Thomas asked.

Henry stood up and hugged him.

” We love you daddy” The boys said at the same time.



Summer woke up some minutes later but she’s still on the bed, she hasn’t made any attempt of coming down.

Her head is a house full of thoughts now.

She remembered the dream she had yesterday and her mind has been on it since she woke up.

And mostly it’s disturbing her, like there’s something special about it.

“You should change to a better person” The voice echoed in her head again.

She held her head and groaned.

A gentle knock came on her door and she knew who was knocking.

“I will call you when I’m done” Summer said.

She could heard retreating footsteps.

She strlpped herself before entering the bathroom.

“Can I really change?” She muttered as she entered the bathtub.


Summer walked downstairs and a maid mistakenly bumped into her.

She quickly went on her knees.

“Miss please punish me I’m sorry” The maid said.

She wanted to react but the voice echoed in her head again.

“Fk” She groaned.

“Be careful next time, you can go” She said and walked away.

The maid couldn’t believe her eyes, did.. did Summer just allowed it slide.

” What happened, did she really allow you to go freely?” Another who was watching moved closer.

“Maybe she didn’t have her usual meeting with the devil last night”.

Summer finished eating and took her bag to leave when Audrey called her back.

“Mum, good morning”.

“So you wouldn’t have greeted me if I didn’t come downstairs right?” Audrey asked.

“I thought you went to the office already” Summer replied.

“The vice president will soon be coming back and the most interesting part is that he will be joining lake high school ” Audrey said happily.

” And how is that my concern mum?” Summer rolled eyes.

” You will know soon” Audrey said.

” Bye ” Summer said and left.

Audrey smirked before dialling a number.


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