By Terri Savage


Vicky started walking towards him, she recognized his face cos Collins showed her his face.

She got to him and Henry faced her boldly.

“Henry Kitchen right?” She asked.

“Yes ma’am, good..” A sI.ap landed on his face and everyone gasped.

She sI.apped him again, shocking Henry more.

” How dare you beat up my son, didn’t you know whose son he is?” She yelled.

” The last time I checked he is just a vice president’s son.

” Summer belongs to him, she will soon be engage to him, stay away from her if you want to stay in this school”.

” I can see where he got his foolishness from” He said and she gasped.

She raised up her hand to his cheek but he grabbed it.

” SI.ap me again and I will pull out the respect I have for you.

Get this into your little brain vice president’s wife, Summer can’t be your son’s property, I owned her and only me she loves.

Stop being stupid and educate your son, $crew you” Henry said and she roughly removed her hand from him.

In the process she started falling as she missed a step cos of her heels.

All eyes widened.

Before she will fell, someone grabbed her in a bridal style.

The students gasped again.

Hilliary smirked.

“You’re beautiful and you have a cute son but sadly you two are brainless”.

Vicky gasped again…….


Cameras started clicking and some of the students started making videos.

Vicky pvshed Hilliary away and immediately her guards rushed there and tried attacking Henry but it didn’t take two minutes before they were groaning on the ground.

Vicky stared at them unbelievably.

“You should hired better people as guards not dogs like this” Henry said.

“You will regret this” Vicky said and started walking to the principal’s office.

? Henry is a bada$s

?I love how they fight

?I love you guys

Summer secretly winked at Henry before heading the same way Vicky took.

“Guys, you really did that to the vice president’s wife? are you not afraid of what she might do?” Blake asked.

” Afraid of what? what can she do, she has nothing to do, she can only bark like a toothless dog” Henry said.

” Vawulence is life” Hilliary said and they stuck hands.

” Seniors” Dorathy greeted.

” Our wife” Henry smiled.

” Dorathy” Blake replied.

” See you guys in class” Hilliary said and walked away with her.

Lex just walked to the class.

Blake faced Henry and hung his hand on his neck.

” When will you have a girlfriend?” Blake asked.

“I love you, can we date?” Henry replied with a funny smile.

“You want us to date?” Blake asked but immediately he saw Hailey coming in.

He quickly left Henry and walked the her.

“Hey baby” He smiled.

Hailey rolled eyes at him.

“Annoying je.rk” She said and continued walking.

Blake suddenly carried her.

“Hey put me down, people are watching”.

” I don’t mind darling” Blake replied.

“Blake!, Blake!” Hailey shouted, throwing her legs in the air.

Just as she said earlier, students started murmuring about them.

Henry laughed as he started taking her to the class.



Vicky enters the principal’s office furiously.

Mrs Barrett looked up immediately.

“Her Excellency” Mrs Barrett said.

“I want him expelled” Vicky screamed angrily.

Mrs Barrett gave her a confused glance.

“Who are you talking about?” Mrs Barrett asked.

“Henry Kitchen, he beat up my son, he almost klled her, if you look at Collins face right now you won’t recognize him again” Vicky yelled, her tiny veins showing on her neck.

” Please calm down” Mrs Barrett said.

” And who are you to order the principal to expelled Henry?” Summer asked, walking in.

They turned to her.

” Summer” Vicky called but Summer faced Mrs Barrett.

” Try expelling Henry and I will be leaving this school, that brainless son of yours tried to mole$t me in a restroom in New York.

He even forcefully kssed me, he was lucky Henry didn’t kll him” Summer snapped.

” Summer, I’m your mum best friend” Vicky said.

” I know, you can’t be different when you are my mum’s best friend, your brains are filled with wires” Summer said.

Vicky hit the table angrily.

” Know your place little girl, I will not allow you to insult me, are you expelling him or not?” Vicky asked, facing the principal.

” I’m sorry the governor has the biggest share in this school, I can’t do that unless he gave the approval” Mrs Barrett said.

” Fools, you will regret this” Vicky glared at Mrs Barrett and Summer before storming out of the office.

Summer smiled at Mrs Barrett.

“Nothing will happen to you ma’am” She said smiling cutely.

Mrs Barrett nodded with a smile.



Brandon took Angel in his hands as he started walking out with her but suddenly..

“Baby, is mum not coming back forever?” She asked with a sad look.

A tear drop from Brandon’s eye but he quickly wiped it away but Angel saw it.

“Baby, I’m sorry for making you to cry, I promise I will take care of you okay” Angel said and Brandon found himself smiling.

“I will be strong for you and mummy, though I miss her”.

“My baby is growing up, I like that, mummy will be happy wherever she is ” Brandon smiled.

“I love you” Angel said.

“I love you too” He replied.

Cassie who was about twisting the door knob heard the the last statement and her heart started beating fast.

Jealousy started taking over her.

“He loves someone else” She said hurtfully and didn’t know when tears started coming out.

She has figured out her feelings for me but minding the condition around him, she decided to hide her feelings.

She was afraid to love again cos for what her ex boyfriend did to her but everything change the moment she started hanging out with him.

Her feelings for him started growing slowly before surfacing now but right now she is heartbroken he loves another person.

She was heartbroken beyond imagination, listening to someone you love telling another person how he loves the person.

She sadly walked back to her car and drove away.


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