



Episode 23

By Ayo Omolayo

I sat down at the balcony. I loved to look at the pool and the trees around my estate. Also, the natural air felt good on my skin. It was much better than all the air conditioning I was used to. Once in a while, here was a taste of nature without human manipulation.

“Cris! I thought you might love some tea, so I made one for you!” Evelyn said as she joined me on the balcony, holding a tray in her hands.

I didn’t love being called madam and I told her to call me by my name. So don’t be shocked my maid calls me by my name.

“Thanks!” I said with a feigned smile, just to encourage her. I was taken her kind gesture.

She returned the smile and left.

I took a few sips and dropped the mug. I was still trying to get over the hurt from the previous day. My mentor and her daughter left last night, but promised to be paying a visit this morning. My younger sister stayed with me.

Tunde Akintola, her husband was coming to get her this morning. I really wished she could stay longer. I’ve missed her so much.

She joined me on the balcony and sat beside me.

“How are you feeling now!” She asked.

“How should I feel? I’m not different from you!” I replied.

Her eyes widened in surprise and then a smile followed.

“It’s in our blood!” She replied grinning.

My sister dated a guy who also tried to access my father’s wealth through the relationship. I threw alot of blame on her when his plans were exposed. It’s a long story that would take the entire year to explain.

I had always been the perfect big sister. She was the one bringing all the trouble home. I had to handle all her mess. I threw all the blames on her and never accepted a fault.

Now here I was, repeating what my sister did a few years ago. Sounds great to say it’s in our blood.

“So how are you feeling?” She asked and I replied with a shrug.

“I feel like an idiot! I was fooled for two years. Gave my money thinking I was investing in my future. Helped his crashing company to where it is now thinking I was loved. Hmmm! This life!”

“I can relate to that! Mine was much worse! The trouble I brought on this family was too big. Our lives almost went for it. God came to the rescue, even when we were so undeserving” Sharon said and chuckled.

“That’s why till tomorrow, untill God points that this is your husband, don’t go into any relationship with anybody. Because the bible says in Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Except God, no one knows the heart of man. Chris was a fake lover and for two solid years no one could catch him. How did he achieve it? This guy is a professional. Hmmm! He came prepared to ruin your life.

Just one thing saved you. The prayers of Mrs Thompson! That was your escape route. You were ready to die for him. You even sacrificed your relationship with God just to be his wife. This was too much! His Adacadabra really worked beyond human comprehension”.

“Sharon! You’re not comforting me at all! You’re only reminding me of how I wasted 2years of precious life on a fraudster”, I said as my eyes were getting blurry.

Sharon noticed and quickly changed the topic.

“Tun would soon be here!”

“Tun! Who’s Tun?” I asked, flowing with the distraction.

“Tunde!” She answered.

“Oh!” I feigned surprise.

I knew she was referring to her husband. I only needed something to help me get Chris off my mind, anything! The hurtful words he used on me still played subconsciously in my head.

Then my mentor. What a gift she had been to me. She loved me unconditionally and stood in the gap for me. How did I repay her? I called her a crazy woman, lied to her without feeling bad about it. How do I fix my broken life? I don’t know where to start from. I don’t think I can get a fresh start after all the things that happened.

“Sharona!” I called my younger sister.


“What do you think I should do now? Where do I go from here? I’m in such a big mess that I can’t get out of it all by myself. I don’t know what to do. Two years of my precious life wasted. Where do I get a husband now?”

Sharon chuckled and I raised an eye brow to show it was a serious conversation.

“Sorry! But the last statement you made was so funny! Where do I get a husband? Let’s go shopping sis!” She replied and started giggling.

“Please be serious. I really want to settle down maritally. I want to put an end to my singlehood days and move on with life. I’m tired of being a single lady. All my friends are getting married or about to. I’m the only one left”.

“And who said being a single lady is a bad thing?” She asked.

I exhaled and looked at her intently.

“It’s easy to say that when you’re 23 and married. You don’t know what it looks like for me, I’m 32 and not married. Very soon, I’ll be 33. I’m losing time. I’ve lost 2 years already. I want a quick route to a blissful marriage”.

Normally, I wouldn’t be sharing this with my younger sister. The age gap between the two of us always made me see her as a kid. But how she got married so fast with God’s approval and everything, baffles me. What was the secret? I’ve always believed Christian ladies took so long to get married. Hers was entirely different. What’s the secret to getting married speedily as a Christian lady?

She smiled and looked at me.

“Sis! I was already crushing on Tunde before I got born again. So it became worse for me seeing how much God used him for me and this family. My love for him grew stronger and ever before. But I knew I was threading a dangerous ground. So I decided to seek the face of God in a 3 days marathon fasting.

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I asked him to take the feelings I had for him away. Those 3 days of fasting was an intense journey into the realm of the spirit. God took me through the scriptures and gave me alot of revelations. There I knew what was wrong with me”.

“And what was that!” I asked, completely curious.

“I always thought I needed a man in my life. I needed Tunde to love me the way I did. I needed him so much that I couldn’t sleep, all because I was thinking about him. He was like the air I breathe. I just wanted to always hear his voice and be around him. He was the center of my world and happiness.

But God showed me in a scripture in Matthew 4:3. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

I was asking myself how was this a solution to my problem? Then God opened that scripture for me and there came my deliverance.

Sis, there’s this hunger in man that can never be satisfied. It’s more than a physical hunger. It’s just like a man that is thirsty. What he needs is water and you’re giving him a bottle of coke. He will drink it but he’ll still be thirsty. You give him honey, he may eat it, but still be thirsty.

Satan asked Jesus to turn stones to bread. Make bread out of stones. Jesus needed the bread of life and here was Satan suggesting he forgets the bread of life and make do with a stone. Satan was giving Jesus an alternative to the bread of life and was giving Jesus a kind of bread that has no life in it. A bread made out of stone.

That’s the problem sis. The problem is not that you need a man in your life. Truth be told you’re hungry, but going after a husband is like turning stones to bread. What you truly need is not the stony bread, but the real bread”.

“I don’t understand!”

“Hmmmmm! Sister! There’s this hunger in man that only God can satisfy. All Satan does is to provide temporary pleasure. Temporary satisfaction! He tries to channel your focus from the bread of life which is God, to the bread of stone which are your carnal appetites.

That’s why the man goes after immorality. There’s this hunger in man that only God can fill. But he doesn’t understand it is only God that can satisfy that yearning, so he turns to immorality, from one woman to the other. Yet, he’s not satisfied.

That was what the woman of Samaria was looking for. She was hungry for the living water. But Satan decieved her and made her think that a new husband was the solution to her depression. He made her believe getting a new husband was the only solution to her problems. So she left her first husband and married another man. Yet, that hunger was not quenched.

Satan deceived her further into trying another man. She kept moving from one man to another, untill they were now 5 in number. Yet, she wasn’t satisfied.

That’s the same thing today. A lot of people are so depressed and hungry that they turn to Facebook for satisfaction. They turn to porn sites to satisfy them. But all it can do is 5 minutes pleasure of masturbating and leave them hungrier. No satisfaction. So they become addicted to men, like the Samaritan woman. They become addicted to pornography, trying to quench their thirst.

They are only trying to quench their hunger with bread made out of stones. But it’s not the bread of life. That’s why the more they get married, the more they want to get married. That’s why couples are not satisfied with themselves. They want a divorce and go for a new man they think would be the solution. But after getting married, they still aren’t satisfied.

So man keeps searching for water, just as the woman did. And there was our Lord. The living water. The water that if you drink, you’ll lose interest in pornography. If you drink, you’ll lose your obsession to get married. Yes, the woman of Samaria drank of this water and she was too busy inviting all the Samaritans to come and have a drink, that she forgot her empty jar at Jacob’s well.

When you drink of this water, you’ll lose your obsession to get married and be so busy inviting people to come and drink. You’ll forget about yourself that you’re not married. Because marriage would be the last thing on your mind. Because you have drank from the water of life. Your satisfaction has been met. You no longer turn to masturbation when depressed, but to God”.

I was completely shocked by the revelation in that scripture.

To be continued…….

Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above him there’s no other.
Jesus is the way.

Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Come! All you that have been labouring for the attention of that guy you’re crushing on. Come!

Come! All you that are fed up with the attacks of the enemy on your life and family. Come!

Come! All you that have been struggling to live a holy life! Come!

Come! All you that have been scared of when would the right man come? I’m 30! I’m 35! I’m 38! I’m 40! God when am I getting married? Come!

And I will give you rest

The lecture continues tomorrow
What is the secret to getting married speedily as a Christian lady?

Find out in tomorrow’s episode



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