Episode 27
By Ayo Omolayo
“Mummy! First of all I want to apologize to you. I’m deeply sorry for all the struggles I’ve put you through! I’m not what you think I am. I am a filthy bag, filled with lies. I have so many cockroaches hidden in my cupboard. So many secrets I’ve kept from you”, I began.
She sighed and looked at me.
“Go on! I’m listening!”
I began my story from how I committed the sin against the body with Chris. How I lied he was born again and cooked up the dream that formed his convictions.
I had to pause to see the expression on her face. She wasn’t looking angry or sad either. Maybe she’s hiding her feelings.
I continued and narrated how I lied to her about my quiet time and proceeded to how she believed my lies.
For 35 seconds, she said nothing which got me scared.
“Is that all?” She asked.
“Yes! All ma! I’m truly sorry I decieved you!” I apologized.
“Cris! I had already forgiven you before you asked. I’m your mother for goodness sake. You are my daughter. Just because the child fell in the mud and got herself messed up doesn’t mean she’s going to lose her mother. A good Mom would get a bucket of water and clean up her child. She would wash her and change her clothes.
Just because the child got messed up in mid is not the end the the mother and daughter relationship! It’s even a great opportunity to show how much the mother cares for the child.
So knock it off Cris! I just don’t want to be a mother to you. I want to be the best mum in the world. I love you no matter what and I’ll always trust you! I know you’re thinking I’ll start suspecting every information you give me, whether it’s true or not! Rubbish!
Cris, you need to know what the bible calls unconditional love. I mean love that doesn’t have condition. You don’t need to be a good girl to receive it. You don’t need to lie to get a false impression and receive it. You receive it because the lover has chosen to love you no matter what”.
I bowed my head and wept. My mentor pulled out of the street and parked beside the road. Unbuckling her seat belt, she turned and faced me.
“Cris! You don’t earn unconditional love. You don’t behave yourself to receive it. You don’t have to be a good girl to have it. It’s grace! Unconditional love is well displayed when the person being loved goes astray. Cris! I didn’t love you because you are a good mentee. A faithful mentee or a mentee so easy to talk to. I love you because it is first a command from God and I must obey God whether my flesh likes it or not.
It’s just as your sister says. Love is spiritual! Love is more than emotions. Love is all about sacrifice”, she said and placed her hand on my shoulder tenderly.
“I’m so sorry!” I said admist tears.
“You never owed me an apology! Cris I have forgiven you long before now. So whatever confession you have is just to free your conscience. You don’t have to impress me with false quiet time reports to earn my love. I chose to love you no matter what”.
She pulled me to herself and leaned my head on her chest. She patted my back gently as I wept.
“It’s okay dear! I have one goal in my heart. One vision! One dream! And that is to see you feeding that crowd in your dream with the bread of life. I want to be there watching as you dish out that bread of life to your hungry generation. I want to be there watching you as you fulfill your destiny. I will never give up on you until God accomplish that in your life”.
Was this the woman I had been scared of opening up to? Was this what I had been scared of doing all these while? Look at how the Devil had enslaved me through fear? No this was purely wickedness. Satan had seriously wrecked my life. What was my offence? What did I do to the devil to deserve all these series of attacks?
“Your mission here on earth is enough to provoke him. Every person with a bright future on earth faced the same thing. Ask Moses what was his offence that Pharaoh was ready to kill all the Hebrew babies”.
“Hmmm! Cris you have started talking to yourself again!” I replied.
I drew out of my mentor’s grip and looked into her eyes.
“Mummy! I promise you one thing. You’ll be there to see it!” I said, eyes aglow with determination.
She smiled and nodded.
“Do you know how to achieve what you’ve just said?” She asked.
“I may not know how, but I won’t stop until what God had shown me becomes a reality”, I replied.
She smiled and nodded.
“I hope you’re not trying to impress me, because beginning from tomorrow you’ll start a 3 days marathon fast!”
I raised my eye brows in surprise.
“I was only joking!” She replied and burst into laughter.
I heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. But why did the word fasting, frighten me? Wasn’t I the one telling my mentor I was going to fulfill my destiny? Fasting to seek the face of God was one of the ways of accomplishing it. Why wasn’t I ready to do what it takes and fulfill my destiny as I had promised? Hmmm! When am l going to surrender to God completely?
She turned on the ignition and drove. I was completely silent all through the ride home. My mentor was also silent but soon, we arrived at the house.
We entered the house and met a lady seated comfortably on the sofa, a boy beside her. He should be in his early twenties. I saw their resemblance and noticed he was her son. He was a male version of his mother.
My mentor ran and hugged her. They started talking aloud, cheerfully. From they way they talked, I knew they had known each other from childhood.
“Oh before I forget! Please meet my daughter! One of my mentees! Christiana Kolapo!” She turned and pulled me closer.
“Cris! This is Mrs Susan George Oluwagbade. This is her son Anthony Oluwagbade!”
“Hi! Miss Cristina!” Anthony said and waved at me.
I wanted to respond but I quickly paused as I realized something. My mentor introduced me to them as Christiana. How did he know my real name? Or was that a mistake?
“Cristina! Is something wrong?” Mrs Oluwagbade asked as my expression wasn’t hidden.
“Nothing ma!” I quickly replied and looked at her, still wearing the same expression.
She also called me Cristina. Did I hear her wrongly or what? Who was this Susan of a woman? And who was her son?
“Come on girl! I know what nothing means. You have something to say but you can’t say it, so you say it’s nothing. But don’t worry, you are free to keep it to yourself!” She replied and turned to my mentor.
“I would love to see Sharona Tunde as well before I leave!” She said.
My mentor looked at her with the same shock on my face. Now it was clear what I was seeing was not made up. Who are these people?
“Who’s Sharona?” My mentor asked her.
“The lady who taught you those things you wrote down in your jotter some minutes ago”, she answered.
“Oh! You mean Sharon! Her name is Sharon!” My mentor answered.
“Ask her big sis!” She said and turned to resume her seat on the sofa.
My mentor turned to me with a questioning look.
“That’s her full name”, I answered.
She smiled and looked at her friend.
I looked at the boy and gave him the questioning look too.
He smiled and shrugged.
“How did you know my real name?” I asked.
“It’s on your forehead!” He said and turned to join his mother on the sofa.
I quickly touched my forehead to be sure I would find stains of chalk or marker on my hands.
My mentor started laughing at me.
“What?” I asked.
“I expect you to understand what is going on right now!” She replied.
“What is going on?” I asked.
She shook her head and turned to her friend.
“Tony, let’s go say hi to Joseph in his room. Susan! She’s all yours!” She said and took the boy by the hand and they both left.
I stood, eyes fixed on this strange woman. She looked at me and smiled.
“Please sit!” She said.
I quickly sat down, not taking my eyes off her.
“Did my mentor tell you about me?” I asked.
I was curious to know what was going on. How did she get to know about my sister and my real name.
“No! She only told me she was bringing one of her mentees to see me. And I told her to go ahead. That was all”, she answered.
Now I was more confused. Who is this woman? Was she a Prophetess or something?
“Cris! You’re sitting before a great general of the faith. A woman that conquered battles and won territories for God!” The inner voice said.
“Cris you have started again!” I said within me.
“Started what?”
“Talking to yourself!”
“Who told you that you are talking to yourself?” Came the gentle whisper.
“Please! I know I’m a great thinker. So don’t try to trick me!” I replied myself.
“Cris! That dream you spoke to your mentor about in the car is a great and demanding one”, she said.
My heart almost flew out of my chest. What’s going on here? Is this another Jesus telling me like the Samaritan woman everything I ever did? Please can someone help me? Who is Susan?
“Stop being scared! I know Sharona would be going back today so whatever message I have for her, I’ll send through you”, she said to my utmost surprise.
“Ma! Please don’t be offended. Who are you? Are you a prophet or something?” I asked.
She smiled and adjusted herself on the sofa.
“I’m Susan Oluwagbade. I’m a friend of your mentor. I guess that’s enough introduction”.
“Please ma! Are you a minister? Like a woman of God?” I asked.
“Cris! Whatever you think about me is yours. All you need to do is to ask God who I am!” She replied.
I looked at her with a confused look on my face.
“I don’t know how to hear from God!” I replied.
“I don’t understand! Don’t you speak with God one on one, chat with him like a friend chatting his or her bestie?” She asked.
“No!” I said and shook my head.
“Cris! But the Holy Spirit lives in you. You know that right?” She asked.
“Yes! Please ma! How do I hear the voice of God? I want to be talking with God the way you just said. Please help me! How can I hear the voice of God and know it is God talking?” I asked.
Susan smiled.
“I’ll teach you”.
To be continued………
Hmmm! Susan is back guys!
Honestly I wasn’t sure she would be back this early. I was expecting her to be back in THE GATEKEEPER, but the Lord instructed me to bring her into this story ????
If you remember, Juliet and Robert, were among those who visited Susan after she gave birth to Anthony in the story SUSAN’S REVENGE.
That was in the last episode of the story
The question has been coming to my table alot.
How can I hear the voice of God?
Can God truely interact with man just like it happens in your stories?
Yes he can! Because that’s my daily experience.
So I brought Susan to teach us how to achieve this.
I really want that kind of relationship with God Susan has. I want to be interacting with God in a conversation.
Get ready
Grab your pen and jotter!
The class begins tomorrow.
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