



Episode 70

By Ayo Omolayo

“Wait! What do you mean by you were the one who cooked the food and swept the compound? How did you enter the kitchen when you don’t know where I kept the keys?” Mummy asked.

I smiled.

“I found the hole on the wall and saw the keys there”.

“Wow! So you did all these house chores all by yourself?” She asked.

“Yes Mummy!

“I thought you were the CEO of Kolapo production company. How could you do such humiliating activities?”

“Mummy, apart from being a CEO, I’m also a child of God. And one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is meekness. Another name for meekness is humility. God has really transformed me. He has worked on my heart and made me to look exactly like him.

It’s the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes!”

“I don’t understand. You mean God was showing you everything in my house. Where to find the keys, where the soup was KEPT. Where the yam was kept and everything you needed without assistance?” She asked.

I smiled and nodded.

“Wow! This is awesome! I can’t believe I have treated you so badly. You have shown me kindness even when I treated you so badly”.

I went down on my knees and put my palms together in a plea.

“No Mummy! You were right. My behavior was wrong”.

“No my daughter stand up”, she pleaded and tried to pull me up.

Did she just called me her daughter? Wait, I think I am dreaming already. You mean that came out of her mouth by mistake, right? Yeah! That was definitely a mistake.

“No Mummy! Allow me to say what I have to say”.

“No my daughter! Stand up!” She repeated the mistake.

They said when you repeat a mistake, it’s no longer a mistake, but a…. How did they say it again? I can’t remember but wait oooo. She’s already calling me her daughter ooo! A dream I cannot wake up from.

“Mummy! Allow me to kneel down please!”

“No! The CEO of Kolapo production company cannot be kneeling to me. She should be sitting while I kneel down to greet her”, she replied.

“God forbid! Mummy! Allow me to talk na!” I pleaded and tried to struggle a little as she pulled me up to my feet. I had to allow her, as an elderly woman.

“Mummy! I’m really sorry!”

“For what? She asked.

“For not being the kind of wife you expected me to be. I was too careless. I gave the rice we bought to the goats yesterday. I dressed in a pompous way. I couldn’t put on a native attire. I was wearing red and white as if it was valentine’s day”.

“No my daughter, you were looking so beautiful. Infact to be honest with you, I liked you. I just had to support my husband. He can’t be saying something while I’m saying the opposite. I really like you the moment I saw you. I don’t know what made me to insult you. Please my daughter, can you forgive me?” She asked.


“Satan!” I answered.


“Yes ooo! She thought she was a tough woman. She no know say spiritual people are the most dangerous people to deal with. When you shout at them, they just smile. They won’t say anything. But in the night, they will address your matter and program your head overnight”, I replied smiling.

“My daughter! You don’t have to worry about my husband. I know how to talk to him and penetrate him. You won’t go back to Lagos without our blessings and approval for the marriage”, she added.

You know how we used to shout praise the Lord in churches? That was how I almost shouted it. Thank God for the fruit of the Holy Spirit called self control.

“Mummy! You know I’m still learning how to be a good wife. Aren’t you rushing too much?” I asked, smiling inwardly.

“No! You’re a good girl! You’re the best wife I have ever seen. You are a rich woman, but so humble. I can’t imagine how God could raise such a woman in our society. Rich, yet humble. We ordered you around like a nobody and you never said anything to us.

We threw insults at you and you acted as if it was nothing. This was so overwhelming. I began to ask myself if you were really the CEO of the company. Because if you were, you wouldn’t have followed Silas here in the first place. You would have sent for us to meet you at your estate.

And who are we to say no to such a request from a mighty woman. We would leave everything we were doing and lie down on the floor to beg you to marry out son.

But we kept you kneeling down yesterday and you knelt down. We kept you outside the house and were almost sending you away, with little or no hospitality at all. Yet, you never complained. What kind of wife is that? That’s the best kind of wife a man can dream of having. An obedient, submissive and beautiful wife”.

Chai! I’m blushing ooo! This stubborn and rebellious Christiana na She dem dey call submissive wife. God! Your transformation power no be here.

We were still talking when Silas entered the palour.

I stood up and smiled at him. It was only mummy and I that were left in the house. Daddy had went for an important meeting. He was almost late for it because he and mummy overslept. But thankfully, I saved the day.

“Charming! I missed you! Good morning my sweet morning charm!” I said smiling.

He patted my cheek gently.

“You’re looking so beautiful this morning. Does God upgrade beauty? How come you get more beautifuller everyday?” He asked.

I burst into laughter and covered my hands with my mouth.

“Mummy! Ekaro ma (Good morning ma)”, Silas greeted mummy.

“Omo mi! You’re blessed!” She replied.

I looked at Silas smiling and then at his mum.

“Let me excuse the two of you”, sh quickly said as she stood up.

Mummy no!” I tried to act the good wife script.

“Don’t worry!” I’ll be back shortly”, she replied and with that, left us.

I looked at my Prince Charming and smiled like a new bride.

“Hmmmmm! Someone just made a friend”, he said grinning.

“Not just a friend. I had an experience today that I would never forget for the rest of my life. It was completely awesome”.

“That’s wonderful! I also learned something about my life and family today. God made me understand more better who you are to me”, he replied.

“Wow!” I exclaimed.

“So tell me what your experience was?” He asked as we both sat down.


“Please! I’m more curious to know what you learned from God today”.

“But I asked first na!”

“Please! Charming please!” I said and made those irresistible puppy eyes.

He smiled and shook his head.

“Sometimes you behave like a baby girl”, he chuckled.

“Yes ooo! I’m your baby girl!” I replied grinning.

“I was reading proverbs 31. It was about the virtuous woman. I read all the qualities this woman carried and I was like, the woman is seriously a package. The bottom line was that, she is such a blessing to her husband that he’s so lucky to have her.

That’s where God came in. He reminded me something. Remember that popular saying that behind every successful man, there is a woman, right?”

“Yes!” I answered.

“Actually, God told me that there are actually two women in the life of every man. Two women that are the backbone of his success. But these two women only work seperately.

The first woman a man would ever fall in love with in his life is his mother. The mother is the first backbone of a man’s success. Her prayers and intercession are the fuel for his destiny and calling on earth.

The second woman is his wife. The woman he eventually gets married to. One thing that happens here is that the mother hands over her baton, to the wife. That means, everything this man needs, is now to be supplied by the new woman officiating.

The position of the woman in the life of a man is irreplaceable. First the mother, then the mother hands over to the wife to continue the rest of the journey with him.

So on the wedding day, something happens in the realm of the spirit. The grace and authority the mother once had over the man, is transfered to the wife. She becomes the one incharge”.


“The number one duty of the wife is intercession. Very important. That’s what the mother does till the day she hands over to the wife. So I the wife starts from where the mother stopped.

The same goes for the ladies too. The first man you would ever love. I don’t just mean love, but permitted to love, is your dad. And one day, your Dad will hand over to another man”.

“That’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever heard”, I replied.

“So tell me about yours”

I began to narrate all I had been taught. The spiritual ear bud and how I used it’s power to walk around the house as if I have lived in it for years. I could see the surprise it created in his expression.

The day was completely awesome. We thought we would go back, but mummy asked us to wait. She promised she would help us talk to her husband. She said she cannot send is back without their approval to the marriage.

It was later in the evening that her husband returned. I spent alot of time with my new found family. We have a wonderful time together.

Daddy was so happy to see me that evening.

“I’m really sorry for how I treated you yesterday. You’re indeed a good woman. If it were to be an arrogant and pompous person. She would have gotten angry and left the house. But you stayed and forgave us in your heart before we dared to ask. That’s what a good wife would always do.

I can’t believe I was treating this treasure like clay. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me”, he pleaded.

“Daddy, just as you said. I forgave you before you asked. So what’s the need to apologize to me? How can I be angry with the man that brought this wonderful Silas into the world?”

“You are wrong. You have every right to be angry and express yourself. Please can find a place in your heart to forgive me? I mean forgive us”.

“Daddy, I have forgiven you!”

“I hereby announce that this marriage has my approval and support”.

“Hallelujah!” Silas said smiling.

I knelt down in greeting.

“Thank you sir! I’m honoured to be a member of this great family”.

“Olamide, come here let me bless you!” Mummy said.

I crawled on my knees and met her. I placed my head on her laps and shut my eyes.

“Olamide! You have honoured us as your parents. Even when we mistook you and insulted you, you humbled yourself before us. You didn’t repay us for the evil we did. You were kind to us”.

She placed her hands on my back and the other on my head.

“Olamide! Your sister has been married for the past two years and there’s no child. I am not a woman of God but sometimes, God reveals things to me.

There’s a declaration of marital infertility in your family. This is due to the offence your father committed by acting arrogant to an elderly person.

That curse was meant for the two of you. But your sister has not taken her infertility case seriously like Hannah did at Shiloh.

But you humbled yourself. Behaving like for the first time. Two years ago, an Angel met me in my dream and gave me a palm fruit. He said any woman I say she would get pregnant would get pregnant.

So I do not only decree for you. I decree on your sister. Folashade Sharon Kolapo. Her childlessness has come to an end in the name of Jesus!”

“Amen!” Silas and I chorused.

“And you Olamide Christiana Kolapo! You shall carry your baby at your one year marriage anniversary!”

“Amen!” We all chorused.

I was surprised at how mummy could call our names accurately.

It was when we were in the car leaving the village the next day that Silas told me people took his mum for a Prophetess.

With the way women came to her seeking for children, she could have started a ministry. But she was not called to do that.

We had to leave the next day. It was awesome to find out the blessing that came from honouring my parents. A blessing that also rubbed on my younger sister.

To be continued……

A lady chatted with me and shared a testimony about spiritual enchantment. Her brother was about to do something she didn’t want him to do.

She remembered MY BABY HUSBAND and the teaching on Spiritual Enchantment. She said at night, she woke up and prayed over it. Commanding and making authoritative declarations.

By morning that guy didn’t remember what he was threatening to do anymore.

She had entered his brain in the realm of the spirit and clicked on the delete button.

See the way Chris in-laws cannot understand themselves anymore. Overnight they became friends.

Please we’re tired of delaying the bridal shower. Marriage planning committee, I never hear from ona oooo



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