Episode 9

Anita pov

I laid on the couch crying, God knows that I didn’t do this on purpose and I want to correct my mistake.

I needed someone to talk to me and give me a motivation speech, tell me that everything is going to be okay.

I needed tracy now but she left a few minutes ago saying she has little things to handle.

I cleaned my tears and turned around only to see my father looking at me. He smiled and walked towards me before sitting close to me.

He made me placed my head on his chest and rub my head as I cry out my pain.

You are my favorite daughter and nothing in this world can change that. I know you never planned for this and you never wished for this to happen but as it stands now, do not refer to that innocent baby as a mistake. He said and I cried the more

Life is all about ups and downs, it is about what we wish and what we don’t wish but those we wish never comes easily. I know you are hurt but I will never allow you ab.ort that baby. He continued

You are the daughter I cherish so much and I am not going to watch you being disgraced in the society so I have made a decision. He said and I raised my head to look at him.

We are letting this known to Mr Huston. My dad said and I scoffed.

No dad, this is going to hurt Elizabeth and I don’t want that.

Think about yourself for once and stop thinking about the girl who is less bother about you. Elizabeth is a cheater and so she does not deserve someone like Alexander.
He said and I sighed

Dad she is a cheater but that does not mean she should be abandoned. Alexander loves her and that is all that matters alot. I said and my dad shook his head.

Well I don’t care get ready, we are going to Mr Houston’s mansion. He said and walked inside his room.

This is becoming worst than I thought.

I walked into my room and entered the bathroom before pulling my clothes, I turned on the shower and walked into it taking my bath.

I turned off the shower and took my towel from the bathroom door, clean my body and walked inside my room.
I picked up a glam skirt and a crop top before putting it on.

I walked to the sitting room and met my sister and my parents waiting for me.

We all walked into the car and the driver drove off. I could not help but feel nervous.

What will happen now?

I looked at the other side of the car and saw Elizabeth looking at me with a disgusting look.


We got to Mr Huston’s house and the security man let us in. The house was so beautiful, it was painted with white and ashe’s color and there was a swimming pool at the top of the house.

We got inside and met them eating, Alexander was right there eating and lookind sxy as always but I quickly took my eyes off him.

Mr Cole! Mr houston exclaimed hugging my dad and that was when Alexander turned to look at us and his eyes widened immediately he saw me but he quickly put on a smile and came to hug Elizabeth who didn’t reciprocate.

Come please join us and dine with us. Mr Huston said and my dad nodded and walked to the dining while we followed them.

The maids serve us food and we started eating, my mind was not at rest, it was beating so loudly.


Alexander pov

I looked at her, the girl I feared never to see again but she was right here looking so sxy and beautiful.

What was she even doing here? I taught as I looked at her

Does she know Elizabeth?

Her eyes met with mine and I quickly looked away and turned to Elizabeth who was looking at me she just scoffed and looked away.

Mr Houston, actually we came here for something else. Mr Cole said and we all turned to look at him.

My daughter is pregnant for your son Alexander. He said and I happily turned to Elizabeth who was not smiling.

Oh really, Elizabeth is pregnant? My mum asked looking at her.

I know my mum doesn’t like her and I wonder why.

That would have been great but it turned out that her sister is pregnant for your son. He said and my mind started beating.

Sister? I taught looking at Anita who bent her head not looking at anyone.

What I don’t understand you? My dad said looking surprise including my mum.

There is nothing you don’t understand there, Sandra’s sister is pregnant for your son Alexander. Mr cole repeated and my dad turned to look at me.

What do you have to say? My dad asked and I remained silent

You are not going to remain silent are you, my sister claimed you are responsible for her pregnancy and I want to hear it directly from your mouth, is it true? Elizabeth asked looking at me but I could not reply

I felt like denying it but my soft heart will not allow me. I know for sure that I am responsible because I took her vrgnty that faithful day.

Are you going to answer me or not! Elizabeth shouted.

I am, yes I am but it was just one night and I was drunk. I regretted it Elizabeth. I never knew she was your sister. Please forgive me. I said and my parents stared at me in shock

You d’mon. Elizabeth screamed and sIap me sending me to the ground.

Was I not enough for you? Just only that night you could not control yourself and you ended up sleeping with my fking sister. She yelled crying

I don’t know what came over me that night, I swear with my life Elizabeth, I would never have slept her if I was not drunk. I said crying

You would because you should have thought about me while having sx with her. I hate you and I am done with this relationship. She shouted and run out of the house and I ran after her.


Anita pov

Tears fell down from my eyes as I watched them crying.

Mrs Huston walked towards me and hug me making me wonder if she was aware of what was going on.

Alexander walked in and looked at me with hatered, he looked like a mad man because of how bad he was sweating.

It is all because of you. He shouted pointing at me and I shivered.

You se..duce me because you wanted me right? He said laughing and I became scared of how dangerous he looked.

But if anything should happen to my relationship consider your life miserable. He yelled and tried to walk inside.

Before you walk inside I want to let you know I have made a decision about this situation right now. Mr Huston said and we all turned to look at me

I wouldn’t want to ruin my reputation by getting your fiance’s sister pregnant which is going to spoil my reputation so get ready because you both are getting married soon. Mr Huston announced and we all turned to look at him in shock.


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