
MY SWEET HEART: Episode 21-30

My Sweet Heart

Episode 30

… Valerie’s POV …
Valerie! What do you think you’re doing!
My subconsiousness screamed at me.
And just immediately, I pushed Joy away and grabbed my Pj shirt and swiftly pulled back on.
“Joy, just go to your room.” I said.
He was staring innocently at me.
“But. I want. To. sleep. Here.” He said.
“Just go!” I said.
He nodded and got out of the bed.
“Should. I. still. Go?” He asked.
“Joy go to your room!” I half yelled.
Why can’t he just listen?
I need to be alone… like right now!
He nodded again before walking to the door, opened it, left and closed it back.
I dashed to the door, locked it and leaned on it after.

I gasped as I pressed my palm on my forehead.
“God! what in the world was I thinking? What came over you Valerie! For goodness sake I almost had… had sx with.. with Joy! Unbelievable!”
So many questions that I couldn’t give an answer to.
I walked sluggishly back to my bed and layed.
Valerie how can you be so stupid.. All the time!
I can’t believe I was really wanting to have sx with a weirdo!
Ohh oh no..
And…all that he did?
Now, Im getting to believe Joy wasn’t born an adult-baby
Something is wrong somewhere..
Either physically or spiritually.

But… Everything he did to me was so good..
Ohh Vale..
Stop thinking.
You are stupid.
How could I have tried to give a weirdo, a wacko myself..
He wouldn’t even know what to do!
Would he have even gotten any ere.ction?
God, what was I thinking?
I need to slap myself.
Even though I feel something for him… but that…
Oh no…
I feel like hitting myself ten times!.
I fell asleep after many thoughts.

… Joy’s POV …
I’m in my room..
I don’t know if Aunty Valerie will forgive me again.
I have no idea if what I did was wrong..
I saw it in the movie..
I just hope that she forgives me in the moring..
If she doesn’t.
I will kill myself and I won’t eat till she do..
Why did I even tried doing that?
Now, Aunty Valerie is mad at me.
But she was kissing me..
What happened.
Ahh im sure it’s me!
I cried more.

… Valerie’s POV …
I woke up thr next day, still feeling uneasy about last night but not much again.
I struggled my dull body out of the bed and over to the bathroom.
As I brushed my teeth, I tried my best not to think of anything about last night..
After brushing and washing my face, I walked out and the next place is the kitchen.
I took out two apple and some sliced pineapple with cucumber.
I threw them into the fruit Grinder and grinded them to make mixed fruit juice which after I poured inside a glass cup and drank it all.
Before proceeding to wash the dishes.
That was when I heard his step.
I felt his presence.
I turned and he was standing at the door.
I turned back to the sink.
“Good. Morning Aunty. Valerie.” He greeted.
I inhaled.

“Goodmorning Joy. Please can you just learn to stop calling me ‘Aunty’?” I said.
“I will. If. That. Will. Make you. Forgive me.” He said.
I inhaled.
“It’s fine. Let’s not talk about last night.” I said.
“Let me. Wash the. Plates.” He said as he walked over to where I was and stood beside me.
I glanced at him and our eyes met.

I looked away back to the dishes in the sink.
But he looks so cute!
“I. Promise. Not to. Break. Any. one. of them.” He said.
I faked a smile.
“Alright. Wash the dishes while I prepare breakfast.” I said.
“No..I will. Prepare it. Myself.” He said.
“Why?” I asked.
He shook his head.
“So. That. You will. Forgive. me hundred. Percent.” He said.
“I wasn’t upset anyway.” I mumbled.


“By the way, I just want to boil water for tea. That’s your breakfast.” I said.
“Ah. Let’s. Eat. Soup.” He said.
“You’ll eat that for lunch.” I ssid.
He nodded and started washing the dishes while I went for the kettle.
I made tea for him..
“Where. Is. Your. Own?” He asked, staring at the tea I made for him and the bread beside it.
“Im not hungry. You eat, while I go prepare for work.” I said.
“Im going. With. You. Today?” He asked.
“No.” I said and walked out.

… Joy’s POV …
Aunty Valerie is stil angry with me.
What do I do?
I’m so scared. I don’t want her to beat me or throw me out of her house.
I don’t want her to hate me….
I love Aunty Valerie…
Just the way I love Stella.
I sighed and poured my tea away.
I’m not hungry again.
I walked out of the kitchen and went to my room.
I layed on my bed and took Stella.
I hugged her and sobbed.

… Valerie’s POV …
After dressing up for work.. I grabbed my bag and walked out.
I went over to the kitchen but Joy wasn’t in there.

I turned towards his room.
There I saw him lying on the bed, cuddling his teddy and sobbing.
What’s wrong?
“Joy?” I called and walked over to the bed
“Joy? What’s the matter?” I asked again but he only sniffled and pouted his bottom lip.
I squatted so I was seeing his face well enough.
He was crying.
Few dada which fell on his face, I tucked then behind his ear.
“Joy? Tell me what’s it?”
He snifled.
“You. Are. Angry. with. me.” He cried.
“No Im not. Is that why you are crying?”
He nodded..
I smiled..
“Don’t cry okay. I. Forgive you.” I said and cleaned his tears with my thumb.
He snifled.
I inhaled as I stared at him for awhile.
Before leaning closer and kssed him.
He giggled.
“I’ll be back on time okay? I promise.” I said with a smile.
He nodded with a smile too.
“Alright sweetheart. Come and open the gate for me please?” I said with a sweet smile.
He smiled shyly.
I stood up and walked over to the door to leave.
“Aunty Valerie.” He was behind me.
I turned.
“I. Love. You.” He said.
I inhaled….followed by a smile.
“I love you too Joy. We’ll talk about it when im back ok.” I said.
He nodded.
I smiled, walked over to him and took his hand and we walked out.
That is true, I love him..

… Joy’s POV …
“Aunty Valerie. Love me….
.Aunty Valerie Love me…
She said she Love me too….
I loves her…
She loves me..
She lovesss mee tooooo….”
This would be my song for the whole day!
And the next… and the next… and the next and the upper next…

“Aunty Valerie. Love me….
.Aunty Valerie Love me…
She said Loves me too….
I love her…
She loves me..
She lovesss mee toooo….Woaaaaa”
I closed the gate and danced to the house as I kept singing…



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