
NADIA : Episode 21-The End


Episode 21

Mrs Ojo recalled how the midwife betrayed her, the whole scene kept playing in her head as if it was yesterday. She was returning from a party with Mr Ojo, when they saw the basket in front of their gate!

Mr Ojo: What is that?
Mrs Ojo: what is what?
Mr Ojo : can’t you see the basket in front of our gate? What is it doing there and who dropped it there?
Mrs Ojo: let’s go and check it, we won’t find out sitting here in the car.

They both came down and went to look at the basket, it was a beautiful baby girl, wrapped carefully in the basket, with a note attached to it, please take care of her. Mr Ojo carried the baby excitedly, and they walked inside their house.

Mr Ojo: we will keep her, she look so cute, we will keep her.
Mrs Ojo: keep what? We are not keeping her o, I will have my own children, we can’t keep another persons child o.
Mr Ojo: you don’t have a say in this matter, we will keep her and you will take good care of her.
Mrs Ojo: and I say no, I won’t keep her, how can you just see a baby on the street and say we will keep her, I won’t take that.

Mr Ojo: I don’t want to talk on this, if you won’t take care of her, I will bring in someone who can take care of her.
And he walked away carrying the baby, Mrs Ojo was angry, because he recognised the baby, he knew this was the same baby Queen had given birth to, that he asked the midwife to replace with a dead baby, and so she picked up her phone and she called the midwife.

Mrs Ojo: Hello nurse, what is the meaning of this?
Midwife: meaning of what?
Mrs Ojo: how can you bring the baby here, the same baby I told you to take from the mother, how can you bring her to my place?
Midwife: so where do you expect me to take her? Did I tell you I needed a baby?
Mrs Ojo: what do you want me to do with her
Midwife: you can do anything you want with her o,bid you cannot take care of her why then did you take her from her mother? Please madam don’t call me again, whatever you wanna do with the baby do with it but please don’t bother me anymore please!

And then she hung up. Mrs Ojo was furious, she didnt know what to do, she couldn’t return the baby to her real mother and her husband was not ready to let go of the baby and so she had no choice than to accept and take care of the child. Mr Ojo had done a big party for the child, he invited his family members and his friends, Queen had also come to that party with her daughter Nadia who was just about a year old, she held onto the baby with so much love in her eyes wishing her own baby was alive, she had later handed over the baby to Mrs Ojo. The naming ceremony was a huge success and the baby was named RUTH, by Mr Ojo.


Few months later Mrs Ojo found out she was pregnant, she was very happy, Mr Ojo had said it was little Ruth that brought favour onto her, nine months later she gave birth to two beautiful daughters, not long she got pregnant again and gave birth to a boy, and that was when the real maltreatment of Ruth began, she made her do all the work in the house, she gave her little or no food, she beat her at every giving opportunity, she hated her with so much passion, she did everything possible to keep her away from Queen and her daughter. And when Queens daughter Nadia started doing well in school and her own daughters were failing she was so jealous, that she planned on ending them once and for all. She had planned with some boys to remove somethings from Queens car and tampar with it so that queen and her daughter will die in a car accident. It was so unfortunate that it was her husbands brother that drove the car that morning and had the accident and died immediately. Mrs Ojo had felt bad at first but concluded that it was better that the man had died, she encouraged her husband to chase Queen and her child away from the house and claim their properties, and that was exactly what they did. Mr Ojo had accused Queen of killing her husband and chased her and her child from her matrimonial home, Queen had moved away with Nadia and ever since then she’s heard nothing of them. They took over their properties their cars and their house and life was good to them , until three years ago when things suddenly became rough. She had driven Ruth from their house, her husband was against it but when he couldn’t find Ruth he had given up. Things were normal at first but , suddenly the business her husband had cornered from Queen and her daughter suddenly went down the drain, her two daughters had been involved in an accident when running from the police on their way from a night club, after spending months in the hospital wasting money they both died, her only son got drowned in the river when he went to swim with his friends, they’ve lost all that they acquired from Queen, and even lost the ones they had before. Now her husband Mr Ojo has sold almost everything in the house, just for them to eat. He had come this afternoon to sell the television which was the only thing valuable left and she had refused, this is what has resulted into this fight. She breathe heavily as she thought of all of this, her wickedness has destroyed her entire life. She sat down on the ground and wept. It was time to look for Queen and beg for her forgiveness. And let her know that her daughter was alive and she was RUTH! This was her new assignment!

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