NOT ANYMORE: Episode 11-20

? Death why? ?

Episode 19.

? Nathaniel ?
I dropped the kids at school.

But what is wrong with rose?
Is she still hurts about what I said to her?

But am really Sorry.
I really felt bad.. I shouldn’t have said those words to her.

I apologized to her this morning.
I just hope she will forgive me.

I saw down in my office waiting for Jack.
He came in.

” Boss, rose Gilbert lost her parents in a car accident but lived in the orphanage for some time and was later adopted my a couple who couldn’t have their child..

” What is the name of those couple who adopted her? I asked coldly.

” Boss, according to my is Mr and Mrs Wilson” he said.

” Wilson? I asked.

” Yes boss”

” I need the present address of those couple.. i need you to get me more information about them in the next 42 hours” I said.

” Yes boss” he nodded his head and left.

Once am able to get those couple I will make Their lives miserable.

They will pay for all what they did to rose.


?Rose ?
I got out of the cab.
I really don’t know where am going.

I sighed dragging my bags.

I will have to lodge in an hotel.
I still have more than enough money to sustain me.

Then I will have to go look for a job.

I lodge into the hotel.
I got into the room given to me.
I dropped my bags and sat on the bed.
I sighed sadly.
I will really miss the kids.

” I hope you will forgive me angel and Mabel” I said sadly.

Am a bit tired.
I decided to rest on bed.

? Nathaniel ?
I sat down in my office Working on my system.
I just hope jack get me the address as soon as possible.
My phone rang.
I checked the caller.
It is Angel.
I guess they are back from school but why is she calling?

I picked it up?
” Dad,”She called crying

” What’s wrong Angel? I asked.

” Where is mum? She asked.

” Rose? She is at home” I said.

” No dad, she is not at home” she said crying.

” She is not at home? Maybe she went out to get something” I said.

” No dad, her room is empty, we can’t find her bags” Angel yelled crying.

I gasped shocked.

” You.. you… can’t..find..her bags? I stuttered.

” Yes dad” she said crying.

” Am coming home right NOW” I said and hang up.

I got out of my office.
I got into the car.
” Take me home”

The driver drove off.

I ruffled my hair angrily.

Where did she go?

Why did she left?

We finally got home.
I got out of the car and ran inside.

I got to Rose’s room.
I met my kids there.

I checked her closet.
It is empty.

My heart sank.
Rose left?

” Dad, where is mum? Mabel cried.
I looked her her.

” Mum left us Dad, mum left us” Angel yelled crying.

I moved to them and hugged them tightly.
They cried on my shoulder.
Tears rolled down my cheeks.

Angel suddenly moved away from me and cleaned her cheek.

” It’s all because of you Dad you sent mum away” she yelled.

I looked her confused
” Dad, ever since mum came here you never liked her at all” Mabel said.

” But now you sent her away, mum left us.. it’s all because of you Dad” Angel yelled.

” Angel.. i never sent her away” i said.
” Don’t lie to me dad, i know the truth” she yelled.
Tears rolled down her cheeks.
She cleaned it.

” Now listen dad, I want mum back in this house, I want you to bring our mum back to us” she said.

” You always Break your promises dad” Mabel yelled

” Dad if you don’t get mum back in this house, I won’t ever talk to you and I will never forgive you dad, I will never forgive you” she cried.

” Angel please listen…

” I hate you dad, I hate you” she yelled angrily at ran out of the room.

I sighed and turned to Mabel

” Dad, i need mum back in this house” she said.

” I will bring her back I promise”

” You always Break your promises dad, you are not faithful” she yelled.

” Am sorry” i said.

” Sorry? Will sorry bring mum back? She yelled.

I sighed.
” I won’t talk to you unless you bring mum back” she said and ran out of the room.

I stood there staring blankly.
” Where are you rose? I yelled.
” Why did you leave?
” Why? I yelled hitting the wall.

I got out of the room and got into my room.
I saw a little paper on the bed.
I opened it.
” I have decided to stay away from you. Am sorry for leaving the kids. Please help me tell them their mum is sorry.. i really don’t want to leave this house but you left me with no choice Nathaniel Raymond.. I just hope the kids forgives me.. BYE”
It’s read.
The letter is from rose.
It’s all because of me that rose left.
“She left because of me” I yelled.

Have always been a bad person to her and now she has finally left.

Am sorry rose.
I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me.

” But I will look for you rose, I will bring you back” I said.

? Rose ?
I sat down in the room.
Thinking about the kids.
Have they eaten?
What did they eat?
Are they asleep?
Who put them to sleep?
Who will dress them up tomorrow?

Lots of questions flooded my mind.
I really wish I didn’t leave but I have no choice.
I just want to get away from Nathaniel.
I will look for a way to check up on the kids.
Maybe in their school.

I got into my bed and lie down.
I just hope I will able to sleep.

? Nathaniel ?
” I know you are wondering why the my frame broke? Sara said.

” Yes Sara, I don’t know why it broke” i said.

” I broke it” she said.

I looked at her shocked.
” Why? I asked lowly.

” Niel, you are hurting people around you for no reason, I already told you to forget about me but you won’t listen” she said.

” Sara”.

” Niel, it is all because of you rose is not staying in this house. It is all because of you my kids don’t have a mother ANYMORE. Ever since she came to live with you. I felt happy and peaceful. She showed my children the love and care I couldn’t give them.. she care for them like her own children but you said hurtful words to her and made her leave” she said.

I stared at her blankly.
” Niel, rose is a good person..she is not here for any bad intention.. she has a very good heart and I love her Niel” she said.

I kept staring at her speechless.
” Niel, please I want to you to get back into this house, my kids are sad and hurts so much to see my kids hurts.. Niel they have been crying ever since rose left” she said.

” Sara, I will bring rose back” i said

” Please Niel, I want rose back in this house as the mother of children before it gets late” she said.

” Please will you do it for me? She asked

I looked at her.
” Please will you forget about me? She asked.

I stared at her.
” Please Niel” she pleaded.

” If that is what you want I will do it for you” i said.

She smiled.
” Thank you Niel”

” I will forget about you Sara and bring rose back into the mansion as the mother of my children” i said.

She smiled.
” This will be the last time talking to you” she said.

” Why?

” Now i can rest Niel.. i want to rest in peace knowing fully well my kids are in a safe hands” she said.

I smiled.

” Bye Niel” she waved and vanished into thin air.

I still there staring blankly with smiles on my face.


I felt someone tapping me.
I woke up and saw Mabel standing beside the bed.

” When are you bringing mum? She asked.

I looked at her.
” Mabel..

” When? She yelled.

” Soon” i said.

She looked at me and walked out of the room.

I sighed.
I will have to look for rose.
I promised Sara to look for her.
I will bring you back rose Gilbert.

Written by ???? owie oyindamola.

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