ONE LAST ONLY GIRL: Episode 51-The End

Episode fifty six
By authoress Anita

“Stop all this nonsense romena. Today is my big day , don’t ruin it, I have never shared a bed with you before how can the baby be mine? “Asked sStan.
“But its really yours”insisted romeana.

“Do you think I don’t know that you’ve been fl1rting with my brother Lawrence? “Stan said
“Lets not waste much of out time, i am ready to do a DNA test”stepped in Conai.
“Brother, dont bother doing the DNA test, yes she is really pregnant but not for me”daid Lawrence.
“Lawrence! ”
“Shut up Romeana, don’t dare think of ruining my young brother’s wedding”Lawrence said as he dragged romena out of tge hall.

“We sencere apologize for the inconvenience “said conai.
“Well, without wasting much of our time, I now announce you as husband and wife. You may now kss the….

Before the pastor could finish his sentence, Stan pulled Debbie into a deep kss.
“Hey, stop it we are not yet at the honeymoon “said debbie trying to break the kss.
“, i was just enjoying the holy kss”Stan said.

The wedding reception took place at one of the best hotels in the country. The received all sort of presents and finally it was time to go and enjoy their honeymoon ?. Debbie could not help the tears of joy, finally after all that has happened she is now Stan’s wife.

I am afraid, i have heard a lot that do happen to the honeymoon and I am afraid to do the same. I am not confident enough to do that. Gosh, i am going crazy.
“Debbie, come down”mom said and I took a deep breath.

“Mom, I can’t do this, can’t we skip the honeymoon? “I said and my friends laughed.
“Come on debbue, your a married woman now and youve got a responsibility on your shoulder, don’t disappoint me”mom said.
“But mom”
“Debbie, you’ve kept the words of the Lord close to your heart, now your married, it was also the same for us but i assure you, everything will be fine”said Francine.

Just when i was about to complain again, Stan approached the car.
“What are these beautiful ladies discussing here? “He asked.
“Well, just advising your wife two to three things”said mom.
“Okay, I hope she will take into consideration what you just told her”he said looking at me with much passion, yuk.
“Have a nice day kids”mom said as she stepped out of the car followed by my friends and Stan sat beside me.

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