By Tiana Isaac

Episode 52

Cassie quietly have dinner with her family. She felt so happy having them around.

“Now we don’t have to worry about anyone,” Vicente smile.

“So delicious… I miss your cooking, ” Terri smile enjoying his meal.

” I just feel so troubled… You know Kamil’s mom isn’t happy with what happened, ” Cassie said.

” She dare not try anything stupid, else she will suffer the same fate as that of her son, ” Terri said. Immediately the door went open and a man in mask barged inside pointing a gvn directly at them.

“Hands up all of you,” he yelled while they quickly did, they were terrified and wonder who he was.

Cassie watch closely as he took a step forward.

Who are you? Cassie asked as she stood up.

“Don’t move close or else I will pull trlgger at your dad,” the man laughed while Cassie stood still.

” A father for a father. Kendall is d.ead and your dad suppose to die too,” he said.

” Now I understand… Audrey sent you, ” Cassie said while the man in mask burst out laughing.

” How smart you are,”

Cassie slowly and stylishly pick up a fork she was eating with on a table and threw it to his face making the gvn fall down. She quickly rushed and kicked him as they began to fight, he wanted to reach out for the gvn but Cassie was fast enough to stop him.

“Cassie! Terri called, so scared for her.

The man quickly pulled another gvn from his pocket and pulled the trlgger, his Target was Vicente but it ended up on Terri’s shoulder.

“Don’t dare you shoot! Cassie picked his other gvn on the floor and point it at him.

“You’re bI.eeding,” Vicente said in shocked while Terri groan in pains.

“I won’t hesitate to pull the trlgger into your fking skull now, ” Cassie yelled at man in mask while Vicente quickly picked up his phone and called the police.

“Drop the gvn.. or I shoot,” she ordered him.

“Just do it,” she yelled while he laughed and pulled the trigger at her father but Vicente was quick enough to bend down, making the bvIIet h!t the wall. Cassie shut him on his leg and pushed him to the wall collecting the gvn from his hand. The neighbors start coming in after hearing the gvnshots.

They get hold of the man and start to beat him.

“Uncle.. you need to be treated,” Cassie quickly ran inside her room and got a first box as she quickly treated him, stopping the bleeding. The police arrived on time and arrest the man, they removed his mask and saw is face.

“Am sure it Audrey that sent him,” Cassie said to the policemen.

” Don’t worry Miss Cassie, we will conduct our investigation. Audrey is getting out of hand now,” the officer said.

” Are you okay? Vicente asked Cassie while she nodded then hugged him.

” I almost lost you dad. Am scared already, what if I wasn’t here, what if I choose to stay in Manila and didn’t come here on time. I would have lost you and uncle Terri, ” she hugged her dad.

” We are all safe, we just need to take Terri to a hospital for proper treatment, ” he said while Cassie nodded.

Immediately Cassie’s phone rang and she was surprised to see a call from Detective Gerald.

? “Am sorry to inform you that Audrey has escape out of the prison, you have to be on the look out, ” he said while Cassie’s eyes widened in shocked.

?” What! How.. ” she asked.

? “There was a fire outbreak which cause chaos. Kamil would have escape but was injured and luckily the cops got him on time before he leaves. A lot of people were injured. Audrey and few other prisoners escape but we are already on the look out for them, we will make sure we find them, ” he said.

?” You better do, ” Cassie said in anger as she hanged up.

” What’s happening? Vicente asked.

“Audrey escape! She said.

” What! I knew those people will somehow come for us,” he said sadly.

“We are not safe here dad, we have to leave, ” she said.
Terri was rushed to the nearest hospital for a proper treatment. That night Cassie and her dad slept at Ann’s place and was planning to leave immediately the next morning. She got a call from Miguel and he told her Audrey has escape, she told him she already knew about that and how they were attacked that same evening.

Miguel ask her to come back to Manila, perhaps that will be more safe for her and her family before Audrey will get caught.


“Cassie,” Nadine quickly rushed and hugged her when they came back to the Mansion Miguel once gave her.

“Miguel told me everything.. what actually happened? Nadine asked.

“We were attacked yesterday night but I fought him. He wanted to kll my dad but Terri ended up getting hurt,” Cassie said.

” Let go inside first,” Cassie said as they all walked in inside.

” Am sorry for all that happened to you Mr Vicente and Terri. Am sure you’ll be safe here, Miguel will make sure of that,” Nadine said.

“Thank you so much,” Vicente said.

“The cops are on the look out for Audrey.. she’s wanted already and her posters are all over, she would be able to escape this time and if she thinks she can fly out of the country then she’s mistaken,”

I hope so Nadine, because am scared,” Cassie said.

“She wants to involve my dad in this probably because she thought am responsible for her father’s dead,”

” How heartless she can be,”

“When she’s found I guess it’s better we end it once and for all. She deserves death, she’s supposed to be the one scared and not me, she supposed to be the one to suffer,” Cassie said in anger.

” I know I did the right thing by getting justice for everything they did to me and I can’t let them scare me, it was the same Audrey that almost ended my life but this time am ready to face her,”

” That’s the Cassie I know. Miguel will do everything with the cops with make sure she’s found,” Nadine said.

” Thanks Nadine,”

” I suggest you stay here with your family for the main time. The security here will be tight and no one can get to you Miguel will make sure of that,”


Ann was about leaving to go and see Cassie about the incident that happened to them when she heard a knock on the door.

“Come in” she said then carried her bag and was heading to the door when someone walked in…

She was surprised to see him because he was the last person she thought she will ever see.

“Dave…” She muttered

“Ann,” he cooed then walked closer.

” What are you doing here..? She stuttered.

” Am I not welcome?

“Of course you are, am.. just surprised. Thought you’ve left for Mexico as you said” she said sadly.

” Do you actually want me to leave without reconciling with you,” he spoke softly, his gaze getting more intense. He reach out his hands and hold hers.

” Dave…

“Am Tony. I hate that Dave because it makes me think it’s the same bodyguard of my sister’s kller… Am sorry I didn’t give you the chance to explain anything or to make it up..

“I should be the one to apologise.. ” before she could finish what she’s saying Tony pulled her into a tight hug taking her by surprise.

“Despite everything that happens my heart is still pointing to you and I realised I can’t do without you. I love Ann and I wish we can start afresh.. a new life, new love, free of lies, deciet and being truthful this time around,” he said while Ann nodded blinking back her tears.

“Thank for coming back for me Tony, I love you too and this time I will give you my all,” she said.

Tony pull her closer and slam his lips on her as they shared a kss…


Few days Later°°°°°

Cassie smile at she stare at the large building in front of her.

“This the dream Cassie,” she smiled. Staring at the people around. She just got down from the car with Miguel at the Montes Medical Center.

“Thank you for accepting the offer,” he said.

” I should be the one to thank you. I believe this a new phase of my life but my peace of mind will actually be complete if Audrey is caught,” she sighed. Miguel smiled as he stood beside her and place his hand on her shoulder.

“She will, the cops are doing everything to track her down. You’re always safe with me Cassie” he whispers the last sentence while she turn staring back at him, as their faces was close

? His girlfriend?

?The look good together

?I think I prefer her than that bchy Stacy

?Oh.. who the h’ll is she. Sir Miguel already have his eyes on her..

People were already snapping them while some of the nurses passing by were glaring at her.

Cassie and Miguel were lost staring at each other not until Cassie look around and was surprised to see all cynosure of eyes on them.

“What! She muttered feeling embarrassed.

You look beautiful,” Miguel whispers to her not minding the people around.

” What! Can’t you see everyone is looking at us,”

” Does that matter,” he shrugged.

Everyone quickly got back to there duty post when Miguel glare at them.

“They can be annoying sometimes,” he said but before he could even finish saying that Cassie quickly rushed inside leaving him behind.

“How cute,” he chuckle. Wondering why he’s starting to like her this much and he was happy when she accepted his offer to work in his hospital as a nurse.

?”What! Is she a new nurse here now? Yeng asked one of the nurse on duty. As she stare at Cassie who was attending to a lady.

?”Yes.. have you see her today in the morning. She came together with Dr. Miguel in his car, rumours has it that they live in the same house now,”

?The same house,” Yeng fumed in anger. She has been doing everything to get Miguel’s attention but she got rejected severally and now he seems to finally pick Interest in this new lady.

?Who is she?

? Maybe, his new girlfriend,” one of the nurse chipped in.

?And do you think that Stacy will agree to that! She always come here acting like she owns the whole place, you know how obsessed she is with Dr. Miguel,” Lera said.

Cassie who was busy doing her work ignore their gossips even thou she can hear them from where she was.

? I just hope she’s just one of those things he will use and dump.. ,” Yeng said in anger.

Cassie quickly turn and look at her and their eyes meet as she glare at her. She wanted to walk up to her and address them but that might lead to a fight if she’s not careful enough because she’s already angry with all what they’re saying.

“This your first day Cassie..,” she calm herself then walked out of the place as she head outside surprised to see Stacy.

“Congratulations Cassie,” she smirked. Cassie wondered how Stacy got to know about her.

” Are you stalking me? Cassie asked.

” Am just concerned about my friend. Finally you’re working here just so you could be close to Miguel and to snatch him away from me,” Stacy said.

” It’s been a long time Stacy and seems like you haven’t changed a bit. You should know me by now,”

” Of course I know you and that’s why am doing everything I can to take back what belongs to me and that’s Miguel,” she seethed.

” Stop talking as if he’s your property Stacy, give your self some value and stop chasing after shadows.

Miguel is done with you a long time ago and don’t let out your frustrations on me because am not interested in him either and mind you this time I won’t allow you fool me just like what you wanted to do back then with Laurel.

You’ve come too late Stacy because this a different version of Cassie you’re seeing and not the naive one you once know,” Cassie blast at her while Stacy laughed.

” You can’t be above me Cassie.. because I was the one that picked you from your wretched slum and save you, it was because of me you stop being a bar dancer or probably a pro$titute back then, you should be thanking me for saving you from your dirty life style…

“Dirty life style.. what’s going on here? Miguel asked as he walked in surprised to see Stacy…


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