By Tiana Isaac

Episode 54

@Montes Mansion ??

“He’s still your dad Nadine and we all make mistakes. He stills love you and wish to makes things right only if you will let him, ” Julianna said.

” Set things right! now that Lorenzo is d.ead? Nadine asked

“Is it still about Lorenzo?

” Yes Mom! Maybe if dad haven’t complicated issues for me non of this would have happened, ” she said sadly.

” Revisiting the past and opening old wounds will only hurt the most. You’re married now and happy with your son.. just look ahead Nadine and see what the future holds for you and your family, ” Julianna said while Nadine just nodded, she realized crying over a spill milk is just so useless.

Lorenzo is gone and the only thing she can hold unto now is her son, she wondered if she should tell her mom about Eric’s real dad but she refrained herself from doing so.

“This the secret you’ll carry it to the grave Nadine,” she said to herself silently.

” Am sorry about everything. Please forgive your dad, ” Julianna pulled her into a hug. Suddenly the heard a noise from outside and one of the security man barged in.

“Someone is creating a scene outside requesting to see Mr. Josie,” he said.

“Who is that? Nadine asked.

“That bch! Julianna seethed, the only person that came to her mind was Sonia.

They quickly went out to see her.

“Where the heck is Josie? Sonia asked angrily when she saw Julianna and Nadine.

“The last time I checked dad didn’t invite anyone here,” Nadine spoke.

” Stop being stubborn you brat! And you can’t keep deceiving Josie to stay away from his responsibilities. Kamil need him more than ever,” she said.

” Which of the Kamil… The one rotting in prison for his horrible crimes. He has caused so much pain to a lot of people and he have to pay and mind you he’s not dad responsibilities. I will advice you to stay away from my family and focus more on your wretched self and son,” Nadine sneered while Sonia chuckle.

” Such guts to talk back at me this way. Remember you’re also a mother and you will do anything for your son just like me here. You once lost the love of life that’s Lorenzo so don’t bite more than you can chew else you’ll end up losing your son too,” Sonia said but before she could finish saying that Nadine landed a sIap on her face.

“Leave Lorenzo out of this and most importantly my son. Eric has nothing to do with this. Atleast am not a bad mother like you. Go and fix your shit and stop bothering my parents,” Nadine bashed at her while Sonia fumed in anger and glare at Julianna who smirked.

“This just a little of what you’ll be receiving each time you come here. Now get out! Julianna ordered as she ask the security guards to take her away inorder not to disturb their peace.

In the evening..??

The complete family sat down round the dining table and had dinner together, this something they haven’t done for a long time now.

“Sonia came but Nadine put her in her right place,” Julianna said.

“I’ve warned the security guards never to allow her in” Josie said.

” She was creating a scene outside requesting you to see you badly,” Nadine said.

” Am sorry,” Josie muttered.

“It’s all over now dad. What’s done is done and we can’t change the past our focus now should be on Audrey and not that old woman who’s only seeking for attention” Miguel said .

” Sure dad. I realized we can’t sail through this if we are divided. We are the Montes and everyone known us to be smart and United. Everything that happened was all in the past. I want us to start all over as a family inorder to crush down our enemies this time,” Nadine said while Miguel nodded.

Josie felt like a burden was lifted off his shoulder, he felt this inner peace knowing his children have now forgiven him and they’re now in good terms with him.

“Thank you so much… I promise to be the good father you’ve always wanted, to make it up to you. Life has taught me the hard way. I realized how selfish I was back then and always enforcing my will on you but now situations has changed,” he said sadly.

” And that’s why everything do happen for a reason. Our number one rule is never giving up on each other,” Julianna smiled.

They had dinner together and spent time together as family.


@ MMC?

“Cassie,” someone called as she trun and look at the person.

“You? She was surprised to see him.

“What are you doing here? She asked Austin.

” It’s Austin remember.. am here to see Miguel. I should be the one asking you that, what are you doing here.. oh are you now a nurse here? He asked, acting surprised.

“I have to go back to my duty post,” Cassie said as she turn to leave but Austin held her back by the wrist.

“I know this the only place I might get to see you,” he smile.

“What did you need? She asked as she removed his hand from hers.

“You can go in and look for Miguel yourself, ” she seethed.

“Too tough huh,” he smirked while Cassie rolled her eyes, she could still remember him, the one that almost raped her during Nadine’s baby shower and he was Stacy’s friend, the one she saw cheating with when she was Miguel’s girlfriend. Cassie wondered if Austin is really Miguel’s friend.

” I still haven’t forgotten your face and you know what- you disgust me,” Cassie sneered as she walked away.

‘this will be tough,” Austin thought within himself as he watch her leave, staring at her straight sxy legs.

“A good catch.. Miguel sure knows how to get them,” he smiled to himself but his smile turn to a frown when he run down the memory lane starting with Dianne who never loved him and then he still went behind Miguel and snatch Stacy even though Stacy is just obsessed with Miguel till now and now Cassie seems to hate him already.

*”You’re a failure already.. why chasing after your bestfriend girlfriends and yet you always get rejected?* His subconscious said.

“Am not a failure! He seethed then clenched his fist in anger. Miguel is not the only guy and he’s not better than me. Am taking Cassie for myself,” he said to himself as he picked up his phone and make a call.

“So are you Dr. Miguel’s new crush now? Yeng asked as she dropped some equipments on the table and turn to her.

“are you having any problem with that? Cassie asked while Yeng gasped.

” So the rumours are true? She asked.

” Maybe,” Cassie shrugged

” Dr. Miguel will never think of courting someone like you, not when am here. Let’s just say he pity you and offer you..

“Just quit it you know. I know what am doing here, I know my job and I know what exactly I want,” Cassie said.

” Okay then.. let see if that would happen,” Yeng said icily before walking out.

” She’s always like this don’t mind her,” Lee said while Cassie just nodded, she recognized she was the same nurse that took care of her when she was in Coma.

“Seems like you’ve been working here for a long time now? Cassie asked.

“Yeah, for the past five years. You have to be more careful with desperate people like Yeng. Her crazy obsession for Dr. Miguel is getting much each day and the worst thing is that he had made it clear to her he wasn’t interested in her,” Lee said.

” Oh, okay,” Cassie shrugged.

” I know exactly how to deal with people like her. I have to go now” Cassie said as she went out and headed straight to the ward to attend to some patients.


” It’s gonna heal up soon,” Cassie said as she tied it up with a bandage.

“The hot water poured on her leg due to her carelessness,” the father of the little girl said.

” Will I be able to go to school tomorrow? The little girl asked.

“Of course not, till next week so that the wound will heal up completely and when you get there make you sure you be careful not to hurt yourself again, ” Cassie smile.

“Thank you Nurse Cassie, ” the girl said with a faint smile, she heard one of the nurse calling her and that’s how she get to know her name.

Cassie kept working the whole time until she realize it was 8pm and she was done with her evening shift. She went outside looking for a cab as she trek down to the main road..

“Is this Miguel’s car,” she thought as she stare at he car that just stopped by because it definitely looks like Miguel’s.

“Cassie! A familiar voice called and just as she thought! it was Miguel who stepped out of the car.

“What are you doing here?

” Am done with my shift so am going home,” she said.

“.. by this time of the night. I was just about leaving when I sighted you from the car, are you that careless! what if Audrey shows up from nowhere and hurt you, you know how dangerous it can be walking alone especially this night and I have told you to make use of my car anytime you want if not for anything but for your safety,” Miguel said so angry while Cassie just watch him surprised.

“And why are you being so worried? Am not your child that you should scold me this way Miguel and stop acting as if you own me!” She said then turn to leave but Miguel quickly pulled her back and held her by the wrist.

“Am just so worried about you…

“If you are really worried about me then you shouldn’t yell at me” she said but before she could finish her statement Miguel brought his face closer to hers and pressed his lips softly on hers.

Cassie’s eyes bulged out in shocked.

Miguel broke the kss when he felt she wasn’t responding to it. He stared at her intently with his lips slightly parted, as he brushed away some strand of her hair from her face.

Cassie stared at his face without blinking.

“You want to know why am so worried and crazy about you now.. huh. It’s because I love you Cassie and I can’t stand to see you get hurt again.. I love you more than life itself,” he said as he ran a finger through his hair.

“How often these words are,” she chuckle surprised to hear that from him.

“too often that they had lost their essence to me,” she said with a sad smile.

” I love you so much Cassie and only those words can satisfactorily communicate the message in my heart,” he said but Cassie moved more close to him.

” I don’t trust you,” she said staring directly into his eyes as she turn to leave.

“You may not believe it because these words sound like a cliche you due to the way they are carelessly thrown at. But I’m never careless with my words so believe me when I say I truly do love you,” he said.

Cassie turn back and face him in anger.

*I love you Cassie,”*** Kamil’s voice echoed in her mind as she remembered how foolishly she fall for such cheap lies.

“Just stay away from me,” she Said icily.

Suddenly everything happen so fast as they heard a gvn shot.

A big black van stopped behind them and a man in mask came out and pulled the trlgger at Miguel aiming him at his stomach.

“Miguel! Cassie stood in shocked as she saw the man getting back inside the van and they zoomed off with full speed.
Few people around were all terrified.

“Miguel…,” Cassie quickly held him, her eyes widened in shock when she saw bI.ood gushing out from his mouth, he was bI.eeding so bad…

“Just hold on Miguel.. please don’t leave me,” she cried…..
Cassie and Miguel ?
Who could have done that to Miguel?


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