By Tiana Isaac

Episode 59

@ The U.S °°°??

“But you never told me that,” Austin said to his uncle.

“That’s because you’ve been a fool all these while! Lado said.

“Am only here to know the truth about everything and to see if I can get back my company, ” he said.

” You’ve already sell it, stop acting so dumb, where will you even get the money to get it back?

“Maybe you can give me a loan or something, I just want to fix myself back. I want to be that Austin everyone use to know and not this poor one, ”

” I don’t have that huge money Austin, ” his uncle said.

” And till now I haven’t get to know who exactly mom hand one of her properties too, I know she once own a big restaurant here in America but I never care to know much because I thought I would always have her around,” he said sadly.

” You’re such a fool Austin! This is something you should have investigate a long time ago after her de.ath but you’re doing that now because all you want is to survive and to bounce back which will be impossible,” he said.

” I did but it wasn’t fruitful. Mom didn’t mention giving anyone the restaurant in her will..

“So what was her will when she died? Didn’t she give her adopted son something? Lado asked while Austin was quiet trying to fix the puzzle.

“She gave that to Lorenzo? But she never told me about it and Lorenzo never did too,” Austin said so confused.

” It’s all gone now. You’ve lose everything, theirs no point in revisiting the ugly past. Your mom is gone and as well as your adopted brother too and you just have to face the consequences of your actions. It’s still not late Austin, you can start from somewhere,” Lado said while Austin looked at him.

” Am here to fix my life and forget about the past .. I will do anything here to bouce back and I know when the right time comes I will go back to the Philippines and do everything I can buy mom’s company back again,” he said with a glit of hope.

” Then you can start by being humble, by looking for a minor job,” he said.


That evening Austin and his uncle strolled down to the place and Austin was surprised to see the huge place. A very gaint building, so big, fancy and beautiful. Beside it was a big Bill board with the title “E- Tasty Restaurant”

“I hope their food taste just as beautiful as their building? Austin asked staring at the place.

“This one of the biggest Restaurant here, let’s go in,” Lado said as they walked in and took their seat.

” You can start by applying for a job here, either as a cleaner or waiter,” Lado said.

” What! Am not used to that kind of life, I mean how can I serve others here, that backwardness on my side,” Austin said so troubled.

” Then you aren’t ready to start from the scratch,” Lado said.

“And why was the restaurant name ” E-Tasty Restaurant”? I thought the owner was Marcel? He asked.

” No actually,” he said and just then someone walked in with two men in suit behind him, as they went to the VIP arena inside.

“That’s Mr Marcel Ronald,” he said. He’s the manager over here so I guess he’s here to check few things,” Lado explained while Austin nodded.

” Starting over as a slave is something I will never do, I can’t work here and serve people. Maybe I should try to get connected with this man and my life would be better again,” he thought within himself even thou it’s not gonna be easy.

°°°°Austin beckoned one of the waitress to ask her more about Mr. Marcel.

“Yeah, that’s the manager,” she replied.

” What about the real owner? He asked.

“That’s Sir Ethan Harris, he owns the “E- Empire” and others businesses. He hardly comes here but he do that once in a while and whenever he happens to come he take over the cooking, he’s just so good at that and handsome too,” the girl said dreamily while Austin rolled his eyes.

” It’s my three months of working here but look I have become rich already. I so much like it here.

All am looking forward is when Sir Ethan will come back here himself, I have only seen him once when he came last month,” she smiled and before she could realised Austin has already left.
@ The Montes-Tech ?
“As a company the idea of accepting expertise and a big check from an outside investors is a complete win for us,” Joan said as she gave Nadine some documents in her office.

” Thanks Joan. I will go through them. We really need this for the project at hand, we need the stable investors and for the contract remaining signing from both parties am glad we’ve stumbled on the “E-Empire” on time” Nadine said.

” So that means we will going to the U.S by next week?

“Yeah and not only for that but for a Tech- Conference at the MIT. Dad is leaving everything to me now, he’s no longer getting young and I had to make sure everything go in order.

Our sales have dropped this year, actually my issues with Leonard affected everything but I believe things will be fine with the new project the board members have approved and also with the contract the E-Empire want to sign us for,” Nadine said so exhausted.

” Just start writing down the treatise for proposal and send the e-mail we discussed in the meeting today,” she said while Joan nodded before leaving.


@ The Montes Mansion…

Nadine and Eric were done having dinner, she sat down at the sitting room busy with her laptop.

“Mummy, thought you promise you won’t bring anything from work to this house? Eric asked as he claimed on her back.

“Mummy is exhausted today, I just want to make a personal research on something,” she sigh.

” Nadine.. how is work? Josie asked as he joined them in the sitting room.

“Eric… Early to be, early to rise, you have school tomorrow,” Josie said.

” Am waiting for mum to finish this,” he pout.

” Just go and take a rest baby. I know I’ve been busy these days but I will make it up to you before I travel for this business trip,” she said.

” Business trip! Eric asked surprised as he stood up and jumped in a dramatic way.

“Not again mom, you can’t leave me here,” he said with a sad face.

” You have grandpa and grandma here, you also have Lily and Sharon with your uncle Miguel and aunt Cassie. You have people around Eric,” she said.

” Sure, but I still feel lonely without you and dad. Ever since we left our mansion to come here you haven’t been concentrating on me,” he said as he turn to leave sadly but Nadine pulled him back.

“Am sorry Eric.. I know am not a good mother but I promise to make it up to you soon. I just want you to know am trying am best even thou I know my best isn’t enough. I love you son,” she hugged him.

” It’s okay mom,” Eric smile.

” I love you too mother, I know you’re trying your best, thank you, ” he hugged her back.

” Goodnight…, ” He kssed her on the forehead and ran back to his room.


” This the time to create more bond between you and your son so that he won’t ever feel the absence of his stupid father Leonard but things aren’t going they way we all want it,” Josie said.

” He’s just a kid and I don’t want him to ever feel abandon,” Nadine said as she thought the only way to stop Leonard from claiming Eric is by telling everyone the truth about Eric’s identity and with that maybe he can stop whatever he’s planning but on a second thought she was afraid to spill the truth because Leonard might get angry and will try to go after her life.

“Eric’s life is at stake here.. I know how evil Leonard can be if he get to find out Eric isn’t his son but the son of his worst enemy Lorenzo! he might want to kll my son. I can’t expose Eric to danger, I have to protect him with all my life,” Nadine thought.

” You looked troubled? Josie asked.

” No dad.. just exhausted. We’ve fixed the date and everything and we got an e-mail from the E-Empire they are willing to sign the contract,” Nadine said with a smile while Josie nodded.

“Thank you Nadine, I know I can always trust you with the Montes-Tech even when am gone. Am glad I have cut off Leonard and his family from our lives a long time ago.

E-Cloud waves is already at the verge of collapsing and that just the beginning of their failure and as for Austin I guess he’s as poor as nothing now,”

” They both deserves it,” Nadine said as she closed her laptop then stood up.

” Goodnight,” she yawn then headed to her room and meet Eric sleeping on the bed. She laid down beside him and pulled him close to her as she covered him with a duvet.

“I hope you’ll forgive me someday for complicating everything around you. I wish Lorenzo is here to see you, to see how you’ve grown and become this handsome.

Being a single mother isn’t that easy, I wish your dad is alive but I know wherever he is, he is watching over us. You’ll always be the first fruit of our love and a rememberance of whatever I once shared with Enzo,” she said slowly as she blink back the tears in her eyes.

“Life is just so unfair to me or maybe the decision I took,” she muttered as she let her tears fall.

” It’s okay Nadine, you’ll sail through this,” she said to herself. She promised to protect Eric from Leonard no matter what, she wasn’t willing to expose him to danger by letting the secret out but it is the same secret that will make Leonard to back out from trying to claim the child that isn’t his.

“This just too difficult for me,” she


@ United States of America??

Nadine and the rest of her team finally settled in their hotel suites after coming from the airport, they were welcome by the “E- Empire” visitation team and they were taken to their various rooms.

“It’s seems so lovely here. The E-Empire is well established for doing all this, what a kind gesture!,” Joan said while Nadine nodded.

” I missed here. It been long I came here ever since I was done with my studies. Maybe after the business meeting and conference I will love to spend like a day or two to visit those places I use to go on campus and my old friends too,” Nadine smile.

” That will be fun, I will like to do that with you,” Joan giggle while Nadine laugh.

” You’re not serious Joan. Today was hectic we have to get prepared for tomorrow presentation,” she said.

” Sure.. I hope they wouldn’t change their mind” Greg from their management department said as the join them.

” Oh, they wouldn’t dare that! We have the powerful leadership team, transparency and the best product,” Joan chipped in.

” This the Montes-Tech we are talking about Greg, and beside the contract is just temporal to see if we can handle such a big project at hand. Let just be positive about this, ” Nadine said.

” Am just wondering who that Ethan Harris is? Joan asked.

“Well we all know the manager Marcel Ronald but who is the real person behind Marcel, people hardly see him,” Greg said.

” We will definitely see him, he will be the one to sign the contract there by making it the final deal, we need his signature and we will definitely get that.

Goodnight, ” Nadine said and with that she walked back to her room.


The next day…?

Nadine was amazed when she went to the “E-Tasty Restaurant.

” It’s so beautiful here,” she smile.

” Welcome Miss.. what’s your order? One of the waitress asked.

“I will just go with chicken and waffles,” she said while the waitress nodded and turn to leave.

“One more thing please! Nadine said bringing the attention of the girl back to her.

“Did Mr. Marcel own this place? She asked curiously.

“Maybe you can make your own private research on the restaurant if you like, this the second time am being ask this same question,” the girl said.

” Mr. Marcel is just the manager. Mr Ethan owns this place thou he hardly visit here but to everyone surprised he’s here today. He was here since morning ,” the girl whispers the last part before leaving quickly.

Nadine wondered what she meant by that, she shrugged and looked at her wrist watch. It getting to 1pm and they have meeting exactly by 4pm.

Her eyes darted round the restaurant looking at the amazing place and the people around.

Nadine fumed in anger as she checked her time, it almost getting to twenty minutes, her order isn’t here.

“Why are the keeping me waiting,” she asked herself so impatient as she stood up to leave but immediately two of the waitress came to her table.

“This for you Ma’am,” the waiter said as they arrange the table and drop her meal.

“Creamy chicken pie with potatoes…,” Nadine asked surprised to see the delicious meal that was being served to her with her favorite wine..

“But.. this isn’t what I ordered,”

” This was what we were told to deliver here in table 15,” one of the waiter said as he looked at the table number to make sure they haven’t made any mistake.

“This is especially prepared by the chief chef himself, trust me you will like it,” he said before leaving while Nadine looked all surprised.

” This was her favorite, even the wine too and she’s just new here how did they know about it? Was it just a coincidence or something? She asked herself as she take a spoonful of the meal stun by the taste…

It makes her remember one person at a spot..

Her eyes bulged out in shocked.

“Lorenzo…” She muttered..



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