REMEMBER ME: Episode 51-60

Episode 52
By Authoress Anita

Tony examined Sophie.

“Is she breathing? Is she dead? Is.. ”

“Calm down jenny, I think she is still breathing, we have to take her to the hospital right away”Tony said while wrapping his shirt around her head”do you have I phone? “Tony asked promise.

“We left both our phones at home”promise said.

“Okey, I will be back shortly, do not touch her”tony advised and went away.

Nicolas home

Tony entered the house and Nicolas was still chilling and laughing with sonea.

“Dad! Dad! “Called out tony.

“What is it son? “!Nicolas father asked as he walked down the stairs.

“Dad,Sophie”he said trying to catch his breath.

“Where is your shirt and what about Sophie? “Tionge asked.

“Sophie is dying, we need a car to take her to the hospital right away “explained tony.

“What? What are we waiting for? James, start the engene”said tionge and in no time they we’re out of the house. Nicolas was not even bothered.


“Will she be fine? She won’t die right? “Jenny asked in tears.

“Come down jenny, I will try my best, you have to go and inform her parents and you tadala, get me my coat and the first aid kit”said tony while entering the emergency room.


“Where is my daughter, is she alive? “Hilak, sophies mother asked.

“Come down mother, she will be fine”promise said and just then Tony come out of the emergency room.

“Tony, how is she? “Asked promise.

“Well, I have done the first aid but she needs to undergo surgery,”tony explained.

“That’s too bad, can’t you perfone the surgery? “Tony explained.

“Why don’t you perfome the surgery? “, promise asked.

“Its beyond my capabilities, we need Nicolas, you know he is the only professional doctor here”added tony.

“That’s will be hard, will Nicolas accept to do that surgery? “Jenny asked.

“Whose son did that to my daughter? “, kamla asked

“Sir, please watch y.. Kamla? “Emily said.

“Emily? Tionge?”Hilak called out in surprise “I swear if anything happen to my daughter your son will pay”she added in agony.

“Please, its not time for this, we have to find a way for Nicolas to do the surgery, I will be back”tony said.

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