REMEMBER ME: Episode 51-60


?Episode 59?

?By Authoress Anita?

? ??D DAY??

The day finally arrived, all the invited guests we’re available.

“Dad, I thought you won’t come “I said.

“And why would I skip the event when my daughter has personally invited me? “He said.

“If my parents we’re not against the relationship between me and Hilaks relationship, this beautiful girl could have been mine”added Nicolas father.
“No,she would have been mine and Kamla”Nicolas ‘ mother said.

“How I wish there was a very strong bond to mend our past mistakes”mom said.

“I think there is”I said and they all looked at me.

“What’s that? “Dad asked.

“Its me,” I said and they all laughed

“Ladies and gentle me, I welcome you to the birthday party of Francine and Francis, you might be wondering but these kids are twins, well their father passed away not so long ago though”the mc said.

“What a pity that they lost their father so early”Nicolas father said.

“I am really sorry to them, its really pitiful “Nicolas sympathize

“I think you don’t have to sympathize with the kids because you don’t know what killed their father, I used to be very close to their father before he passed away”I said.

“Who may know? Maybe I have to sympathize “he insisted.

In no time the twins chose a song and they come out of the house.

“That song, its Nicolas’ favorite, he has been listening to that song since he was young. “Dad said.

“I guess they are so much alike him”I said.

“What do you mean they are so much like me? “Nicolas asked

“Its nothing”I said.

“Welcome our prince and princess of the day, are they not cute, now let’s ask their aunt to make a speech”the said.

“Wait, the twins look somehow like Nicolas”Nicolas mother said.

“Mom your right, Nicolas, by chance we’re you having an affair behind my back? “Sonea asked.

“Come on guys, they just look alike me but their is no relationship between me and them “Nicolas said.

“Of course there isn’t any”I mumbled to myself.

“Well,I am so greatful that you all left your schedules to attend the birthday party if there kids, these kids are a blessing to me and their mother, and I really love them, enjoy the party”Lusungu said and food was scattered.

They sung a birthday song for the kids and they made a wish and cut the cake.
“Kids, what was your wish! “The mc asked
“I wish my parents were together, I wish my father was still alive “Francine said and it really broke my heart.
? ?

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