By Painter

Episode 40

Calvin chuckled. “You mean it?” He asked excitedly. “You’ll marry me tonight?” He asked again.

I laughed too at his playful expression. “Yes, I will marry you tonight.”

“This is going to be the one good thing to ever happen to me.” He whispered, wrapping me in his arms. “You’re an angel, and I don’t deserve you, but I want you, and I can’t believe I’m actually going to get to have you.”

“You’re being cheesy again.” I giggled.

“You make me be cheesy.” He said. “You make me think of things I’d never thought of before, and feel things I never imagined feeling. I want to spoil you for the rest of eternity, Rachel.” He professed.

“I love you.” I said happily.

He kssed me again. “I love you too, so much more than you could ever imagine.” He smiled at me and then looked behind me. “Make the arrangements.” He said over my shoulder and I turned around to see Master Pedro standing in the doorway, teary eyed.

“She’ll be the most beautiful bride there ever was.” He said.
I laughed at him. “Great, you’re being cheesy now too?” I asked jokingly.

“You’re right.” Calvin agreed with Pedro and both men laughed.

Pedro crossed his arms across his chest. “Well, if memory serves me right, I don’t think the two of you are supposed to see each other the day of your wedding or its bad luck.” He said.

Calvin pulled me closer. “That’s true.” He said with his head rested on top of mine. “Good thing the wedding will be at 4am, so that’s technically tomorrow.” He pointed out. “But just in case, you two better go ahead and go.” He said releasing me. “I’ve got a lot to clean up around here, and I’ve got to pick the men I want to take with me to Germany.”

The mention of Germany stressed me out all over again. I didn’t want to think about the hostile rebels there that could possibly kll my husband.

The second I thought the word ‘husband’, my mind went off on a totally different downward spiral of worry.

I said my goodbyes to Calvin, and I tried not to focus on the fact that as I left him I could still see the hint of sadness in his eyes.

I went with Pedro down to level 1, and we walked through the grand ballroom, which looked eerie empty of the hundreds of people and noise, to the back of the room that I thought would be a kitchen of some sort, but instead it was a very posh looking dressing room.

“It’s the royal waiting suite.” Pedro explained.
“This is where they used to wait until they were announced to grand balls, or weddings.”

I looked around, taking in the plush off white walls, and the gold silk draped back and forth across the ceiling.

The carpet beneath my feet was shockingly white and thick, and little teardrop shaped lights were mounted to the walls around the room.

The back wall was a mirror, and to the left of it was a rack with 4 white dresses.

Along the other side of the room there was a vanity, much bigger than the one from my room, and to my right was an open door that went into a bathroom.

“Wow.” I said, then I got distracted by my reflection in the mirror. “Oh, wow, I look rough.” I laughed, taking in my destroyed dress, ratty hair, and makeup smeared face.

Pedro shrugged. “I wasn’t going to say anything, since you’re about to be my queen, but yes, you do look rather rough.” He laughed.

I went over to one of the comfy looking white chairs and plopped down. My head just could not wrap around me being a queen in a few hours.

I’ve never wanted any of this. It should be Tessa or Greer, but as much as I don’t want the title, I want Calvin.

Thinking of the other girls made my heart tug. “What happens to the girls now?” I asked Pedro and he came to sit in the chair beside mine.

“I’ve already told them about the wedding.” He said. “I also informed them of the king’s decision.” He smiled at me.

“The other girls can chose between staying here in Castrum de Petra as free women, with a protective guard on them, or they can take a position at one of the feeder schools.” He told me. “They seemed very happy with the options, and they wish you luck tonight.”

I was so proud of Calvin for doing the right thing by them. “Won’t they be at the wedding?” I asked.

Pedro shook his head. “Not unless you want them to be.” He said. “Calvin thought you’d prefer a small ceremony so only specifically invited people, and a handful of officials will be present.”

“Will you be there?” I asked finally starting to feel anxious.

He smacked my knee with the back of his hand. “Who do you think is marrying the two of you?” He chuckled. “I’ll be performing the ceremony.”

“Good.” I sighed. “I want the girls to be there.” I decided. “Only if they want to come though.” I added, thinking of Lexton.

If I’m right about her feelings for Calvin, she probably won’t want to be forced to watch us get married.
Pedro nodded. “Who else?”

I thought for a moment. “Maria, and the girls who do my makeup and stuff.”

“Carly and Jessica will be so honored.” He smiled. “I was wondering if I could bring a date?” He asked shyly.

I grinned brightly. “Of course.” I said. “What’s her name?”

He bit his lip. “Well, his name is Patrick, and he’s wanted to meet you for some time.” He explained. “He’s a cook.” He smiled.

I laughed. “I can’t wait to meet him, Pedro.”

The door opened and Maria, Carly, and Jessica walked in, waiving to me. “So,” Pedro said seriously. “Do you want me to invite the other two girls? Regina and Frankie?”

“Would they even be allowed to come?” I asked.

Pedro rolled his eyes. “He didn’t tell you, did he?” I gave him a confused look.

“Calvin got them back from the men they were sold to on the same night you asked him to.” He smiled. “They both chose to go back to their feeder schools and work there.”

Calvin never ceased to amaze me. “If they want to come, then yes, they are welcomed to.” I told him still smiling.

So many things were running around in my head while I showered and then let the girls begin working on my hair and makeup.

I couldn’t even begin to wrap my mind around the fact that I’d be getting married in a couple of hours.

I was beyond anxious, so much so that I could hardly control the shaking of my fingers while Jessica painted my finger nails a soft blue.

Every now and then the thought of Calvin leaving would creep in, but I’d quickly shove down any emotions about that.

I didn’t want tonight to be about that. I want tonight to be about us. Just when I’d thought I had my emotions under control, I thought about after the wedding.

My wedding night.

I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts, knowing full well I would obsess over it if I allowed myself to dwell on it too long. “Be still.” Jessica scolded me with a smile as she pulled another section of my hair up.


When they were finished with me, Pedro took my hand and brought me to the dresses. “Let your heart chose the right one.” He said.

I looked over to the mirror, amazed at how beautiful they’d managed to make me look, even in this plain black robe.


My eyes were dramatic and my bright red lipstick made my lips look even more full than usual.

My hair was up in a gorgeous high bun that had braids wrapped around it, giving the delicate silver tiara on my head an even more royal look to it.





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