Episode 45

He grabbed my shoulders again. “You can do this, Rachel.” He said firmly. “It will be broadcast live to everywhere, even to where Calvin is, so just do this for him. Show him he can be proud of you.”

He pushed me over to the middle of the room, then pulled a screen down from the ceiling that brought down a red backdrop boasting a large crest that I’ve seen on mine and Calvin’s crowns. “Just look right here, your highness.” The camera man said trying to pull my attention back to him.

I held the paper ahead of me, and stared straight into the camera. The man held up his hand over his head and counted to three, then pointed to me.


“Hello, everyone.” I said with a shaky voice. “This is Queen Rachel, coming to you live from Castrum de Petra.” I stole Pedro’s line from when he used to announce at the ceremonies. “As you all know, our King has been away, working tirelessly to end this conflict, and today there was an attack.” I tried to say evenly, but my emotions were showing through. “King Calvin and his men were ambushed while they slept by the leaders of this rebellion. There were many casualties, and the king did suffer wounds, but he is alright.

It was his hope to reach an agreement with these tyrants, but that no longer seems achievable after this ruthless attack on our men.” I was growing angrier at these people by the moment and I let my hands fall to my sides, the paper floating to the floor. “The king has issued a full scale lockdown on Castrum de Petra to insure the safety of our people.

No one will be able to leave, and anyone who tries to or who aides anyone trying to get in, will be seen as a member of this rebellion and prosecuted for their crimes against the crown. This is a time of war.” I said firmly. “This is the time for us to come together, and to fight alongside our brave king. I love you, Calvin.” I said staring hard into the camera and the little red light on the camera went off as the camera man lowered it down to smile at me.

“That was perfect.” He said.

Pedro rushed to me from the side of the room. “Fantastic, Rachel.” He praised.

A woman walked into the room with an ear piece in and a tablet in her hands. “Pedro.” She called to him. “Look at these.” She said pointing to the screen as he came over.

“Rachel.” He said waiving me over. He looked away from the screen and to me. “The people are already buzzing about you. They are rallying behind you.” He said with an insulting amount of surprise. “Calvin will be so proud of you.”

I ignored his happiness, needing to know things for myself. “How badly was he hurt, Pedro?” I asked.

He looked warry. “It was bad, Rachel.” He admitted after a minute. “He was barely saved by one of his men.”
The tears ran immediately. “I should be with him.” I insisted.

“No, you belong here, where he needs you.” He said pulling me into a hug.

I nodded against his chest. “You’re right.” I admitted, knowing there was no way I’d be any help in a battle against angry vampires.

I decided right then in that moment that I was going to be the best dmn queen these people have ever seen. Anything I could do from here to make things better on Calvin, I’m doing it.


?Perfect, ?
?Words cannot begin to express how proud of you I am. I know that was hard for you, but you pulled it off with grace, beauty, and a confidence I haven’t seen in you before.

It suits you well, being a queen. Although you’d be a queen in my eyes even if neither of us were actually royalty.

Seeing you, and hearing your sweet voice was almost more than I could bare, but I needed it so badly right in that moment.

You’re giving me the strength I need, and I hope you can continue to be strong for me. The attack was brvtal. They came out of nowhere with such force.

I lost many of my men, but thanks to your speech, there were plenty of volunteers to take their places. I know you worry, but I swear I am ok. I don’t know any more what our plan is here, though.

Obviously trying to reason with these barbarians will not suffice, so the fighting has become worse, more intense, if that’s even possible.

I don’t want to scare you, but I don’t want to keep you in the dark either.

I have faith that we can push them down. We out number them 10 to 1, it’s just a matter of who is more willing to fight.

Try not to worry over me too much, and write me soon. I keep your letters with me at all times so that whenever I have a spare moment I can take them out and read them again.
I miss you terribly.
Even your attitude.
?All my love, Cal ?


I put my letter away with the rest of them, then rush to my next meeting.


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