



By Faith Lucky

Episode 8

Roxanne’s Pov:

I sat alone in the sitting room with my hands crossed. I had so many thoughts in mind.

Not long after, mum walked in with a tray of food and kept it on the glass table in front of me.

“It’s time to eat…”

“I told you mum; I’m not hungry” I cut her off, staring at the floor.

“Roxanne please. Just do as I say…”

“And what exactly is this?” I rasp and sprang on my feet.

“To stay locked up for the rest of my life? I really don’t get you mum. What are you trying to achieve from all these? Why are you so bent on making my life miserable?”

“It’s for your own good, Roxanne; for your own safety!” She half yelled and sighed.

“Going Out is dangerous. Trust me baby; I know what I’m saying.”

“Well, I’ve been trusting you for nineteen years now and unfortunately, I’m running out of that trust.

“Do you know how happy I was when I got to see the other parts of the world just within that short period of time? Do you know how beautiful it was?

“I got to see a lot of things. I even made a friend – a nice lady. She was so kind to me even when she knew nothing about me. Life out there was so beautiful mum and I seriously don’t get why you’re trying to punish by keeping me away from it.
You’ve been hiding me my entire life now!” I yelled and paused as it suddenly niggled at me – the thought.

I gasped and shook my head.

“The…The same way…Gerald’s wife… has been hiding her daughter from Lu¢ifer.”
I scoffed and stared at her in disbelief.

She covered her mouth with her palm and wept.


I blinked rapidly and moved backwards. I felt my stomach rumbling.

No. It can’t be.

“That…That story you told me the other night” I said faintly, fear running through me.

“I’m…I’m Gerald’s daughter… right? I’m…the girl…Lu¢ifer’s looking for” I stuttered helplessly but mum couldn’t say a word as she continued crying.

“Mum?” I called and a tear came rolling down my cheek.

Oh, goodness! No.
This can’t be possible.
It can’t be true.

I’m Gerald’s daughter? The whole story was about me?
I…I come from he.ll? But how?

So, I’m the girl Lu¢ifer’s desperately looking for so he could carry out his revenge on me? That’s the reason mum wanted me to stay indoors?

Oh, mercies!

“Roxanne” she called tearfully and tried holding me but I drew away from her.

“You lied to me, mum! You should’ve told me the truth!” I said angrily with more tears streaming down my cheeks.

“How could you keep this away from me? How???”

“I’m sorry” she whimpered and I turned and backed her.

All I could feel were pains. Just pains.

To think I was being haunted by the King of hell?
What kind of a life is this?
Am I expected to stay indoors for the rest of my life?

“Roxanne please, understand with me” she said and held me from behind.
“I just didn’t want you to be scared. I only wanted the best for you, my child cause I love you too much. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lose you”.

I didn’t even know what else to say. The whole thing just felt like a dream to me. I couldn’t believe it.

So, I’m Gerald’s daughter? The daughter of someone that evil? And now, I’m supposed to pay for his sins?

Why me?

“Baby” mum called and rested her head on my shoulder.

I felt like pushing her away, but couldn’t. Why should my life go in this direction? Isn’t it better i was killed when I was a baby?

I wept more and bitterly. My head started aching and I felt like screaming out loud.

Suddenly, mum gasped and ran to the window.
I looked at her and noticed she shivered as she looked through it.

Her hands were shaking.

“He’s…he’s here” she stuttered fearfully.
I’ve never seen her this scared before.

I was forced to run over and have a look and there I saw some men – lots of them – walking through the wood, approaching our house.
They were already close to us.

Hold on;
Isn’t that…Hah!


No! How’s that possible?


The popular guy in the city?

What’s he doing here? In the woods? Close to my house?

What’s going on? And whys mum so scared? Does she know him?

“He found us, Roxanne! He found us!” She gasped, tears pouring from her eyes like rainfall.

Picked For You:  PSYCHÓ B£AUTY : CHAPTER 41 – 50

I looked at her and didn’t even know which question to ask.
I was confused.

Next, she took my hand and climbed up the stairs with me.

She took me to the room next to mine and when we got there, she pressed a button on the ceiling and surprisingly, the ceiling opened.
It opened in the form of a ladder.

“I want you to go up here and hide. Stay put and don’t come out no matter what you hear” she instructed and tried pushing me up but I resisted.

“Mum; what’s…what’s going on? I don’t under…”

“He’s here for you, Roxanne. Don’t you understand? He’s Lucifer!” She said and I felt a loud bang in my head.

My heart skipped and my eyes dilated in shock.

“What?” I asked almost in a whisper.

“There isn’t time to explain. Just do as I say Roxanne; please.” She said and made me climb the ladder and this time around, I couldn’t resist.
I was too weak to.

“Baby please, no matter what; don’t come out” she said and closed the ceiling.


Harriet’s Pov:
I ran back to the sitting room and immediately I got there, the door opened and Lucifer and his men walked in.

I knew this was bound to happen the moment Roxanne leaves the house. This has always been my fears.

I can’t let him find her. even if I had hidden with her, he’d have been able to find us both. I just needed a way to distract him.

“Harriet” he called calmly as he stood after the door and looked left and right.

He was putting on a long black jacket that swept the floor and his hands were crossed behind his back.

I was shivering inside me, but was trying all I could not to show it.

“Long time, no see” he added and took in a deep breath.

“You…You’re alive” I said nervously, not realising it was dumb.

He scoffed and took a step closer.

“I should be the one asking you that” he said and stared directly into my eyes.

“You know what I want, Harriet. Let’s cut to the chase. Where’s she?”

I took my eyes to the floor, not able to stand his.

A dead silence stepped in.

“You know me, Harriet. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s having to repeat myself. ” he said still with a calm expression.

I needed to say something now.

“You came a bit late, Lucifer. She isn’t here anymore. She ran away” I replied, trying not to flounder.

He remained silent and didn’t make a move for a while.
Then he came very close to me; so close that I could feel his breath on my face.

“Dear Harriet” he called lowly.
“You and I both know that’s a lie”.

I felt my heart skip.

He left me and went over to the tray of food on the table which was beside where I stood.

“Yes, she did ran away” he said, squatting in front of the food.

“But you brought her back”.

“I didn’t, Lucifer. I…I can take you to her if you want. I know where she is” I said and he scoffed.

“She’s right here. I can smell her bIood. Bring her out”.

“B…But, if she was here, wouldn’t you have found her already?” I asked and he stood up and faced me.

“Well…” he said and paused.
“I hope she can stand your scream”.

Immediately, he stretched his hand towards me and I felt heavy pains on my head.

“Aaaaaarghhh” I screamed as I held my head.
It felt like nails being hammered into my head.

“Lu¢ifer please!” I cried and he stopped and I fell on my knees.

“Please stop this. I beg of you. Roxanne has nothing to do with this”. I said weakly as I wept bitterly.

“Roxanne” he repeated lowly.
“That’s a nice name” he added and stretched his hand towards me again and this time around, my skin started turning red.

I felt it burning.

I screamed at the top of my voice and felt the house might collapse at any moment.

“Stop!” I heard another voice scream and the pains stopped.
Lucifer stopped.

I turned in weak breaths to see Roxanne standing on the staircase, in tears.
“Please don’t hurt her” she whimpered.

Oh, Roxanne!
What have you done?

Lucifer turned properly to face her.

He crossed his hands behind his back and took in a deep satisfactory breath.

“Finally” he said.


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