Judy stared at Natalie to see her starring back at her with hatred, Judy look away only to see Travis standing alone, watching her.
She didn’t realize he will be here? She thought as he begin to make way towards her.
“Have you seen Graham?” Judy ask.
“He’s at the garage…preparing your… she’s gone” Darren mutter when Judy dash out of the house.
She had no idea where the garage was but she kept going, she didn’t want Travis catching up with her, she didn’t want to talk to him.
Somehow, she ask for direction from one of the servants who showed her the way.
The garage door was lock but she could hear Graham voice from inside.
She open the door gently and called his name and immediately, he ran towards her.
“What are you doing here? Your gift isn’t ready yet ” He said, looking flustered.
“My gift?”
“Yes your… You look amazing, beautiful” he said, noticing her outfit.
“Thanks. It’s all thanks to you” she said feeling a bit shy.
“Hope you don’t mind me preparing this. Its just that when i heard you don’t celebrate your birthday, I decided to do something different and…”
“It’s fine. Thanks” she said more aware of his gaze eating everything on her.
“You know you…”
“You mention something about a gift?” She said quickly, moving away when he would have pull her into his arms.
“Yes. I was putting on the ribbon, the finish touch when you came” he said.
“Don’t tell me that this car is my gift?” Judy ask, starring at a brand new SUV.
“It is. I didn’t want to give you my money since I know you will refuse it and so I got you this car, instead ”
“Please, don’t refuse it like you did the day I gave you money at the library”
Judy turn to stare at him the moment he said that.
“How did you remember that I refuse money from you at the library? Has your memory return?” Judy ask.
“Not everything. I only remember arguing with you about money in the library”
“And nothing else. No matter how much I try, I can’t recall a thing after or before that moment” he said, looking very suspicious.
Judy stared at him in silence, wondering if he’s telling the truth or lying or if it has been a whole game from the begining.
What if he never lost his memory? What if he’s just pretending and remember it all? What if he’s just pretending to have amnesia just so he can use her to get back at his real girlfriend?
This thoughts kept running through Judy’s head until someone took hold of her hand.
Judy stared at Graham who was smiling down at her.
“Since you don’t like this gift, am sure you will like this one, come with me” he said, pulling her out of the garage.
“Where are we going? The dress isn’t meant for walking far?” Judy said when he walk through the garden with her.
“Then I will carry you” he said and before she could stop him, he had her in his arms.
For a while, they both stood still, watching each other in silence, mesmerized by each other eyes.
“You really do look beautiful tonight” he said softly and lean in for a kiss but Judy move away and his lips landed on her cheek.
“Alright, let’s go see your other present” he said, walking with her out through the gate just as car pull to a halt.
He put her down just as the car door open and her mother and Juliet got out of it, both dress in an evening ball gown.
“Thought you’d want to see them before your birthday end” Graham whispered behind her.
“Happy birthday sweetie” Silvia Roberts said, giving Judy a hug.
“When Graham came to see me, I berated myself cause I totally forgot about your birthday, am sorry sweetie” Silvia said hugging a teary eye Judy.
“I understand mom. I know that aside from celebrating my birthday today, we also celebrate something else which….”
“You don’t have to justify my action. No matter what, I should have been the first to wish you a happy birthday.
Happy birthday sweetie and am quite surprise by him. Is he your boyfriend?” Silvia ask, both of them taking a peek at Graham who was talking to Juliet.
“About that mom, I need….”
“He’s a nice boy and I believe that he loves you” Silvia said, interrupting her.
It isn’t me he loves but Judy, his real girlfriend….Judy thought as Graham came to pull her mother away.
“So,how long have you been dating him? You never told me anything” Juliet accuse.
“It all just happen so fast. I will need to explain everything to you later and aren’t you going to wish me?”
“Happy birthday sis and you should know that I only dress up this way for you to know how sorry I am for not remembering your birthday” Juliet said which made her smile.
“Err… I need you to do something for me Juliet, I need you to help me use your power on someone. I need to know if he’s lying or telling the truth”
“Who might this be?”
“Graham Stone”
“Your boyfriend ” Juliet said just as the gate open and someone very familiar came out.
“Juliet” Romeo called.
“Romeo, What are you doing here?” Juliet said in return.
“You two know each other?” Judy and Graham ask at the same time.
“Well, Romeo here is my younger brother, Romeo Stone” Graham said, introducing him…..
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We are fully back now!!!
This is really a masterpiece
Didn’t expect to see more herexpensive
Just strolling and decided to check if you’ve dropped
Am really amazed
Thanks author π
Nice story