“We are here atlas” Graham said as two to three porter came out of the resort to take their suitcase followed by a bald, short man who introduce himself as manager Blake.

“I was inform by your aunt that you two will be coming and I prepared the room as you want. If you don’t mind, I can show you to your room” The manager said.

“That won’t be necessary, Blake” Graham said quickly giving him a sign to leave but Blake didn’t get.

“If you don’t want me to take you there then I can get the ladies safely to their….”

“I think you’ve said enough, you can go away now” Graham said while Romeo stood in Judy and Juliet path.

“But we will like to go to our room” Judy said.

“Not when you haven’t seen the sea” Romeo said.

“The sea is the last thing I want to see. Can I be excuse to my room?” Juliet ask, walking past Romeo.

Judy watch the two brother give each other a look and immediately, Romeo went after Juliet and pick her up like a doll heading for the sea.

“Put me down, Romeo! No! No!” Juliet’s scream filled the air as he threw her into the water.

“I told you not to” Juliet said, the moment she surface from the water.

“Then come get me!” Romeo said, poking his tongue at her.

That got Juliet going after him,pulling him into the water too.

“Should we too?” Graham ask.

“Certainly not” Judy said this backing away from Graham but he followed her, running and catching up with her.

He held her by the waist and all through her protest, he pulled her into the water with him.

Soon laughter filled the air as they did their best to make each other wet, four of them forgetting about their problem and playing to their heart content.

Some time later, Graham and Judy were seated on the sand while watching Juliet and Romeo play in the water.

“Have never seen her laugh like that before” Judy said watching Juliet.

“Same here. Romeo has always been the more serious one between us. He is always with his books and rarely have fun. Am glad to see him this way and it’s thanks to Juliet” Graham said starring at Judy.

“We are going in to change. You coming?” Romeo threw at them.

“We join you in a few” Graham reply and immediately the two ran off pursuing each other.

” I think it’s best we go….” Judy stop when he took hold of her jaw, forcing her to stare at him.

They stared at each other without saying a thing and Judy knew he was going to kiss her, quickly she pull away, saying.

“Are you not worried about Travis issue. You aren’t angry after seeing the pictures on the school platform”

“I will be lying if I said that am fine but as long as you aren’t into Travis, am fine with it but he should stay away from you” Graham added quickly.

“Don’t worry, I told him that myself and I believe he gets the message” Judy said, smiling at him.

He smile in return and got up, stretching his hand to her.

Judy was hesitant at first but she put her hand in his and they went into the building.

An hour later, after changing into fresh clothes, Graham and Romeo went to the resort restaurant expecting Judy and Juliet to be there already.

But when their search among other diners were futile,they gave up.

“Have they forgotten that we agree to meet here in an hour time?” Romeo ask, his hair still a bit wet and shiny giving him a sleek handsome look.

“Let me give Judy a call” Graham said, ruffling his blond hair, he was about to phone Judy when the head chef approach them.

“Two pretty ladies came earlier and gave me this note to give to you two” the head chef said giving them the note.


“I thought we made some progress earlier?” Graham mutter.

“Why don’t we just join them. They are trying to keep us out, we shouldn’t give them that chance, right?” Romeo ask and Graham smile.


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