“Yeah, yeah….. just text me the details” Roland said as he steals a worried look at Mika, Delilah noticed it and she fumed slightly

“You are not looking at me Rolly, aren’t you excited for our date?….. you weren’t like this when you told me to go ahead with the preparations some days ago” she said with a throttle voice and Roland finally looks at her

“Just, do what you want to do and tell me how everything goes” Roland said as he made to go the counter

“Rolly!…..did you even hear what I asked you?, I asked if you aren’t excited for our date?” Delilah snapped holding his hand but he wriggles out of her touch

“I’m excited for our play-date…… whatever…. just text me everything okay?” Roland said in a slight rush as he walked towards the counter

“Play-date?……are you fùcking kidding me right now?” Delilah asked herself as she watched him talk to Mika who doesn’t even seem to be interested in whatever he was saying

“I’m in love with a fool” Delilah pouted as she sat down quietly, Mika’s gaze slowly meet her’s and Mika winked at her discreetly and Delilah felt like punching the wall close to her


Mrs Mantinda’s Mansion

It’s for the best they knew what actually happened instead of Jasmine to start hating on her without knowing what actually happened, some certain things can’t be changed but the mistake had already been made and there’s absolutely nothing anyone can do about it

“Don’t you think you should call off the contract instead of waiting for Jasmine to do it” Flora, Mrs Mantinda’s closest friend said with a raw expression

“If she loves my son then she will call off that contract on her own” Mrs Mantinda said and Flora frowns

“Mantinda you are not making any sense, playing with the poor girl’s mentality ain’t nice” Flora furthered

“Don’t you see the excess of this whole contract thing!?, I want her to fight for my son’s love, I want her to come clean to him and patch things up, i want her to call off the contract without my permission, that’s what I want but she obviously doesn’t love my son so I’m going to stick to my side of the bargain and pay her off in two weeks” Mrs Mantinda counterd and Flora rubs her forehead

“This whole shît is complicated, I don’t think she will be able to call off the contract even if she’s in love with your son, it’s going to be difficult for her” Flora trailed off

“She has to, I don’t want to fail as a mother, first my second child tried to fúcking maim my family to death and I have no idea why, I don’t even know why he wanted to do that… I a bad mother?” Mrs Mantinda asked

“You seriously still don’t get now, do you?, Jasper is obviously hurting….. you didn’t pay enough attention to even notice what happened to him, more reason why he almost killed you” Flora frowns and Mrs Mantinda rubs her forehead in fustration

” I just wished he opened up more to me…..”

“No, you never really cared about his feelings, all you ever cared about was Jayson…. and you are still doing it now, have you forgotten you are the mother of both boys?” Flora sounded disappointed

“I love my sons equally…. don’t tell me that shît” Mrs Mantinda voiced out with a frown

“That’s where you are wrong……if not, why would a boy of eight think of commiting murder…..why?” Flora asked and Mrs Mantinda’s lips parted slightly in confusion and shock as silence lingers between them

Is she by any chance…. right?


Jayson’s Pov

“Any luck?, Please tell me you found something helpful” I asked and Noah shook his head with a downcast look on his face

“No single trace of the bastard, we’ve searched everywhere and there’s absolutely nothing, his son and daughter who happens to work at this fancy restaurant are also missing, no one knows where they are” Noah said and I groaned loudly, unable to contain my anger

“What about…..J…. Jasper?” I breathe out in difficulty, mere mentioning of his name makes me feel like puking

“No tracks of him as well, do the think the three of them are working hand in hand, isn’t it weird that they are missing at the same time?” Noah asked and I tapped my feet

“It’s very obvious, I really need to end that piece of shît as soon as I can, Jasmine hasn’t been herself for some days now, I think she’s sick” I said worriedly and Noah taps my shoulder.


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