“One or two times?” She asked with a raised eye brow and I clicked my tongue

“Three or four times” I said again and she titls her head backwards with a teasing smrik

“Three or four times?, Come on girl, let’s be honest” she furthered and I stomped my feet while biting my lips

“Five or six times, I’m not sure honestly” I said with gritted teeth, my cheeks turning pink and she suddenly started laughing crazily

“Five or six times without protection?, baby girl have you forgotten you are in a contract marriage and can’t possibly get pregnant?” Mika blurted and I hit my head

She’s so right!, what the hèll have I done!?

“Let’s not jump into conclusions yet, I can’t be pregnant, most definitely not!, I can’t get pregnant at this age, I still have a long way to go” I said and faced the mirror again

“You weren’t thinking about that when you were moaning his name every now and then” she said sarcastically and I turned sharply and flickered my index finger on her forehead and she groans at the pain

“I’ve fúcked up big time, well I’m definitely sure I’m not pregnant, i can’t be….” I trailed off as a sudden nausea irritation hit me and I rushed towards the bathroom, Mika followed me immediately as I throwed up a great amount of whatever it is

“Looks pretty pregnant to me” she teased as I rainsed and cleaned myself up

I suddenly feel weak and tired, angry and happy, moody and sunshine all at the same fùcking time

“Stop saying I’m pregnant!” I snapped angrily and she chuckled

“We could confirm if you are at the hospital, all the signs are showing boldly all over you and Jayson might start suspecting that you are carrying his future Mr JJ” she teased and I flopped on the bed while covering my face

“This can’t be happening!!!!” I groaned loudly and Mika sat besides me while rubbing my back soothingly

“Hey, it’s not the end of the world, besides, you both love each other….” She trails and I shot my head up instantly

“I don’t love him, I don’t love him at all, I’m just caught up in his charms and I’m very sure it’s because I feel sorry for him that is mom is tricking him into an arranged marriage” I blurted out and Mika scoffed

“Oh, so the only way of rectifying yourself was opening your legs?, baby girl you are in love with that man, stop denying it…” She tugged my hair

“Just as you aren’t denying your love for Roland?” I hinted back with a smirk

“Ewwwww, don’t call that love, besides, he has this new cheap chick flocking over him and I’d have to give a lot of fûcks to care about that, and guess what?, I don’t give any fúck….” She retored and I sighed, even though she’s trying so hard to mask it, I know she’s in love with Roland but the thing is, I don’t even know what I feel for Jayson

I don’t want to even start finding out if I love him or not, and now the possibility of me being pregnant is by eighty five percent, what the fúck is wrong with me?

“I can’t love Jayson, I just can’t……” I trailed off

“Why?, he obviously cares about you and he would fly over the moon if he finds out you might be pregnant for him, why are you holding back?” Mika concerned voice made me flatter out

“It’s complicated…” I whispered but like a five eared rabbit, she heard me perfectly

“Not as complicated as hiding your true notion in his life, did he do something?” She asked and I just had to let her know.


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