SINGLE MOM: Episode 11-20


{When love decides
To take over}


(Going to the cafe)

?Episode 15?

Penny’s POV:

My heart skipped a bit when he told his daughter off.

What does he want to say to me, I couldn’t guess.

Why is this man so intimidating? I dont know.

Why am i always nervous with him around me? I can’t guess.

I paused my lip in a thin line and look up at him, he was staring straight into my eyes as if he was searching for something.

I couldn’t guess why a wealthy man like him will even care about me. He could easily tell me off.

“What do you want to say?” I wanted to say I clearly but it ended up as a whisper.

He glanced at me up and down and twist his lip.

“I just don’t get why the second daughter of The James will be homeless.” He said and rose his eyebrows.

I coughed silently and hide my face away.


“I don’t want to talk about it.” I said silently.

“If you want to pay me for bringing you here then, you should stay here until you find a place to stay.” He said and my mouth dropped open.

“Sta……..Stay here? Won’t your wife be angry?” I asked. His face have gone back to there cold and void self again.

“My wife is not in the state,now that’s not your concern Miss James.” He said and walk out.

He didn’t even touched the food that i made.


Did I said something wrong?

I stood there confused and slightly mortified.

“Where is daddy?” Arley asked.

“He……he left.” I told her, she frowned and batted her lashes together.

She nodded and went back upstairs.

Where is Martha and Chris?

I wandered off outside the house and stood on my track.


Is this a house? This place is a fking paradise.

I’m sorry about the slur word but d@mn…….the mansion is painted in an all white form.

A huge mansion that stood erect in the center.

There wasa big and long pool at the middle of the compound.

Several cars were parked at the garage, 1,2,3,……..7,8,

How can eight cars be his alone?
They are expensive cars.

At least one of them will be about $3m.

I shook my head and glanced around the place again. His wife is lucky.

“Mommy!” I look back and saw Chris walking close to me.

“Baby where did you go?” I asked him

“Martha took me to the underground garage to see the cars.” He said and i furrowed my eyebrow.

Underground garage? Another set of cars.

Just how rich is this man.

“Come and eat baby, the food will get cold.” I said and turn to meet Martha. “Please go and call Arley down for breakfast before it gets cold.”

“Okay Penny.” She walk away and I followed with christian beside me.

When I goto to the dinning room, Arley was already eating.

“It I delicious Penny, it makes me remember mommy’s cooking.” She said and her face soon turn sour.

“Penny do you think that mommy will be back soon?Daddy said that the shooting will take few days.”She said sadly.


“Mrs King is a Model.” Faith chipped in. She pause And glanced at Arley.

“She doesnt want to quit it, even if her husband is the third richest man in the world.”

There was sadness in her voice.

I really admire the woman, she doesn’t want her husband’s wealth to stop her from working or make her lazy.

She is a super woman.

“Enough of talking about Mrs King, let eat.” Itold them sweetly when the atmosphere started turning stiff all of a sudden.

We started eating and my eyes keep going back to Arley.

“What grade are you Arley?” I asked to keep her entertained.

“Same with Chris,he used to give me some of his lunch but…….I never gave him anything.” She said and I opened my mouth in surprise.

“When I grow up Mommy, I will marry Arley.” Chris said and i stared at him wide eyed.

“Do you think that you can marry a billionaire daughter?” I asked him and he nodded.

I chuckled and nodded.

“One day, you will sure marry her.” I assured him, I just hope that Bryce didn’t hear this.


“I am sorry Penny, im just not the man for you.” I heard him say.

What does he mean by that? Ofcourse he is the man for me.

“What are you talking about Bryce?Bryce………what are you talking about?” I asked eagerly.

He can’t just say that.

“I can’t do It anymore Penny, I want to let you go now.” He said and my eyes widened.

He is breaking up with me.


“Bryce, Bryce i love you. Forget about everything. Think of me……me alone.” I said, fighting away my tears.

He shook his head and tries to leave but i grabbed his hand and smashed my lips on his, kssing him the most way i can.

“I love you.” He said between ksses.

I love you………i love you so much.

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