By Ella N.


After collecting it from him,he took some gulps and handed it back,after he was satisfied.

“Hoo! That was ¢razy?” He breathed out,tiredly.

He and the lady actually aren’t the only ones on shoot,they are others who are also on the part they are given to play.

“I guess some of us can take a break,Director” He said,and the Director nodded,but without looking at him because he was trying to coordinate others.

Caesar left,anyway. He removed his car keys from his pocket,pocketting that particular hand afterwards,and started heading out of the theatre.

Actually,he drove himself to work,and down here. He asked his guards not to follow him back to work like they did earlier.

He just felt like driving himself,that’s all.

Where he parked is a bit far from the Movies Theatre environ,because the whole place was occupied due to his lateness.

So,he had to walk a little to the other car park near the place.

He was just two feet to his car when another car scratched his,unintendedly.

“The fk!?” Caesar widened his eyes,and hurtled towards his car with an already angry face.

“What the héll do you think you just did,foòl? You just bashèd my car!

Are you drúnk,or your eyes have becøme so useléss that yøu no longer see!” Caesar yelled breathelessly,and angrily at the guy.

“I’m so sorry,Man. Believe me,this wasn’t intentional.

I am sincerely sorry,dude.
Please tell me anything to do,to pay for this.

“I’m sorry” Kraisee apologized over and over.

Yes! Kraisee is the one who just bashèd Caeser’s car. Same Caesar who is fuming with anger right now.

“You are sorry? Fking sorry,huh? Do you know how much this car costs?

“You blindly bashèd my car with your old jalopi,and you tell me you’re sorry?

You are insane!” Caesar yelled and Kraisee smiled darkly,fisting his palm already,but he kept cool.

His new car,now an old jalopi?!

“I’m gonna pay for the….

“Fking shút the crap,a*$hole!” Caesar yelled,yet again. He got into his car and drove off instantly with angèr.

“Did he just call my car an old jalopi?” He muttered with a smirk,as he stood,watching Caesar drive out of the car park.

Wait a second! He has seen that face before,the face looks very familiar.

Only that, he really can’t remember where he saw him.

But one thing he can remember is that,he hated that face the very first day he saw it,and now he hates it even more.



The match between Alvira’s team,and Mitchell’s team has been going smoothly.

Although,Mitchell isn’t playing with them. She’s still where Alvira locked her up.

But her team is doing excellently well. With the girl Alvira helped earlier,as their leader.

They’re actually the ones shockingly winning the match right now.

“Phew!”Alvara sighed heavily,when the referee blew the whistle,meaning,it’s time to take a break for first half.

“Fracks! Those girls are good. What changed?”Alvira questioned,as they walked out of the football pitch.

She was gulping down some water while they walk.

“Seriously,I am as shocked as you are”Alvara replied,collecting the water from her twin sister to drink,too.

“I guess they trained really well,but we didn’t have much training”Michal spoke too.

Alvira rolled eyes,and scoffed.

“You two always act like overloaded trailers,when it’s time to train.

So,shut your airholes and stop getting me upset”She half yelled. Alvara and Michal looked at each,and made funny faces,shrugging.


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