By Ella N.


Georgia,and Alvara were just staring at the jerk that stood like a confused masquerade.

His exclamation made Alvara,and some of the workers to laugh,and shocked at the same time.
Georgia wasn’t excluded,but definitely not Alvira.

She’s here for serious business,and she’s fully aware that Caesar exclaimed because of her,which makes her to smirk even more.

“Hey…..Brother-in-law. It’s so good to see you again.

“Fracks! You have no idea how much I had missed you. Yunno,we had not seen again since the wedding.

“But guess what? I am here to stay with my handsome Brother-in-law for….one…two” She dramatically started counting her fingers like a kid who just learned how to count numbers.

Georgia just couldn’t stop herself from chuckling hard at Alvira’s craziness.

It is sure going to be crazy,having her around here.

Reasons why she asked them to come over.

She missed them,and wanted a little of Alvira’s madness,which will definitely make her feel a whole lot better.

Alvira continued to count until….

“Seven! Yeah,one whole week with my sweet brother-in-law” She grinned widely,and Caesar’s eyes dilated more.

One whole what?!!

Like,seven good days with this lunatic,and in the same house?

Okay,this might be the time he joined his ancestors.

“One what?!” Georgia exclaimed lowly. She turned to look at Alvara who only shrugged,smiling sheepishly.

Did Alvira just mention one week?

Wait,she only asked them to come over. Like,just come and see her,then go back home after spending some hours with her.

So,what’s the one week she’s talking about?

Alvira will never be the end of her. Not in this life,and definitely not in the next one.

As Caesar had nothing to say,that’s how he remained speechless.

Taking slow angry steps,he stopped at Georgia’s side of the couch,and glared at her seriously,before totally walking away,heading to his room.

Alvira saw that glare,and chuckled wickedly.

More evidence that he’s been messing with her sister,and she’s sure going to treat his fk up.

Evidence number one was Georgia sighing,when they were on a video call,and they asked how she was doing.

She clearly told him on the wedding day,not to mess with Georgia,but now he’s going against her rule.



“What in the world of this darn marriage is that girl doing in my house?

“She asked her sisters,her insane sister,to come to my house without even letting me know?” Caesar spoke stûpidly.

How was Georgia supposed to tell him about it,when they don’t even talk to each other?

Was he even going to wait,and listen to what she was going to say?

So stûpid and sénseless of him.

Is Georgia even supposed to take permission from him first,before any of her family member visits?

“She should better stay far far away from me,and let me the hell be. Else,she’ll see the other side of me” Caesar let out an empty threat.

If only he was briefed of what is in store for him,he wouldn’t be making noise. Lol.

He dropped his phones on the table,then picked one to call Cindy.

He called,but her line was switched off.

They’ve probaly taken off already,and that’s why her phone is off.

He sighed,and dropped the phone with the others,and picked his laptop.

It’s crazy how he’s missing her already.

He took off his shirt,and was left only in his singlet.

He then walked back to the bed,and sat gently.

Opening his laptop,and inputing his password,his eyes widened again,seeing so much mails that have dropped in. Both from his Company,and the Movie industry.

“Sht! There’s so much work to do,and I had no idea. I don’t even know where to start from!” He grunted frustratedly.

He started from where he could,anyway.

“I need to do this fast,so I can sleep early. There’s so much work to do at the Office tomorrow” He sighed,typing fast on the computer.


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