By Ella N.




Angry Brenda sI.åpped her son,without even letting him talk.

She just got in now after getting the news too.

Georgia slept at the Hospital with her sister,but came back this morning only for one reason.

For Caesar to sign the papers.

Though the Hospital isn’t a place for anyone to sleep comfortably,but she couldn’t sleep last night.

Her sister’s condition and heartbreak just didn’t let her have a good sleep.

She woke up this morning with a heavy headache,like a heavy load was placed on her head.

“How could you,Caesar. How could you do such to that innocent girl? Do you know the pain,hurts and how broken her heart is right now? What were you thinking?

Just when I thought,and was happy things were already working between you two,and this?!!

“I didn’t raise you up to be like this…your father and I raised you well!” Brenda yelled,her veins clearly seen.

“I didn’t do it,okay?! I didn’t post anything as such. I know I have been st?pid,Mom. But I’ve realized my mistakes,and I was trying to fix things with her already.

“I didn’t post that sht!

” I have come to realize how much I love her.
I was going to tell her that,tell everyone that,but I wanted to take things slow.

“I love Georgia,Mom. I have fallen for her deeply,in a way I never imagine” Caesar said with tears.

Brenda was shocked completely,hearing her son’s confession. She said nothing,but hugged him tight.

“You have to tell her this,you have to tell her how much you love her” Brenda finally said.

“It’s no use now,Mom. She forced me to sign the papers. I already signed the Divorce papers” Caesar cried out this time.



“What?! You signed what?” Brenda held her mouth,totally knocked out.

“Why would you do a thing like that?
Why in the world would you agree to sign the Divorce papers?
Are you crazy,Caesar?” Brenda yelled,moving away from Caesar to stare at him well.

She folded her arms and stood in disbelief of what Caesar just said he did.

To think she came here with the hope of finding a way to sort this out,and she was even over joyed when she heard Caesar confess his love for Georgia.

She had it in mind that this was going to be a bit easy to sort out,but now he has signed the papers.

Like,he and Georgia are Divorced now?


“She forced me to,I swear,Mom. I tried to talk to her,but she didn’t even look at me.

“She came back home early this morning,and I had been by the door waiting for her,with the hope of apologizing and explaining things to her once I see her.

“But I got sI.apped instead when I tried to touch or even talk to her.

It hurts,Mom. I swear,it hurts so much” Caesar shut his eyes tight,trying to make the tears stop forming.

“She hates me and doesn’t even want me to talk to her.
She hates me so much,Mom. This is all my fault” Caesar shook his head in disappointment and rejection.

Why does this have to happen now that they were starting to get along?

Why does this have to happen now that he has fallen so much for her?

“Yes,this is sure all your fault,Caesar. We told you. Your father and I,and everyone else told,but you never listened.

“You always treated her bad,bring that devil to live under the same roof with her and did all sort of things. You treated her like she was not worth liking,not to talk of loving!

Until these few days you started having sense.

“So,now that that news went viral,saying you only wanted to make her fall,then Divorce her. What did you think she was going to do?

“What did you expect she was going to think or believe?

“Did you think she was going to believe you,or even let you talk to her again?

Did you think she was going to hold and hug you tight?

“That girl is broken,Caesar! Her heart is shattered,broken into pieces that cannot be picked.

Do you have any idea the kind of heart that girl has? Despite all the sht you were doing right under her nose,she bore them all and stayed.

You called this upon yourself.

“She’s never going to listen to you,for her to know that you didn’t post that sht.

I blame you,and I will always blame you for your stupidity.
I warned you,if only you listened to me your mother…you were stupid,Caesar!

You’ve lost her,Caesar,and it’s all your fault!” Brenda held her breath for as long as she could,before letting it out.

This is just so crazy and unbelievable.

“Not now,Mom…please,this is not the time to blame me…I know I have been st?pid…I know I treated her badly….

I know I treated her like she was not worth loving…I know I made her look like she was desperate to be loved,but all those are in the past now.

I’ve realized my mistakes,stupidness and all. And I was already trying to correct my wrongs,not until this happened.

“I am broken,Mom….I am frustrated and I don’t know what to do….it hurts me so much to see her in that state.

If only she’d let me say something,just a word…but she hates me” Caesar shed more tears as he spoke.


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