By Authoress Tee

Chapter 85

?Mystic Realm?
(The White House)

Immediately the portal opened and Draco stepped out, his face squeezed. Anger is written boldly all over him.

The guards at the door bowed at him, fidgeting to raise their heads up.

He ignored them and flung the giant gold door open.

The white house is Adonis’s house in Mystic Realm. It’s a house equivalent to a palace.

Known as the home of the strong wizard, every lower creature feared it so much.

Draco walked to his inner room and met him staring outside with his hands crossed at his back. He’s wearing a beautiful white suit.

“Hello old friend!” Adonis smiled with his gaze still where it was.

“Adonis!” Draco growled, feeling another new wave of anger.

“You never visit, I guess you got my little present” he said, smiling deviously and turned his gaze to him.

“What in h’ll made you lay a hand on what belongs to me?” He shouted loudly.

“I prefer peace and quietness in my home, so I hope you can follow the rules”.

“Dmn your fking rules and answer me!” Draco shouted again.

“For her to become mine of course” he replied and Draco gritted his teeth.

“How $illy of me not to ask the most important question first. What was it like to hear ‘I Hate You’ and watch her eyes burn with deep hatred?” Adonis chuckled and Draco super sped to him.

He tried to g.rab his neck, but Adonis caught his hand and they both stared intensely at each other.

“Am not an easy opponent, Draco. You should really mind your moves, especially in my house” he said hoarsely and Draco pulled his hand out of his grip, glaring hatefully at him.

“I’ve never been scared of flghting you and I’m certain you know the bea$t in me” Draco smirked.

“I don’t want you around Pearl ever again” he said sternly.

“I won’t stop until I have her!” Adonis furrowed his brows.

“A girl you wanted to kll when she was little!” Draco barked.

“Things have changed and she seems much more interesting now” Adonis grinned mischievously.

“Then you should get ready for your white clothes to turn to a bI.oody one” he smiled dvilishly.

“I must say you really tried to deceive me all this while by covering your scent and making me unable to detect her whenever she’s around you”.

“You have always been slow witted!” He smiled deviously while Draco frowned.

“If you think i’m going to let you take her life force, then you better wake up from that stupid dream” Draco warned with a grunt.

“At first I wanted to know what her powers would feel like, but now I’m obsessed with having her” Adonis said, smiling annoyingly.

“Klling the strongest wizard would make a good name” he smiled back dvilishly and turned to leave.

“It was good to see you drop by after such a long time, old friend” Adonis said and Draco entered his portal without looking back.

“She’ll be mine soon and mine alone!” His green eyes glowed from his evil thoughts.

They were actually tight friends in the past, but separated after a huge flght.

It was all because of a little girl he wanted to kll and that little girl then was Pearl.

Pearl was only 6 years old when Adonis lured her into the woods with a butterfly and beautiful flowers.

He had known she was born with the special bI.ood and wanted to drain her life force.

Draco appeared on time and stopped him from doing so. They had a very strong and an almost endless fight that day.

In the end, they were both injured badly and went their separate ways since then.

He is one of the strongest wizard ever lived, and always looks very young because of his powers.

Draco also knows klling him won’t be a mere child’s play.


?Draco’s Mansion?
(Pearl’s Room)

Pearl has been restless and kept pacing around her room without thinking about sitting down for a second.

She is worried that Draco is mad at her. The look on his face when he left the house was a very angry one.

She can’t help but wonder if she really hurt him so much with her unmeant words.

“Gem!” Draco called calmly as he appeared into her room.

Pearl turned and rushed to hug him.

“Are you still mad at me? Am sorry, please forgive me. I won’t let him try it again.

Please stop being mad at me” she pleaded all in a rush.

“Gem!” Draco called her again and she looked up at him.

His face doesn’t bear any emotion on it. It’s really hard to read what could be on his mind.

“I’m not mad at you!” he said calmly.

“Then why did you leave me and went out angrily?” she asked as few of the tears she held back rolled on her cheeks.

“I was angry because someone else touched you” he answered.

“I didn’t know he was going to kss me, am sorry I couldn’t stop him” she sniffed as she spoke.

“Don’t ever let any other man touch you again” he said possessively and she nodded.

“What am I really going to do about you?” He smiled weakly and held her cheeks.

He wiped her tears off and kssed her puffy eyes, nose and then her lips.

“Did you cry so much?” He asked and she nodded like a baby.

“My baby bride!” Draco chuckled and kssed her again.

He carried her to the bed and kssed her neck as they laid there.

“Let’s sleep Gem, I promise to make you a good meal when we wake up” he said and she smiled heartily.

They held eyes together for a long time, then slowly drifted into a deep slumber.


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