By Authoress Tee

Chapter 89

?The Bridge?

Tears that almost burnt Pearl’s cheeks rolled out of her eyes. She couldn’t believe what just happened, Draco rescued her and fell into the sea.

No, it’s not real. She has to be hallucinating or in another stupid nightmare.

“He’s long gone, a precious one, so you’re all mine now” the man who pushed them said with a dvilish smile.

“You bstard! She shouted as she stood up. “I’ll never belong to an animal”.

“Think again sweetheart” he said and appeared in front of her, and grabbed her hand forcefully.

“Let me go you monster” she yelled, struggling to get free.

There’s no car or anyone passing at the moment cause it’s a very lonely road.

“I said let me go” she said and bit him hard.

“Arrgghh! You wretch!” He screamed and freed her hand.

Pearl ran into the woods with the highest speed in her. She could hear his loud evil laughters behind her.

Remembering Draco again, tears came back to her eyes as she ran.

She fell countless times, but still got up, there’s no way she’s letting that mo.nster get her.

“Draco please come back to me, am scared” she said mentally and cried more.

Meanwhile under the bridge, Draco was holding onto an iron. He was able to jump out of the car and hold it.

Letting go of the iron, he flew up and landed on the road. His anger intensified when he didn’t see Pearl.

He’s surely going to ripe that bstard into shreds if he dares lay a hand on her.

After running for so long, Pearl’s legs became weak and so was she. She became so tired that she staggered and h!t her foot on a wood.

“Ahh!” She winced as she fell. She checked her knee and saw that it’s badly bruised.

With her current state and the injury, running again is going to be an impossible mission.

“Tired already?” She heard that dark voice again and crawled back fearfully.

“That’s too sad, I was starting to love chasing game” he laughed, coming into the view of the moonlight.

“You’re really one annoying pest, now I’ll just make sure you join him” he grinned and his red eyes flashed brightly.

He reached his hand out to grab her neck, but it got separated before it could touch her.

“Arrgghh! What the h’ll?” He cursed, shifting back as he held the wounded hand. It’s growing back gradually.

“You think I’ll let you mess with me and still dream of touching her” Draco’s sinister voice sounded as he appeared.

“Dra!” Pearl muttered happily and rushed to hug him.

“I knew you would come back” she sniffed, hugging him tight.

“Of course baby, I’ll always come back to you” he smiled and kssed her hair.

He looked down at her leg and saw her bI.eeding knee. His anger raised beyond limits while his eyes turned bI.oody red.

“Caspian!” He shouted and turned his gaze towards him.

“That is exactly the look I want to see on your face” Caspian said, laughing wickedly.

“Perhaps that scar didn’t serve as a good warning” Draco smirked and disappeared to where he was.

Grabbing him by the neck, he landed countless pvnches on his face and threw him roughly to the ground.

“I should have just klled you when I had the chance” he growled, making his nails grow longer.

“Now you will never get the chance, I’ll make sure you die miserably how you slaughtered my clan” Caspian replied and grew his own nails.

“Am glad you finally decided to join them” Draco smiled deviously and sped to him.

They both fought strongly while Pearl stood behind a tree and watched them with a prayer in her heart.

Caspian is no doubt a very strong vampire, but there’s another thing noticed in the way he fights, it’s the hatred he has.

Every single move over of his, comes with a powerful force.

Draco stopped fighting the moment he got a little scratch on his face. He touched the spot and felt his bI.ood.

“How I enjoy that look on your face” Caspian laughed like a maniac again.

Fuming with anger, Draco gave him a cut on his arm which got up to his face.

“Now we’re even” he smiled dvilishly.

Caspian tried to k!ck him and he dodged it swiftly, but he couldn’t avoid the next one.

The force of the k!ck sent him harshly to a tree.

“Draco!” Pearl gasped and ran out of her hiding spot.

“Are you okay?” She asked, seeing the bI.ood on his lips.

She held his weak face with so much fear and totally forgot about his opponent.

Caspian grabbed her from the back and flinged her away. She h!t a tree and spat out bI.ood.

Pearl tried to get up, but before her very eyes, Caspian drove his nails into Draco’s chest.

“No!” She screamed as Draco groaned. Caspian laughed dvilishly, turning his fingers inside him.

Pearl lost it instantly, her body felt a wild energy creep into her and her blue eyes glowed for the first time.

She stood up like a total possessed being. Her dress and hair flowing with a strange wind.

A powerful aura swayed around her as her face lost it’s emotions.

“How dare you try to hurt him?” She shouted and with her words, she held him up magically and hit him on trees before dropping him.

Draco looked at her weakly and knew her blooming time is here. She’s now acting with powers beyond control.

He can’t get up to stop her because he needs bI.ood. His body is failing to obey his commands.

“I hate when someone tries to hurt me, mostly someone I love. Now I’ll use you as a lesson to make history” she smiled dvilishly and grabbed him up again.

Her eyes glowed more as she took slow steps to him. Caspian struggled in the air as his life force was being drained.

All of a sudden, Pearl felt weak and turned back to her true self.

At the same moment, Dylan appeared and cut off Caspian’s head. His body burnt to ashes and dispersed into the air.

Pearl walked towards Draco with staggering steps.

“Pearl!” Draco mumbled, seeing her state.

“Am okay” she gave a reassuring smile and helped him to stand up.

“Sorry I came late, Master!” Dylan apologized and helped Pearl hold him.


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