I need to call Liya…I will be back…Maria said and went outside the mansion

Hello Baby?

I’m so happy right now…Maria said?

Happy…Liya replied?

Yes…My biological parents are Sebastian parents …I’m his twin sister…Maria responded happily?

Who is Sebastian….Liya asked?

Sebastian is Bryan’s best friend…Maria replied?

What!How come…Liya asked?

I was kidnapped when I was one years old…My real parents maid named Stella Brooke sold me to the Hendrixom family because she was in dire need of money…I just found out today?

This is ¢razy…how can a woman do such…She is a be.ast…I can’t believe this…Liya replied?

My former parents were childless…but they were not aware that I was kidnapped…

Stella Brooke told them that I was her daughter…that she was unable to raise me…so that is why they bought me in the first place so I can’t blame them?

I know right but I’m so happy for you…I can’t still believe that you are Bryan’s friend twin sister?

I was so shocked when I found out…Maria said?

Where are you now?

In my new house…But I miss my former mom…she was a caring mother and she was so calm when I was still living with her but she is no more now…I miss her so much?

I know right…she was also very nice to me each time I come over to your house…she is also like a mother to me?

I came to meet my biological parents and they were so happy to see me…I have been yearning to have a loving family and my wish came true…Maria said?

I can’t wait to see your biological parents too and your twin brother…wait was he the other guy in the hospital with you…Liya asked?

Yes…that is my twin brother…Maria answered?

Wow…He is so handsome…Liya replied?

I know right and his girlfriend was the other girl beside him at the hospital…Her name is Sophie…Maria responded?

He even offered me a ride in his car?


Yes…what about your former father?

With the cops…Maria replied?

He should be taught a lesson for maltreating you…he is a wicked and useless man…no wonder he could not have a child of his own…Liya answered?

I’m not angry with me?


There is another good news…Maria said?

What good news is more important than being with your biological parents?

Today is our birthday…Maria said?

Wow…this is so amazing?

I know right and we are going to rock it tonight?

Really…I can’t wait?

Ok…I need to go?

I love you?

Same here?

Call Ends

She went back inside…

Who have you been talking to…Bryan asked feeling jealous

My friend Liya…Maria answered

Ok…Bryan said holding her hand

Sophie entered immediately

Good morning Ma…she greeted Mrs George

How are you…Mrs George asked

Fine Ma…She replied and also greeted Mr George…then she went straight to Sebastian

What you said on the phone is it true…Stella asked Sebastian

Yes of course…Maria is Tessa…My twin sister I told you about…Sebastian answered happily

Wow…I’m so happy for you…you finally found you sister and she is Maria…Sophie replied smiling

I was so surprised that she is my Tessa…Sebastian responded

So you have been close to your sister all this while…Sophie said

Yes…I’m so happy she is with me now…we can playing…tease each other…and have fun together…Sebastian replied looking at Maria

She is so cute…I love her…Sophie said and walked toward Maria while Sebastian followed behind

Hello Tessa…Sophie greeted hugging Maria

I’m good…Maria answered

Happy birthday to you…Sophie said

Thank You…Maria replied

You didn’t wish me and I’m your boyfriend…Sebastian smirked

The rest of them burst into laughter

And why are you guys laughing…Sebastian asked

Are you jealous of your twin sister…Sophie questioned

And why will I be jealous of her…she is my cute Tessa…Sebastian replied

And she is my girlfriend remember…Bryan smirked

Really…she is your girlfriend because of me…I’m the mastermind behind it…remember…Sebastian said

Whatever…she is mine now…Bryan replied

Will you guys stop arguing…Maria said

Can we start preparing for the party…Sophie replied

Yes…Bryan and Sebastian chorused


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