By Samuel Favour


Eric Williams

I was just coming back from work feeling exhausted and tired. I struggle to carry myself to my bedroom.

Immediately I opened it , I was welcomed with darkness which was weird considering the fact that Nyx will be here.

But the lamp beside my bed was on. I walked to my bed as I saw Nyx sleeping peacefully on it.

I sat beside her staring at her face.

God, she’s so beautiful with her long black hair . Her hair spread on the bed while some on her face.

I saw one of the books I bought for her in her hand.

I guess she slept off while reading it. I moved closer as I removed some of her hair from her face making her stir in her sleep.

She moved closer as her hand wrapped around my waist, taking me by surprise.

I couldn’t help but smile at her behavior. Even in her sleep she was cute.

My eyes went down to her lips

Gosh, what the h’ll is happening to me.

I felt a sharp pain in my head.

I felt my body has been weak lately because of all the stress going on.

Nightmares and now Ryder, I don’t even know how I’m going to face him on Friday.

Not thinking about it much , I feel like I’ll fall sick anytime soon . Have been having a serious headache , not getting enough sleep .

And I don’t want to worry Seth.

I stared at Nyx one more time before getting on the bed.

I didn’t want to wake her so I just climbed the bed gently putting my book on the small table .

I looked at Nyx who was still holding me tight.

My hands made their way to her waist pulling her closer .

I don’t know what is wrong with me lately but it feels so nice her body pressing on mine.

I stared at her again as my eyes diverted to the to the chain in her hand

I sighed, maybe I should remove it. I’m sure it’s making her uncomfortable.

I started to touch her hair

Weirdly I felt comfort just by touching her hair, slowly I drifted off to sleep.


Nyx lothario

I woke up feeling something around my waist and a heavy thing on my neck.

It was hot and I wondered what that was.

I looked at my waist and felt an arm wrapped around it.

I turned and to my shock it was Eric .

What the actual fk

He was still asleep and I was thankful for that.

I slowly removed his hand from my waist but he just pulled me closer as he buried his head into my neck.

My face was so red that I was feeling hot .

But not because of our closeness but Eric body was hot

I slowly moved my hand to his neck and to my shock he was burning seriously.

I quickly removed myself from Eric’s hold as I rushed to the bathroom .

I took a towel and a bucket of water and rushed back to Eric’s side.

I gently woke him up

“Eric” I called.

He slowly opened his eyes looking at me .

This time his blue eyes were soft unlike the other cold ones he used to look at me.

“You’re burning” I said.

He tried to stand up but failed miserably.


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