Aurora searched everywhere in the quarters but she couldn’t see any sign of jade.

Other maids has been glaring at her not until Zara came towards her.

“Where did you sleep last night” she asked

“Non of your business” Aurora snapped.

“Don’t talk to me like that bitch” Zara wanted to hit her when Jade appeared from nowhere held her hand.

“Are you nut, let go off me” she yanked her hands away.

“You better not try anything to her else, you’ll regret it” Jade warned and took Aurora out of the quarters.

“Jade wait” Aurora made her stop as they went out of the quarters.

“Where were you” she asked.

“No where” she replied.

“No where” Aurora repeated raising an eyebrow.

“Forget it Aurora, let go to the princess chamber” Jade said and she shrugged as they walked away down to the field

Unknowingly, she bumped into someone and everyone in the field gasped.

… It the Mistress

… She is going to be punished

… Doesn’t she knows she’s carrying a baby.

“How dare you” Sage flared up and Aurora swallowed.

“Do you know the gravity of what you did” she added.

“Can’t you talk” Esmeralda yelled.

“I’m sorry, my lady……it not intentional” Aurora mumbled.

Esmeralda landed a hard slap on her face making her fall on her knees.

“You clumsy slave……you are just a lowlife trying to get attention but trust me….you won’t” Esmeralda spat.

“My La…”

Esmeralda remembered what occurred last night and her anger doubled

“Where were you last night” Esmeralda blurted and she gulped down nothing.


“I know you won’t respond, you dumb slave… dare you spend the night with the emperor huh” She slapped Aurora again.

Aurora felt a surge of Anger in her as she folded her fist, she can’t just let the mistress ridicule her like that.

Esmeralda wanted to hit her again when a strange force pushed her and she fell down hard

“Arghhhhh….my back” she groaned as her back met with the bare floor.

Everyone eyes widened.

“My lady!!!” Sage bent to help her.

“My tummy hurts” Esmeralda yelped.

… What that?

… It blood, is she wounded

Esmeralda quickly checked her legs and and saw blood rushing out of her thigh.

“Oh my God” Sage exclaimed on seeing it.

“Noooo… baby!!!!!!!”



Emperor Augustus sat in his study room, surrounded by shelves of ancient tomes and scrolls. The warm glow of the candles cast a golden light on the room, and the soft scratching of his quill on parchment was the only sound that broke the silence.

Astrid stood beside him, her eyes fixed on the floor, as instructed.

“Your Highness,” Astrid spoke, his voice low and cautious as the emperor looked up from his book.

“What is it, Astrid”

“erm, what are you going to do about the mistress since she is pregnant” he asked and Augustus exhaled.

“I really don’t know”

“What about the slave” he asked.

“I really don’t know what to do Astrid, I’m confused” he replied.

“Maybe……” Astrid couldn’t complete it when a guard bursted in.

“Your highness” He knelt down and the emperor felt rage immediately.

“How dare you come in without permission” he spat with fury.

“Forgive me your highness, I just came to tell you that the mistress is bleeding” he said his eyes casted down.

“Bleeding” Emperor Augustus widened his eyes.

“Yes your highness”

“Where is she” he asked.

“In her chamber, your highness”

Without another word, Emperor Augustus rose from his seat and strode out of the study room, his long robes flowing behind him. Astrid and the guard followed closely.



Esmeralda was unconscious as the physician treated her, she flinged her eyes open breathing heavily.

She held the physician tightly closer “how is my baby is he alright” she grabbed her dress tightly.

“Your highness…..”

“How is my baby” Esmeralda yelled as the physician struggled to be free from her grip.

“He is not gone right” she panicked.

“Your highness………….you had a miscarriage” The physician dropped the bombshell and Esmeralda slowly released her and faced somewhere else with her mouth wide open.

She couldn’t speak for some minutes until she found her voice.

“Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh” She screamed.

Queen Nana rushed to the chamber and went to hold Esmeralda. “Calm down Esme” she urged her but she didn’t heed.

“I can’t mother, that slave killed my child…..the heir” she flared up.

“Just rest Esmeralda, you are losing your blood”

“No mother, I can’t believe this…….my baby is gone” she cried loudly rubbing her empty stomach.

“It okay Esme, that slave won’t go Scot free….trust me” Queen Nana assured and Esmeralda nodded still weeping.

“Just rest…….I’ll be back. Don’t feel down” Queen Nana muttered and left the suite in a hurry.

Emperor Augustus came in next and she faced the ceiling.

“You’ve got what you wanted isn’t it” she mumbled sarcastically.

“Got what Esme, I never said you should abort it” he said defensely.

“You should punish that slave………she killed my baby” She flared up

“She killed the heir, you’ll punish her right” she nodded to be sure he’ll do it.

“Esmeralda, just rest” he said but she refused.

“I knew you were going to support her, I’ve been with you for years but you never looked at me twice, that slave came a months aga and took you away from me…..I won’t take I won’t” She Muttered.

“Punish her, your highness…….she is a murderer” she cried loudly.

Emperor Augustus didn’t say any more words as he left the suite.


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