Queen Nana stormed into the maids’ quarters, her entourage of maids trailing behind her. “Where is that killer, where is that slave?” she thundered, her eyes blazing with fury.

The maids cowered, pointing to Aurora, who stood in the corner, her head bowed. “You murderer, how dare you kill my grandchild?” Queen Nana spat, her voice venomous.

Aurora trembled, her eyes downcast. “I didn’t mean to, Your Highness. I swear, I didn’t touch her.”

Aurora breath increased, she didn’t touch the Mistress nor pushed her but she felt that something pushed her.

No one could take the blame except her?

“Guards” Queen Nana screamed.

“Your highness” they came towards her quickly.

“Take this filthy murderer to the dungeon, now” she ordered and Aurora’s eyes widened.

“Your highness, forgive me” she pleaded but it went on deaf ears.

“Take her away and give her 50 strokes on her bare back”

The maids gasped in horror as Aurora pleaded for mercy, but Queen Nana was deaf to her cries. “Take her away!” she thundered and left the quarters.

…. See her, Murderer

…. You better be careful around her, you might be her next target.

…. God forbid

… Serves her right, I just hate how she look

Jade was speechless throughout, she couldn’t defend her friend as she is a maid, she shook her head and rushed out of the quarters.

… Look at her

…. A friend of a murderer is also a murderer” one of them said and they laughed.



Emperor Augustus stormed into Queen Nana’s chamber, his face dark with fury. He strode towards her, his long strides eating up the distance.

“What did you do, Mother?” he demanded, his voice low filled with fury

Queen Nana stood her ground, her eyes flashing with defiance. “Isn’t it right, she killed my grandchild?” she flared up, her voice trembling with rage.

Augustus’s eyes narrowed. “You should have left it for me. I am the emperor.”

Queen Nana’s face reddened. “She is not even a princess, or a maid. She is a slave, and I can punish her as I see fit.”

Augustus’s jaw clenched. “You don’t have the right to punish her, Mother. I am the one who determines her fate.”

Queen Nana’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What has that slave done to you, Augustus? You are changing. Has she been giving you charms?”

Augustus’s face darkened. “No, Mother. Stop it. It’s unnecessary.”

Queen Nana’s voice rose. “That lady is just a lowly slave. Why do you care so much about her?”

Augustus’s eyes flashed. “She is not just a slave, Mother. She is special. Leave it at that.”

Queen Nana’s eyes widened, her mind racing with possibilities. “Augustus…”

But Augustus cut her off. “I don’t have anything else to say to you, Mother.” He turned and left her chamber, leaving Queen Nana speechless and seething with anger.

“That slave mush have charmed my son” She wondered.

The emperor has never talked to her that way, she paced around the room her mind racing with possibilities.

Did the goddess truly changed his fate? Then why is he not having an Empress yet ??

Emperor Augustus walked down the corridor with Astrid and some other guards by his side.

“Order her release, Astrid” he muttered and Astrid bowed.

“Yes your highness” he muttered and turned back going down to the dungeon.



Aurora’s body trembled, her muscles strained against the ropes that bound her to the pole. Her eyes were red and puffy, her face streaked with tears and sweat. Her hair was a tangled mess, her back exposed and vulnerable. The symbol of the moon on her back seemed to glow in the dim light of the dungeon, but the guards were oblivious to its significance.

Just as the guards raised their thorny sticks to strike, Astrid burst into the dungeon, his voice booming through the cavernous space. “Stop!” he ordered, his eyes blazing with authority.

“Why commander” A guard asked.

“Release her” Astrid muttered, his voice firm.

The guards hesitated, their sticks hovering in mid-air. “But Queen Mother ordered us to…” Another one of them ventured, his voice laced with defiance.

Astrid’s face darkened. “Do you want to defy His Highness’s order and get killed?” he growled, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

The guards exchanged nervous glances, then dropped their sticks and stepped back. “Yes, Commander,” they muttered in unison.

Astrid strode forward, his eyes fixed on Aurora’s pale body. He reached out and gently untied the ropes that bound her to the pole. Aurora collapsed forward, her body weak and limp. Astrid caught her, his arms wrapping around her like a shield.

He drew a cloth from his shoulder and wrapped it around her, covering her exposed body. Then, he scooped her up in his arms and turned to leave the dungeon. The guards parted, their eyes downcast, as Astrid carried Aurora out of the darkness and into the light.



Sapphire paced around her chamber, her eyes fixed on the game board in front of her.

She was waiting for Jade to join her, but her friend was nowhere to be found. “Where could they be?” she pouted, walking to the window to gaze out at the scattered landscape.

“Is something happening” she muttered to no one in particular.

Immediately the door creaked open and Astrid entered her chamber as her face fell.

“What are you doing here” she asked.

“I just came to……”

“Don’t say anything, go meet your partner, I’m sure she’s expecting you” she spat still angry at what Astrid did with Zara.

Astrid raised an eyebrow suspiciously “are you jealous” he asked.

“No I’m not jealous, why will I be…..go” she lied, feigning ignorance.

“Yes you are, you won’t be telling me to leave if you are not” he mouthed.

“Whatever” she rolled her eyes sitting as her gaze locked with Astrid.

“What are you waiting for, I didn’t call you here” She muttered.

“Nothing” he flashed her a smile and she blinked.

“Does he smile this much” she said inwardly as she scoffed loudly.

“What did you say” He asked and she frowned.

“Why do you want to know” She glared as he walked towards her window.

“Leave Astrid, I didn’t call you here”

“Let play games today, I’m free” he muttered on seeing the game on her table.

“Someone else is playing with me, leave” she said dragging him away from window

But instead of leaving, Astrid stumbled, and they both fell onto the bed together. Sapphire’s eyes widened in surprise, her face flushing with embarrassment.

At that period, the door twitched open slowly!!!!!


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