Sapphire was lounging on plush cushions in the chamber, Jade stood before her, their voices hushed as they conversed. Aurora entered, her eyes scanning the room before spotting the duo.

Sapphire gestured for her to join them “over here Aurora” and Aurora obliged, her steps quiet on the soft carpet.

“I’m really bored today,” Sapphire said, her voice pale.

“How about we sneak out of the palace?” Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and Aurora’s heart skipped a beat.

“No, I don’t think we should do that,” Aurora replied, her voice cautious. She remembered the night she wandered out alone, the darkness and fear that had enveloped her. “We can just take a walk in the palace, it’s better.”

Sapphire pouted, her full lips jutting out in disappointment. “But I feel like going out of this prison,” she mumbled, her voice petulant. “It’s suffocating me.”

“It’s dangerous, my lady,” Jade interjected, her voice firm but respectful. “The palace grounds are safe, but outside…who knows what lurks in the shadows?”

Sapphire shrugged, her shoulders barely rising off the cushion. “I’ve gone out multiple times, it doesn’t seem dangerous to me.” Her eyes gleamed with a rebellious spark, and Aurora’s anxiety spiked.

“I even feel hungry, Jade please get me some honey biscuits from the kitchen” she instructed.

“Yes, My lady”

“Just call me Sapphire, I’ve told you multiple times” she rolled her eyes and Jade chuckled then left.

Sapphire huffed, her breath blowing out in a dramatic sigh. “Fine, we’ll take a walk in the palace, then.” Her eyes rolled, and Aurora smiled.


Jade walked down the palace corridors, her feet carrying her towards the princess’s chamber. Her hands were filled with a basket of freshly made honey biscuits, still warm.

She had just reached the corner of the hallway when suddenly, she collided with a tall figure. The biscuits flew out of her hands, scattering across the bare floor like tiny, golden coins.

Jade’s eyes widened in dismay as she took in the sight of the scattered biscuits. Her gaze then shifted to the person in front of her, and her expression turned from frustration to surprise.

It was Louis, the guy she met the other day. His usually stern face was etched with concern, and his eyes crinkled at the corners as he apologized.

“I’m sorry, Jade. I didn’t know you were coming,” he said, his deep voice laced with sincerity.

Jade’s frown softened, and she shook her head, her dark hair swaying gently. “It’s fine, I’ll just go get another ones,” she muttered, turning to leave.

But Louis was quick to react. “Let me get it instead,” he offered, flashing her a warm smile.

Jade raised an eyebrow, surprised by his kindness. She hesitated for a moment before nodding, and Louis took off towards the kitchen.

As she waited for him to return, Jade couldn’t help but notice the way Louis moved with grace and precision, his broad shoulders flexing with each step.

She felt a flutter in her chest, and her eyes dropped to the floor, her cheeks warming with a little blush.

Soon, Louis returned with a fresh baked honey biscuits, their sweet aroma wafting through the air.

“Thanks,” Jade mumbled, her voice barely audible.

Louis smiled again, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “It’s nothing, I guess you’re going to meet the princess?” he asked, his gaze holding hers.

Jade nodded, her throat constricting slightly. “Yes, I am.”

“Let me escort you then,” Louis offered, his smile widening.

Jade’s heart skipped a beat as she agreed, her voice barely above a whisper.




Sapphire, Aurora, and Jade strolled down the corridor, their laughter and chatter filling the air. “Let’s go to the field,” Jade suggested, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Sapphire raised an eyebrow. “What’s so special about the field?”

Jade’s grin grew wider. “Nothing, from there…we can go to the garden.”

Aurora nodded, her eyes sparkling. “Okay, let’s just go.”

As they walked down to the field, Sapphire’s gaze fell on Astrid, standing in the distance. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

But her gaze soon shifted to the maid beside him, and her expression darkened.

The maid was holding his hand, her fingers intertwined with his, as they conversed silently.

Sapphire’s eyes narrowed, her mind racing with jealousy.

What are they saying that’s making him laugh?

She felt a surge of possessiveness, her heart aching with a hint of hurt. The maids whispered something into his ears and he chuckled.

Sapphire’s fists clenched involuntarily.

She’s touching her? And he allowed her?

She fought the urge to storm over and interrupt them, her pride and dignity keeping her rooted to the spot. But her eyes refused to leave the scene, her gaze fixed on the pair with a mix of anger and sadness.

The maid attempted to hug Astrid, but he gently pushed her back, his eyes locking with Sapphire’s for a fleeting moment.

Sapphire’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes darting away, her face burning with embarrassment.

Aurora’s voice came, her concern etched on her face. “What’s wrong, you’re not listening.”

Sapphire forced a smile, her voice laced with hurt. “Nothing, let’s go back…I’m exhausted.”

Aurora and Jade exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes filled with understanding. “Okay,” they chimed in unison, their voices soft and gentle.

As they turned to leave, Sapphire couldn’t help but steal one last glance at Astrid, her heart heavy with emotion.


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