THE CONGRUENCE Episode 5 – 8

Episode 7

Sister Grace responded that my mum was critically ill. They had thought it was Malaria and were treating it in-house…but she didn’t ger better.
My mum passed out the day before that and they had to rush her to the hospital.
The hospital almost didn’t take her as they insisted on a twenty thousand Naira deposit for them to admit her and give her a bed.

Sister Grace and my elder brothers rallied round and raised the money. The hospital later diagnosed Typhoid but it had become chronic and they would need to treat my mum with prolonged antibiotics and also a Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery; so they needed to bring more money for treatment to commence.

It was from the hospital that she called me earlier that morning because she didn’t know who else to call….but unfortunately, her phone was not charged and it died after I picked up.
The doctor had come back after about an hour and when he saw that nobody was making any effort to get the money the hospital asked for, he asked Sister Grace and my brothers if they wanted their mother to die…the mention of death was what prompted my Sister to leave the hospital to go look for help. One of my brothers also left in search of money while the other one stayed with my mum.

At this point I had also started crying, I could tell my sister was just chasing the wind and hoping that somehow help would come forth. I asked if her boyfriend could be of help but she said he was out of town to go source for funds from his people as his business was not doing too good
“How much does the hospital want?” asked Deola, who had been quiet, but with a somber demeanor, all along.
There was no answer for a while and she asked the question again.
Sister Grace, after noticeable hesitation, answered and said it was one hundred and fifty thousand naira. My heart almost exploded when I heard the amount needed.


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