THE CONGRUENCE Episodes 35 – 37

It’s time for God to be true and every man a liar
 Like I asked you earlier at Aramide’s house “Do you have enough love in your heart?” I will add this to it…do you trust God enough? And like your Pastor said,Are you willing to surrender ALL to Him, withholding nothing?”
 Folahan nodded, then reached out and held my hand…he tried to say something but started to cry again. I wiped his tears with my other hand but I was crying too.
 Pastor T got up and started to sing songs of praise…Uncle Ade joined him as they praised God. It was so intense that they started to pray in the spirit
They both walked over and started to pray for us…I wept uncontrollably but it wasn’t tears born out of pain. I felt a release in my spirit…I felt a hand trying to grab my other hand, I opened my eyes and it was Folahan, he held my hands (a sign of agreement) as the prayers continued. I could see that he had a different demeanor…the bitterness on his face was no longer there.
 The prayer went on for about 15 minutes and Pastor T rounded it up. 

When we were done, we saw Captain on his knees…his hands up in the air like he was surrendering.
 “The God that did what I saw just now, I want to know Him
I want to serve Him
I want to spend the rest of my life serving Him”
 Folahan crawled to him and hugged him tight, saying
“I forgive you dad…for everything
I forgive you dad
I wipe the slate clean
I let go of the hurts
I forgive you dad”
 That was what messed Captain up…he was sobbing, sniveling and screaming
“I need You God…I need You God
I want You in my life
Take everything…take over every part of my life”
 Pastor T led him in the sinner’s prayer…it was such an emotional night.
 We were there till very late…it was agreed that Folahan’s mum be kept out of this. Uncle Ade promised to take care of it if she asked to know what happened.

 After Folahan’s dad (I stopped referring to him as Captain) and Uncle Ade left, Pastor T reiterated that what we brokered that evening was divine and we should never tamper with it. It should not be brought up or referred to in our marriage or whenever we have misunderstandings. He also advised us to prayerfully consider relocating to the United States as it would make things easier and help with any form of awkwardness. 

The End

By Lanre Olagbaju