THE GOVERNOR’S SON: Episode 1-10


(? what my heart wants)

©? Authoress Naomi

? Episode eight ?

? Stanley ?
I got to the stairs and found Rihana poured coffee on Elle…

“Rihana, are you out of your mind?” I shot and rushed to the scene, Elle is crying

“You go in and clean up” I said to her and she obeyed

“So you’re supporting her instead of me?” Rihana asked defensively

“You know what you are?, You’re a true replica of a spoilt mango, spoilt mango!, that’s what you are , how can you stoop so low to pouring coffee on the poor girl,what has she ever done to you”

“What did you just call me?”

“So you’re not only senseless but deaf, but I’ll be kind enough to repeat it, you’re a spoilt mango!, Spoilt mango!” I shot and she raised her hand to slap me but I held it, it’s actually the one with my ring

I looked at the ring and sighed

“How many times will you try to slap me without success huh?, We’re not even married yet, you’re only wearing the engagement ring and you’re behaving like this?, The next time you try to slap me, I’m taking my ring back, but be careful, you might not even try that before I decide to take it cos I’m gradually loosing my patience” I said calmly

“Stanley, you mean that?, You’ll actually…..

“I don’t have time to spend repeating myself” I said and went upstairs

I can hear the shutting of the door, meaning she’s off

I came back downstairs

“Hellen!” I called and she came rushing

“Sorry for what she did” I said

“It’s nothing boss” she replied with a smile

“Make me another coffee”

“Sure” she answered and scurried into the kitchen

She came back with it minutes later

“I’ll be going to Elvira’s place in the evening, prepare”

“Yes sir”

I started thinking of ways to plead to Elvira, she’s surely not an easy person

I can’t even think of one thing to beg her with

Just then, Steve entered

“Man, I heard what happened at the party yesterday, hope you’re good?” He asked, sitting beside me

“You think I’ll be good after how Rihana tried to slap me at the party then going ahead to tell Dad that Elvira slapped her and making Elvira go away in anger, then coming here this morning to harass my maid” I replied

“You meant she came here this morning?, That must be after leaving my place, she talked rudely to Elvira at my place too” he replied and my eyes widened

“You mean they both met at your place also, and Rihana talked rudely to her?”

“Yes, she said her brain fell off and….

“Oh stop, so what did you do?” I asked

“When she’s about to hit Rihana, I covered her and begged her to forgive my sister, you need to see how she walked out angrily, you know her temper could be at boiling point at times, that’s exactly what happened”

“You dummy, you should have let her hit Rihana, if she hits her, all her anger will dissipate but now she’ll vent her anger on her maids and everything she gets her hand on, oh my God”

“You mean I should let your sister hit Rihana?, Have you also forgotten that Rihana is my sister?”

“What do you want me to do when she won’t change, she keeps getting worse, especially with Elvira” I replied sadly

“I wonder why our sisters are not getting along” he said

“I dunno”

“So where’s that maid?, I heard she held Rihanna’s hand yesterday and Rihana slapped her”

“Yes, she did” I replied and almost immediately, the doorbell sounded

I went to check, it’s Richard

“It’s Richard” I said to Steve

“Since when did that dude started coming to your house again” he mumbled as I opened the door

“Hey dudes” he hollered

“Did you finally remember us? I asked

“Or maybe you forgot some of your childhood motorcycles here” Steve said and I saw him smile

“I came to see Hellen” he replied icily

“Who’s Hellen?” Steve asked

“My personal maid” I replied and faced Richard

“If I may ask, why do you want to see her?”

“I just want to talk to her for some minutes”

“She’s not allowed to go with you” I replied

“Then can you please call her out and let me just see her?”

“I can do you that favor” I replied and called Hellen, she came out immediately

“Hi Elle” Richard waved

“Hi Richard, what are you doing here?”

“I came to see you”


“Em….can we go out for a walk?”

She looked at my facial expression

“No Richard, I’m sorry I can’t come with you, whatever you want to say, you can as well say it here” she answered

“It’s ok, I’ll get going” he replied and rushed out

Hellen made to go back in

“Are you two an item?” I asked

“No boss, I barely know him” she replied and turned to go

“I wonder how to apologise to Elvira” i
Said to Steve

Elle came back again, guess she heard

“Boss, I actually have an idea, but if you’ll take it….

“Say it” I interrupted

“Buy her many cupcakes” she replied

“Why?” Steve asked

“She likes calling the two of you her sweet cupcakes, I think it must be one of her favorite” she replied

“Makes sense” Steve said

“Not making sense, how can Elvira be addicted to cupcakes when she’s not a kid” I replied

“You know what dude, you’re the kid here, who told you cupcakes can only be taken by kids” Steve mocked

“Oh well, let’s try that and we’re going now, evening might be too late” I replied and went upstairs to change

We took my car and my driver drove us to the cupcakes store where I got more than enough

We headed to her house and can hear her shouting from outside

“I pray we’re able to calm her down” Steve said

?? Hellen ??
We went in and saw that she’s actually shouting at one of her maids

“I told you I want noodles, I don’t remember telling you I want it garnished, why would you…..

She stopped halfway when she saw us and wanted to go upstairs but boss quickly stood In her way

“Elvira I’m sorry” he pleaded

“Stanley get out of my way” she said sternly

“Elvira I’m sorry for what Rihana did” he added

“Don’t mention her name here,the mere mention of her name can give me brain tumor!” She shot

Steve quickly stepped in

“I’m sorry for what my sister did” he said

“And you, you kept defending that rotten orange the other time” she said, breathing heavily

“It’s because she’s my sister, we’re just sorry please Elvira” he said

“Please ma’am Elvira” I added and she looked my way and smiled

“Hey pinkie, I guess my anger blinded me to the extent of not seeing you” she said and came to me

I gave her the container containing the cupcakes

“What’s this?”

“I hope you like it” I said as she started opening it and I held my breath

“Wow, my favorite junk!, I ran out of it in the house and was thinking of baking it myself but here it is!” She screamed and hugged me, I can finally breath

“How did you know I love cupcakes?” She asked

“I figured it out cos you love to call my boss your sweet cupcake”

“Wow you’re a genius” she exclaimed

“It’s actually from my boss and his friend” I replied, refferring to Stanley and Steve

She faced them reluctantly

“Come here my sweet cupcakes” she said and they joined us, she pinched their nose each, we surrounded her as she munched the cakes and we ate from it too….she has a really unique personality that’s hard to decipher…

“Thanks” boss whispered, loud enough for only me to hear

“Don’t mention boss” I mouthed back

I just hope I’ll face less troubles from now on…

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