THE GOVERNOR’S SON: Episode 1-10


(? what my heart wants)

By. Authoress Naomi

? Episode nine ?

? Richard ?
One month later

It’s not because I’m jobless nor because I’m oblivious of what I’m doing, it’s because I always think of her…. Hellen

Since the day she described the Watt Villa for me, I kept thinking about her everyday but didn’t get a chance to even bump into her

Then dad’s party came up and she showed up as Stanley’s personal maid, I saw when the spoilt Rihana slapped her and wanted to just act fast but I stopped myself though it’s hard, then watching Stanley blame her after the whole scenario is making me angry but I kept it all in

I’m happy I got to drive her home after Stanley abandoned her in anger

When I got home that night, I couldn’t sleep, I kept thinking about her, this is not normal, I mean, she’s not the first girl I’ll see and besides, I’ve only seen her twice then why am I feeling this way?

I went to Stanley’s mansion the following day, hoping to see her and talk freely with her but Stanley won’t give way

Talking about Stanley and Steve, those two are my inseparable childhood friends, we went to the same primary school, even when Stanley travelled to America, the three of us do video calls always

But then, I felt the need to change my cliche, I dunno why I had the feeling but I started pulling apart and I stopped conversing with them, and surprisingly, they didn’t even ask me why, that makes me think they too are happy with what’s going on…

Well, back to Elle, it’s been a month since I saw her and I think I miss her…

Today I have to meet with one of the investors, I gat to get prepared

?? Hellen ??
Yippee!, I’m getting my first salary today though the job is a tough and cumbersome one cos boss is always sending necessary and unnecessary errands that I couldn’t even fufil my promise of visiting dad every weekend…..but I always put a call through everyday…

And you’re wondering about Rihana, she hasn’t come to the mansion since when she showered me with coffee, Steve visits often and Elvira always comes to say hi, she even got my contact and calls seldomly, and my boss, he’s bossy(normal) and I guess if he’s truly egoistic as they say cos he cares a lot about me, just that he thinks after acting… And finally, I’ve been told the door’s password and my fingerprint has been set

“Go to the bank and withdraw fifty thousand dollars” boss said

“But…we agreed on thirty thousand”

“I know, but you’re doing a good job and I’m impressed”

“Thanks boss!, Thanks boss, thanks, I’m appreciative”

“It’s nothing”

“Em, boss, can I…… quickly go see my dad?, I promise to be back before an hour”

“Yes, but you must not spend more than the promised time”

“Thanks boss” I said as I sauntered back to my room to get my phone, the ATM and my only bag

I quickly withdrew at the bank and went to the bus station to wait for the bus

I’m so happy I’ll be seeing dad and Helga after a whole month, it means a lot

I’ve been drowned in the world of thinking and suddenly, someone snatched my bag from me…. I spin round and saw him running away

“My money!, My money!” I shouted as I started running after him, nobody even cared about my shouts

He entered a corner and I entered too, he turned around at my sight and made to enter the street again but I held him tight and dug my teeth into his arm, I bit him so hard that he fell and I placed my leg on his chest…

I bent down to take my bag but unknowingly, he had a knife,he stealthily brought it out and before the twinkle of an eye, he stabbed my right arm and I fell… BLACKOUT

? Richard ?
Coming from the meeting with investor Fritz and I’m so exhausted right now

“Drive faster” I informed my driver

“Yes boss”

Then I suddenly heard a voice

“My money!”

“These bag snatchers at it again” I thought as I heard the scream again

“My money!”

I winded down my tinted car glasses and saw a girl running after a guy and I saw the face clearly…. Hellen!

This story is written by Naomi ?

My heart beat rised immediately

“Follow the running guy!” I instructed my driver and he did

We got to the corner they both entered and I rushed down from the car, there I found Hellen lying down helplessly with a bleeding arm, the knife she was stabbed with is even still on her arm, I became alarmed and ran to her, I carried her limp body into the car, I picked an ATM I saw on the ground, her arm is really bl.eeding profusely throughout the drive to the hospital

She was quickly attended to and the knife was removed, her arm was bandaged and she woke up shortly after.


“Yeah, are you ok?”

“Of course I’m……..ouch”

“Sorry, don’t rest on your arm too much” I replied

“Thanks Richard, I guess that son of a btch ran away with my bag, I have my first salary, my phone and boss ATM….

“Here is the ATM” I said, handing it over to her

“Thanks Richard, I’m grateful, thanks for taking me here”

“It’s nothing, you just have to take care of yourself”

“I will, and now I want to go home, boss will be expecting me”

“What!, Elle, your arm is not healed yet, you still need to rest”

“I know, but I gotta go, I’ll take care of this with the first aid kit” she answered and gave a faint smile…. she’s just adorable

“Ok, as you wish, I’ll drop you”

I helped her into the car and we dropped her by the gate before leaving….. she’s a different girl

? Stanley ?
It’s been complete three hours and Elle is not back yet….. I’m getting worried and angry at the same time

Worried cos I dunno how she’s faring, angry cos she broke the promise of spending only an hour…

I got my phone to call her…ouch, I don’t even have her number, how can I not have my maid number for the whole one month she has spent here

Just then,the door pushed open and she came in

“Why are you…..

I saw her bandaged arm and became alarmed

“What happened to your arm?, Are you ok?”

“Some random thief snatched my bag containing my salary, ATM and phone, he stabbed me with a knife, thanks to Richard who saved me and I think the ATM fell off the bag, thankfully I got that”

“Richard?, Oh well,are you ok now?”

“I’m strong boss”

“Good then, you can withdraw another fifty thousand and go say hi to your dad but that’s only when your arm is healed up”

“Thanks boss”


In the evening

I just finished making dinner and took her meal to her room

“Boss you don’t have to…

“Just shut up and eat” I answered and she smiled

“Thanks boss”

“Oh, that reminds me, you’ll need to change your bandage, I’ll help”

? Hellen ?
“You don’t need to…

“No, you can’t possibly do it yourself, I’ll get the first aid kit” he insisted and went to get it

What the hell … I put on a sleeveless shirt before he came back

He came back and I sat on the bed while he sat beside me, he loosened the bandage

“What!, This is too deep!” He said with seriousness

“Boss, it’s ok”

“I wonder if it is” he replied and started applying the ointments one after the other, that look of concern on his face when applying it is something cute…. gosh, what am I thinking???

He’s not really egoistic….

“Thanks boss” I said as he went out and I munched my food with a renowed appetite

I have to heal up soon so I can go see father and Helga

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