THE GOVERNOR’S SON: Episode 11-20


(? what my heart wants)

By: Authoress Naomi

? Episode eighteen ?

? Hellen ?
It’s the dawn of another morning, today marks the beginning of my fifth month as a maid in the mansion, I quickly got out of bed, remembering I have to make coffee for boss

I went to the kitchen and made his coffee, I took it to his room but surprisingly he’s not awake yet, it’s so uncommon of him I placed the coffee gently on his table

I stared at the room carefully and laughed, it’s the first time I’m noticing the decoration, Ben 10, Tom and Jerry and all other cartoons, this is so childish, I forgot he’s in the room and laughed out loud

“So who gave you a dose of laughter this early morning?” He suddenly asked, jerking me from my thoughts, I turned to see him awake already, seated up on the bed, arms crossed across the chest, looking at me intently

“Em….I was just thinking, the….decor, it’s so childish” I replied

“Oh I knew it, Elvira did it and anytime I plan to remove it,I always forget, maybe she attached some certain powers so that I won’t be able to remove it” he replied and saw the coffee on the table, he took it and sipped gently

“I’ll be in my room” I said..

“I’ll be going to Dad’s place today, I think he wants to talk to me about the broken engagement” he said

“Am I going with you?” I asked

“Of course, I told you no questions, you’ll be following me everywhere” he replied

“Ok, I’ll go get prepared” I answered and went out of his room

I got to my room and took my bath, did all the necessities, and wore a black free gown

I got to the living room and met him there, all ready

? Stanley ?
I was just about to say “let’s go” when my phone sounded, it’s Elvira calling

?? Hey sister

?? Cute cupcake, I’m so happy

?? Tell me what’s making my big sister Happy this early morning

?? Tyler came back yesterday!!!

?? I can’t believe this

?? Believe me your sister is saying the truth

?? It’s a great news, at Least you won’t be lonely anymore

?? Who told you I’m lonely before?, I have you and pinky

?? I know but this is different, he’s your sweetheart, you must have had some good time last night, I can feel it

??(Cheeks red) you pe.rvert

?? You can’t deny it cos you missed him so much, I never thought he’s gonna come back

?? But here he is, we’re on our way to meet his dad and after that, we’re heading straight to Dad’s place

?? Oh great, I’m going to that old Man’s place too, I know he wants to talk about Rihana, you might probably meet us there

?? Alright be careful, and take care of my pinky, that rotten orange must not bully her..

?? Not even a chance, goodbye, see ya!

I hanged up and saw Hellen seated on the couch already

“Elvira’s boyfriend, Tyler came back” I broke the news

“She has a boyfriend?”she asked surprisingly

“Of course,why did you ask?”

“I’ve never seen her with any man” she replied

“My beautiful sister is twenty six years old, how come she won’t have a boyfriend, he just travelled two years ago and she’s been waiting since then, luckily he came back yesterday”

“Oh, so cute, everlasting love” she exclaimed and I smiled, so cute

“Let’s go” I said as we went out and my driver drove us to Dad’s place

? Steve ?
Since I saw Helga yesterday, something doesn’t feel right, I’m feeling the Sparks anytime I imagine her picture, it’s like butterflies are throwing a party in my stomach anytime I think about her

Could this be love???

Today our operations started fully and I have the five best doctors in my hospital, Steve hospital is the best when it comes to treatments and doctors, even equipments

I’m so happy to have acquired my goals

? Hellen ?
We got to Governor Armstrong’s Villa and I marvelled at the sight, it’s magnificent, well,you wouldn’t expect less from the governor of a whole empire, it was surrounded with guards

We entered and the interior decor is breathtaking, it looks like a paradise

We entered the living room, ushered by guards and met him, the great governor Jake Armstrong seated on a couch regally,the first time I’ll be seeing him face to face cos I’ve only seen him in magazines

Then I saw her, Rihana, seated right in front of him, giving me devilish glances

“Feel free to sit if you like” governor said

“I don’t think I’ll like to sit” boss replied

“Your choice then, I called you here because….

“Because of the broken engagement, look old man, I’m not ready to talk about it, it’s done and dusted” boss interrupted

Governor stood up and came to him, then at the snap of a finger, he gave him a resounding slap, I was shocked as I saw Rihana smiling satisfactorily

“Dad, you slapped me cos of Rihana!!, Am I your child or is it Rihana?” He asked and I saw the look on governor’s face

“I had to do that to bring you back to your senses Stanley, how could you stoop so low to dating your god-damned maid!” Governor shouted and my heart skipped a beat

“Rihana must have told you bunch of lies as usual, but I’ll be using this medium to tell you there’s nothing going on between I and Hellen though I dunno about the future” boss answered and I looked at him, our eyes met but he quickly looked away

“The future?, What’s the meaning of that statement?” I thought

“What do you mean by the future?” Governor asked

“Find out by yourself” boss replied and governor faced me but boss blocked me

“Leave her out of this” boss said and my heart started beating fast again

“Now you’re defending her?” Governor asked

“Yes, it’s what I have to do” boss answered

“You’re right brother” someone said, it’s Elvira, she came in with a guy, I think that’s Tyler

“What are you doing here Elvira?” Governor asked

“To introduce you to my long awaited boyfriend” Elvira answered

“Good morning your Excellency” Tyler greeted

Governor gave a mean look first before answering

“Good morning” he answered calmly

“So what do you think about our relationship?” Elvira asked

“You must be engineer Clifford’s only son, the manager of Cliff’s petroleum?” He asked

“Yes sir!” Tyler answered

“You look a lot like him, anyways, I approve of the relationship since you come from a noble family” he replied and Elvira hugged Tyler happily

“Thanks Dad!” She said happily

“Better talk to your brother, he better do something about the broken engagement” governor said, facing boss again

“Dad, Stanley doesn’t love this spoilt mango” Elvira said and boss giggled, I saw anger flashing across Rihana’s face

“You’re refferring to her as a spoilt mango?*

“Of course dad, that’s the nickname Stanley gave to her, bye dad, and Stanley, use your brain” Elvira said and rushed out with Tyler

“Stanley, you can’t….

“So you know how to call my name after giving me that resounding slap?, It hurts in case you dunno, to see you standing up for Rihana instead of me, governor, it’s so painful, and you Rihana, better move on cos even if I’m drunk, I’ll never have anything to do with you” boss said and pulled my hand out of the Villa…

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