Written by Gbemi

Chapter 2

Somewhere on Love Island ??

Oliver stopped his bike knowing that they were far enough from the hotel which the wedding had been taken place.

Still on his bike. He turned to see Isobel Dane still sitted behind him. Her thoughts must be filled about the event of today. He thought.

“We are here now Miss” Oliver said jolting her back to earth.

Isobel looked around and saw that they were parked beside the road. She got off and forced a smile to her lips.

“Thank you. I will handle the rest here”She said as she stared at Oliver.

“Are you sure?” Oliver asked still a bit unsure if he should leave her alone.

“I am okay. I will sit over there and wait for someone to come find me. My dad will certainly be looking for me”Isobel replied.

“Thanks for your help again”She said as she moved away from him. While waiting for the red light. So she could cross to the other lane where there was a long bench.

Oliver knew something could happen and so he got off his bike while he waited for her to cross.

The red light turned on and he watched her still standing at the same place. While few of the people crossed. She stood there looking at nothing in particular.

It wasn’t until she was heard the time out reading that she came back to reality. Still in her wedding dress. She moved into the road. Wanting to make to the other side on time when she was suddenly pulled back.

As soon as she was pulled away. A car slid past them. She didn’t even see the car coming. She thought as she stared at the stranger from earlier.

“I know you are heartbroken and sad by what they did to you but you shouldn’t give them the satisfaction of seeing you injured or

If you are hurt just cry it out. It’s no use bottling it in” Oliver said to her and the tears Isobel has been holding back began to pour.

Instinctively she moved into his arms. Putting her head on his shoulder as she wailed her eyes out. Oliver who had been surprised by what almost happened earlier felt more surprised when she moved into his arms for comfort.

Suddenly feeling an urge to protect her. He wrapped his arms around her while she snuggled closer to him.

A while later Oliver watched Isobel devoured a large cake. He was starring at her when she raised her eyes to look at him.

“When I cry. I crave for something sweet and I eat a lot”She confessed as she gave him a shy smile before continuing her devouring.

“I understand”Oliver muttered as he wondered just how big her appetite is.

“Understand! Wow. Your the first person who said that to me” Isobel said as she got a little of the chocolate cake on her cheek.

“Why am I the first?” Oliver asked wanting to know more about her.

“All my life have been called a glutton for eating a lot of food. My father caution me each time he sees it and my nanny does her best in getting the food away saying it was bad for my health and that I would also end up fat but as it turns out I don’t get fat that easily”She said happily.

“Being restricted to food must have really tell on you”Oliver said jokingly.

“It did. You have no idea how much I had to hide and hide the things I bought. It’s do tiring and stressful. Peter and Stephanie will always…….”She stopped when she realised the names of the people she mentioned.

The cake had wiped the sadness away for a while but having to see her sad again made him feel unhappy. Something that have never happened to him before.

“What will you do? “he asked knowing that he would have to leave her soon.

“What?” She asked still munching on the cake.

“You have to return to the hotel. You can’t keep walking about in that outfit”Oliver stated.

“What’s wrong with my outfit. It’s kind of cool”She replied starring at her gown.

“To you it might be but to the passerby around the area then it certainly isn’t cool”He said as they both stared around them in the little bakery they were in.

“I don’t care. It’s my life and I choose to wear what I like. After today I won’t be wearing it again. I can’t let it go to waste like that”She replied.

“Fine then you can keep the dress on but you will have to go back to the hotel. Your father and everyone must be worried about you”

“Am not going back to the hotel. I don’t want to see Stephanie and Peter. If I go back there now. I will have to see them and am not ready for that”She said looking worried.

“Then it’s best that you find a place to stay for the mean time. There is a little hotel just a few walk from here. It’s not like the Chi resort neither is it something you are used to but it will provide you with shelter until you decide to go back” Oliver said to her.

“What about you?”She asked starring at him in surprise.

“Me? Am heading to my next shift and…..”

“Take me with you”She said suddenly cutting him off.

“Why?” He asked.

“You are the only person apart I know here. I can’t see myself staying in a random hotel. I want to come with you. I promise that I won’t cause trouble” Isobel begged.

“But you don’t know me? I might be a bad guy” He replied.

“If you were you wouldn’t have helped nor try to console me. Am a good judge when it comes to reading people and I can tell that you are a good person” She said this with a smile on her face. Feeling flattered by her compliment .

Oliver almost gave in to her request but got rid of the thought immediately.

“Am sorry but I can’t have you with me. You ran out of there without a thing. So use this to get yourself a room in the hotel.

This is where we say goodbye” He said as he put some money on the table while she kept starring at him with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

“I hate saying goodbye” She muttered softly.

“If it isn’t goodbye then what else should I say?” Oliver asked.

“See you next time” She suggested.

“We won’t be seeing each other again. So it’s best that we just end it all here and…..”

“No! I will be seeing you again. That I can assure you” She declared fiercely and knowing she was just bluffing. Oliver left the bakery shop heading to his second job.


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