THE KING AND I: Episode 21-30


Episode 22

Written by: Eunice Nwodu

King Lee’s pov?
I clenched onto the gun tightly about to pull the pull trigger but she ran to the dog and shielded it with her body.

“Don’t do this…please” She quivered and my grip on the gun loosened.

“Get up from there, right now” I groused still pointing the gun at the duo.

“Don’t kill the dog, please your highness” She pleaded with a crumpled look.

I took a deep sigh and lowered my head.

Oh great.
I was right..

She’s not that stone hearted.
The Anna I’ve been spending much time with isn’t so heartless to hurt Simone – the mother of my second child.

I sighed again and brought down my hand.

“Aren’t you afraid of death?” I asked walking to where she was.

There was so much tears scrolling down from her eyes down to her cheeks.

“Stand up” I ordered icily but she remained squatting.

I hissed and grabbed her arm helping her up. She stood erect facing me.

I sent my hand to her face and wiped her tears.

What a princess…
She sheds tears without making a sound.

I reached for my pocket and brought out my personal handkerchief.

I made use of it on her face and soon, she looked fresh and beautiful again.

“Let’s go back to the castle” I said and held her by her wrist.
I turned to the dog and made a signal for it to follow us which he did.

I couldn’t help but admire how Anna’s new outfit looks on her. It fitted her and made her look good enough to eat.

I have no idea when I would be mean enough to sleep with her.

I wouldn’t want to hurt her with the whole new experience of being defl©wered.

That’s the least of my worries now.

I sat at the front seat while Anna helped the dog get into the back.
To my surprise, she sat next to the dog at the back seat.


“Don’t you want to sit at the front seat? You’d rather stay with the dog??” I asked turning on the car.

“Yeah…I want to keep it company, your highness” she replied and I felt an heart ache.

I really want her close to me.

I quickly glared at her before driving out from the forest.

Alicia’s pov?
I sat on the bed gradually developing a headache from all the thinking about King Lee and Anna.

Where could they have gone to?

The door shrieked open and Xenia ran in with the maids behind her.

“Mommy!” She exclaimed and hugged me tightly.

I smiled patting her soft black hair.

“How are you baby?” I asked and she giggled.

“I’m fine mom.
The wound is gone…mom” she said and raised her skirt.

I saw the place where the scorpion had stung her. The mark had vanished totally.

I was surprised and curious of how the wound disappeared over night.
It caused me a great shock….

“This is wonderful. How did it heal so quick??” I asked astonished.

“I don’t know…I saw princess Anna in my room and that night and I felt her touch me for a while….” She paused and began playing with her long hair.

I gawped at her for a while.
Princess Anna was in her room??
She touched her too??

What on earth is Xenia saying??

Simone’s pov?
I couldn’t stop feeling excruciating pains around my abdomen.

I was already tired of crying and groaning in discomfort. I can’t believe I was drugged with an ab©rtion pill.

Who could do such a thing to me? I haven’t fought with anyone recently.

Could it be they were jealous cause I was carrying the King’s son???

I winced ruefully rolling my back on the bed.

Manuel’s pov?
I gazed at the photo of princess Anna in my hand. She’s beyond beautiful and gorgeous.

I’ve never seen such a goddess for a princess. Her eyes were well curved and lips…full and pink.

I was stunned about how a father could give up such a beautiful daughter to that psych©tic king.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

The king of Muzana has always been stupid. That’s why he doesn’t have the guts to fight back King Lee.

I want to hurt that man – destroy him.
I desire to take the most important person he’s ever loved.

I was starting to get confused already.

I thought King Lee cared about his daughter more than anyone else…

Could it be he cares about this princess more than anyone else???

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