THE KING AND I SEASON 2: Episode 1-10



Written by: Eunice Nwodu Ifunanya

Dawn’s pov?
“What are you waiting for?” He asked standing up from the bed.

“Erm…I don’t think I want a massage, your highness” I muttered in a frail voice.

“Really? Why?” He asked breezily taking his hand to the black top I wore.
I gulped gazing intently at him.

He pulled it up and I helped him remove the top from my body – sheepishly.

It then occurred to me that I wasn’t putting on a b.ra. Well, I couldn’t find a single one In the wardrobe and am suspecting King Lee.

He dropped his two hands around my wai$t and drew me inches nearer to his body.

“Get on the b.ed” He whispered and I remained numb for a second.
I felt uncomfortable knowing he had his eyes on my exp©sed che$t.

He helped me get on the bed and I laid upwards facing him…

He smiled and got on top of me resting back on his thighs. Our eyes locked as he began rubbing my shoulders tenderly.

It felt so good.

It didn’t take up to a minute and he stopped. Next, he began stretching my arms one after the other.

I was starting to feel honored since the King of Euphoris was giving me a personal massage?

“Your skin is so soft, Anna” I heard him profess since my eyes were closed.

Suddenly, I felt him squeeze my two b©©bs and i flinched opening my eyes.

“King Lee…it doesn’t need a massage” I gawped.

“Who said so?” He asked still f©ndling them.

I covered my face feeling bashful clueless of what next to do at this point.

Soon, the warmth of his l1ps covered the left side tip and he scked like his life depended on it.

I m©aned and held onto him not wanting him to stop.

I was a bit scared with the whole new crazy experiences. I felt bad for wanting more…I mean this not the other one that hurts.

After a while, he pulled away and gave me a deep kss before leaving the room.

I quickly wore my cl©thes in a haste.
I was filled to the brim after having tacos for dinner. King Lee ordered the meal from a restaurant.

I decided to have a cold bath before going to bed. The bathroom was spacious that you’d think its another room entirely.

I quickly washed up before returning to the bedroom.

I tirally forgot i needed King Lee to input the passcode in the wardeobe so i can access better clothes.

I was about to panic when he ambled in holding one of his phones.
He tossed it on the table and came to where I was.

“King Lee…please i need you to open the wardrobe” I stuttered nervously.

“I’ll open it after am done, hun..” He cooed and held onto the t©wel.
He dragged it and it fell to the floor.

Not again.

Conniption gripped me as he took a step forward and my back collided with the wall.

He raised my right leg and wrapped it around his wa1st. I winced and held onto him closely.

I looked down and caught him unbuckling his belt…

After a few hits, I felt a spike of sweetness flow through me and I fell on King Lee unable to stand.

“I love you…” I whispered as he carried me into his arms.
I closed my eyes dozing off.

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