“Who did I owe this honorable call?” Max asked excitedly as he receives Ann call that same evening.

“Please warn warn your bitch, not to trespass any more, Gosh I can’t believe I was humiliated today just warn her” She rants.

“Ann please what happened? Please tell me, you are confusing me” Max begged.

“The bch that often come to the office,she attacked me on my way home today she even sI.apped me” Ann stated angrily.

“What?” Max exclaimed “princess am sorry,am deeply sorry” .

“This is exactly what am avoiding, I don’t want people attacking me that’s why I said you should cut all ties with them.

I don’t know relationship with you will be this hard, the have crazy Nigerian babes after me all the time Max am tired” she replied tiredly.

“Am sor…..” He was saying when Ann hung up.



*The next day*

“Celia how could you!” Max yelled at her when he tried calling Ann back the other day she didn’t pick up in fact she switched off her phone.

Max was so furious that he took his anger out on Celia well he made to warn her away from Ann anyways and this seems the best opportunity and the best place to Carry this out is her house.

“How could you attack an innocent girl”.

“Max she insulted me, she called me a pro$titute” Celia cried.

“I don’t care what she says, why can’t you attack me when I told you am done, I guess too much of care and money i gave has your brain isn’t it” he stated.

“Max don’t talk to me like that ok, I might be a pro$titute but you have your limits” she snapped angrily.

“Will you keep your damn mouth shut, I made you what you are and I know it has gotten into your head but guess what you have stepped on the wrong foot this time around”.

“What do you mean?” Celia asked fearfully.

“Forget about what I would do to you, you have to think about what Ann or Bella would do to you”.

“Who are those people?” .

“They are the Richards”.

“You mean the famous Richards, Richards of R law firm” she asked wide eyed.


“What about them” she rolled her eyes

“It seems you don’t know the gravity of what you did” he shook his head.

“Ann is their second daughter and she’s just back from the states, she’s very crazy but her sister Bella is crazier, so the dvil in you pushed you to sI.ap her”.

“Haa am doom” Celia went to her kneel immediately.

“Max please have mercy on me, help me beg her,i was just trying to scare her away from you” she pleaded.

“Well you fu.cked it up,as Ann wouldn’t listen to me anymore and it’s all your fault!” He left the crying Celia there on the floor and storm out of the room.

“Bella I can’t believe I was humiliated by one id!ot” Ann seeths.

“Madam what happened?” Bella asked with an eye roll.

“A swine sI.apped me” .

“What?” Bella asked whilst sitting properly on the couch

“Yep she sI.apped me”

“What happened what did you do to her?”.

“Nothing, I mean I did nothing to her,she practically came to warn me to stay away from Max and while we’re at it, she became despicable and the devil in her push her to hit me” Ann explained.

“And what did you do?” Bella asked with pimped interest.

“Nothing sis, I let that slide am not in for too much drama yesterday but Max got it really big from me” she smiled.

“That’s true he should better warn the lady cause if we start with her she’s not gonna know what be fell her” Bella scoffed angrily.

“Yeah” Ann agreed.

“Least I forget Dad said i should inform you that we are all going to Anambra next week” Bella informed.

“Oh I can’t wait to go there” Ann squeaked.

“So all necessary arrangements should be made” .

“Sis what will Anambra be like?” Ann asked eagerly.

“I also don’t know, never been there before, sis what about your dreams”.

“Yeah it’s true for some reasons it stopped coming”.

“And how do you feel?”.

“What do you mean how do I feel? I feel so good like am finally free but I can’t help but think that the dreams are trying to pass a message across to me”.

“Hmm guess what?” Bella asked happily


“Dave asked me out on a date tonight and am so happy” she smiled cheekily.

“Wow is there a phrase that says I love you” Ann teased.

“Shut up silly it’s just a date”.

“Don’t forget I and Max started with it just a date” Ann replied giving her a knowing look.

“Huh Bella am not you okay” Bella replied with an eye roll

“Isabella please don’t call me Bella it’s cheeky”.

“It’s ok madam”.

“That reminds me what about Christan”.

“Christan is fine,did you hear from Steven?”

And on and on like that the sisters chatted on

“Don’t wear a blue heel,a coloured will do, you will compliment it with lipstick, don’t go flashy” Ann corrected while Bella was preparing for her date they heard a knock on the door.

“That must be him” Ann smiled.

On getting to the door she was surprised to meet Max by the door.

“Anderson what are you doing here” she asked irritated.

“Ann am sorry” Max begged holding her hands but she was not paying attention to him as her attention was fixed on the man walking towards them

The man is so handsome and he looked so cute in his black suit Luckily he was putting on a bow tie to compliment his looks.

“Good evening” Ann smiled completely ignoring Max.

“Good evening sis, you are Annabella right?” Dave smiled back at her

“Yes how do you know” she flushed

“Isabella told me everything about you and it’s a pleasure seeing you in person,I can commend you look so beautiful than how she described you” Dave said sweetly.

“Oh thanks” she blushed “let me go get my sister”.

She rushed into Bella’s room leaving the two guys to themselves.


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