THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 31-40

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 40?


??Queen Miranda??

I watch Liyah run out of the room with Kyle calling after her. I smiled. Who would have believed our simple plan could turn out so well? It went just the way we planned it. They’ve both professed their love for each other, which is a stepping stone to our next plan.

Kyle sighed and left also, leaving me and Evelyn. Ares was long gone already. I stood up.

“Mom, I think our plan worked” Evelyn cooed

I nodded in agreement

“Let’s just hope for the best” I said

I left the throne room and went to my friend’s room.

“Did it go well?” She asked

“Sure. They both made their feelings known to each other, indirectly” I replied

She chuckled

“I knew it. I knew it will work!!” She said.

I smiled. I knew it will work too but I just don’t know it will be this smooth and easy. You might be wondering how it happened. I’ll tell you. It’s a well strategize plan!!.


Evelyn just finished telling me about how Liyah locked some girls up due to jealousy and wouldn’t accept her feelings for Kyle. I was so surprise.

Liyah has never shown jealousy before. And since she did now, it only mean one thing. She’s in love with him.

“What do you think we can do?” I asked

“Mom, it’s kind of complicated. You know how Liyah is” Evelyn answered

“Evelyn, you know it’s your father’s wish to get them married to each other” I said

“I know mom. I know he had promised his friend to make sure Kyle gets married to Liyah but that won’t be possible” she said

“We need to find a way”

“Well mom, I think I’ll pass on this. We are not even sure if Kyle like her too. Maybe you should involve your friend” she said

“I think you’re right, I’ll send for my friend” I said


“If you ask me, I know Kyle loves her too but those kids are so good in hiding their feelings. We need to find a way of making them show their feelings” my friend said

We were seated at the balcony, sipping wine and trying to find solution to the problem.

“I know, and that’s why we are here. To find solution” I said

We needed to let them accept their feelings to each other before Evelyn’s wedding. Cause Kyle will be going back to New York after the wedding and might not want to come back forever.

“I don’t know want to do Amelia. We………”

“Mom, I think there’s a solution already” Evelyn said, walking closer to us

“What solution?” I asked, curiosity eating me up

“Alvin just told me, David is in town” she said


“You know Liyah will definitely leave the palace to see him if she finds out he’s around” she said chuckling

“I was thinking we could tell David to text Liyah to meet him outside the palace” she said

“What happens next?” Amelia asked

“We tell the king about our plan and let him send Alvin to bring her back. Yours is to make sure Kyle doesn’t stay in his room when she’s been brought back. I know he will be curious to know what she has done. If we could get Kyle to enter into the throne room, Dad will take it from there” she said

I smiled

“That’s a good plan. I’ll talk to the king” I said and excused myself. I went to meet the king and explained everything to him.

“Are you sure Liyah’s in love with Kyle?” He asked

“Well the signs are there but we ain’t sure yet” I replied

He sigh

“You can go ahead with your plans but make sure Liyah doesn’t get into trouble. She seems to have changed a lot” he said

“Promise” I replied


I’m so happy it worked. Now we can move to the next plan.

“So what’s the next step?” Amelia asked

“Now we are sure they love each other. I think we should announce their engagement on Evelyn’s wedding” I said

“That’s a good idea” she said

“That’s what we are going to do. We both will keep it secret and watch them both until the wedding day” I said

“Sure. Good Night Miranda” she said

“Good night Amelia” I replied



I woke up this morning, with headache. I wasn’t able to sleep at night. I’m feeling so lazy, I wish i could sleep all through the day. There was a knock on the door. I groaned.

“Princess, are you awake?” Eva asked from outside

“Yes, what?” I asked, stretching on the bed

“I was asked to give you something” she said

“Who?” I asked

“The Queen” she replied

I sigh and stood up from the bed to open the door, but she wasn’t holding anything.

“What do you want?” I asked

“Can I come in?” She asked

I rolled my eyes

“The queen did not send you right?” I asked

“Yes” she cooed, giggling

I groaned and leave the door open for her to come in

“What do you want?” I asked

“I heard the king as refused you coming out, so I asked the Queen to let me stay with you” she said

I rolled my eyes

“And you came without any food?” I asked

“Come on, I only came to check if you’re awake” she said

“As you can see, I’m awake. So go get me food or get lost” I said

She chuckled

“I’ll be right back!!” She said and made to leave

“Hey, I want toasted bread crumbs and……..”

“I know what you want” she said, with an eye roll while I groan.


It’s past 12pm and Eva has been with me since morning. We chatted about lots of things. There was a knock on the door.

“Princess” Someone called


“Yes my princess” he said

“Eva, go and open the door” I said

She stood up to open the door and Alvin entered, bowing slightly

“The king has ordered your release” he said

I chuckled

“Ok thanks but I don’t think I want to go out” I said

“As you wish princess” he said, bowing

“You should leave Alvin” I said

After he left, I lay in my bed, pressing my phone.

“Liyah, let’s go outside” Eva said

I rolled my eyes

“No” I replied

“Come on we could go to the garden” she said

I groaned

“No. I’ll just stay back” I replied

“There’s no way I’ll let you stay back” she said, dragging me up

I grumbled

“Can’t you just free me!!” I said

“H’ll no”

“I think the Queen seek your presence”

“No, I’m free for today” she said

I sigh

“Sit, let me comb your hair” she said

I rolled my eyes

“No. We either go this way or you let me be” I replied

“But your hair look scattered” she said

“I know. Are we going or not?” I replied

She groaned

“Suit yourself princess” she said with an eye roll

I chuckled and followed her. I was kinda afraid, I might come in contact with Kyle. I really don’t know how to face him.

We got to the garden and I looked around, searching for him. Luckily, he wasn’t there. I sigh.

“We should get some berries” I said

“I’ll go get the baskets” she replied

I nodded. She left and I sat on the bench. She came back some minutes later.

“I’m back” she said

“I know. I can see you ok?” I replied and she chuckled

“Where should we start from?” She asked

I stood up and took one of the baskets from her

“Raspberries first, then blueberries, blackberries and strawberries” I replied

“Off we go then” she said as we head to the berries few meters away

We were so busy, plugging berries. Since I couldn’t see Kyle at the garden, I felt relaxed.

“Liyah, look, Kyle’s over there” Eva announced

I raised my head up and there he was close to the strawberriess. He was staring at nothing. I felt my heartbeat skipped and I felt uncomfortable.

“I’m leaving” I said

“Why?. We’re yet to plug some strawberries” Eva whined

“You can do that alone” I said

She groaned

“That’s so unfair” she whimpered

I rolled my eyes and made to leave but she held me, dragging me, closer to where Kyle was standing

“There’s no way I’m plugging the strawberries alone” she said

I groaned

“Eva, please don’t let me go there” I said

She chuckled

“Are you afraid of him?” She asked

I chuckled nervously

“Of course not. I just feel tired and need to go have some rest” I answered

“Master Kyle!!” She called and he turned, his eyes piercing into mine. I wish the ground could open and let me stay in it until he’s gone.

“You’re Eva right?” He asked

“Yes” she replied

I stamped my feet on the ground anxiously. Wishing I could run off!!. He wouldn’t stop staring at me, making me shift my gaze constantly.

“Are you ok?” He asked

I thought he was talking to me and wanted to answer him but his next word made me stop.

“Eva” he said

My world shattered and I felt like falling to the ground and crying my eyes out. I don’t know why I feel this way.

“Yes. Actually Liyah said she’s tired and needed rest” Eva replied

“Really?” He asked

I raised my head, to see his reaction but it was indifferent. I sigh.

“Why is he so indifferent? I thought he loves me too?” I thought

“Eva, i think you need some rest, your hair look scattered. You look like a dog beaten by rain” he said

Eva chuckled

I stared in shock. He might have called Eva’s name but I knew he was talking to me. I couldn’t sleep much last night which made me wake up with headache.

I’ve also refused to comb my hair. I felt so lazy and even when Eva offered to help me comb it, I said no. I feel so angry at myself, that I felt the right way to punish it is to stay rough.

“I wished I combed my hair and look more reasonable” I thought

He stared at me, walking closer to me and not breaking the eye contact. My heartbeat increased. The lesser the distance between us, the stronger and louder my heartbeats.

“Why is he coming closer to me?” I thought

He plugged his headphone and stood in front of me. Staring at me for the last time, he left. I watched him leave

He’s avoiding me!!. He really is avoiding me!!

I thought I was the only one avoiding him. I never knew he’s avoiding me too!!

“Liyah” Eva cooed

I rolled my eyes, dropping the basket filled with berries, I ran out of the garden but returned immediately to carry the basket.

There’s no way I’m leaving those berries, untouched.

“Liyah” Eva called but I ignore him

I ran out of the garden with the basket, in the direction of the maid court. I’d rather go to my underground chamber and draw, rather than stay back and feel sad about myself!!




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