THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 41-The End

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 50?



“I’m so sorry, Kyle” I cooed, still holding him tightly

“It’s not your fault, Liyah. I understand”. I sniffed, as he pulled me into a hug.

“Can you stop being a cry baby now” he said. I chuckled

“I love you Kyle”

He laughed. “Did you just say you love me?”

I hit him playfully. “Of course I do”

He whined. “I don’t love you”


“You just hit me, how do you expect me to love you? Huh?”

I chuckled. “You…….”

“What’s going on?” Ares asked. I sigh. “Where’s Evelyn?”

“I’m here” she answered

I groaned. “Liyah” Evelyn called. I turned. “I’m really so sorry. I never meant to hurt you”

I sigh. “You never meant to do what? Talk to me Evelyn. You never meant to hurt me?. I trusted you as my sister but you failed me. How could you do such a heartless act?” I asked

“Liyah, I’m………..”

“Don’t call my name!!. Don’t you ever call my name!!!. You’ve caused me so much pain and you still feel comfortable, calling my name!!!. You’re the reason I thought everyone hated me. You’re the reason I lost my memory. You’re the reason I became troublesome. You were so busy, trying to hide what you’ve done, that you never for once thought about me!!!”

“That’s not true, Liyah. I tried to come closer but you kept pushing me away”

“I did not push you away!!!. You did. You did Evelyn!!”

“I never did, Liyah” she cried

“I……, don’t call my name!!!” I yelled, tears, streaming down my face.

“Liyah you need to calm down” Kyle said

“No Kyle, let her pour out her mind”. I sigh. “Liyah. Pour out your anger. Don’t keep any back, ok?”

I sigh, and continued talking. “You stopped caring about me and always sell me out to dad. You always find fault in all I do!!. You stop following me to this place and you stopped telling me bedtime stories……”


“Let me talk!!” I yelled. “On my tenth birthday, you never told me a happy birthday like you use to. You made dad sent me to a boarding school. You were never there for me, all those times I got bullied at school. You use to be closer to me and prevent others from bullying me, been fully aware that I hate being a princess. But you stopped and I got bullied day by day!!!”

Her eyes dilated in shock as tears streamed down her face. “I’m so sorry Liyah. I never knew you were bullied. I waited for you to come to me but you never did”

“That’s because you never cared. Do you know how long I was bullied?. Did you?. I might be cunning from childhood but I don’t get involve in fight, and you know that. I wasn’t troublesome, until you made me one. I had to fight for myself!!” I sigh. “I was bullied for five years, until I was able to fight back. I’m happy I did”

“Lilyah please forgive me. Please. I thought you hated me. I tried all I could to bring you close, but you were so deep into your paintings that you never looked at me. So I withdraw”. I sigh. “I know, no amount of I’m sorry will bring back the dead or change things. But I’m really sorry”

“You have to forgive her” Kyle whispered. I sigh. I have no option but to forgive her, cause she’s my sister, and I love her so much.


I cried so badly. How I wished i’d listen to Ares and tell her the truth, early enough. But I didn’t. I was just afraid she wouldn’t forgive me. My nonchalant attitudee, was what pushed her away and made her so troublesome

“Evelyn, what you did is really so painful. But I’ve forgiven you, cause you’re my sister. Please can you stop crying” Liyah said

“I’m so sorry, Liyah. I’m sorry Kyle”

Kyle smiled. “Come on, Evelyn. You only did all that because you love your sister and sod not want any bad thing to happen to her. I understand ok”


“Shhhhh. We’re back together, that’s all that matters” Kyle said

Lilyah held me. “Kyle is right. What matter is that we are back together as a family”

“Evelyn, you should stop hating yourself ok?” Ares said

“Oh mine, Melvin is calling. I need to tell them we are alright” Kyle stood up to receive his call, while Liyah sat beside me.

“I love you Evelyn. I have never for once stopped. You’re still the best sister I have”

“Liyah, I’m………”

“Shh.” She pulled me into a hug. “I love you”

“I love you too”

Kyle walked in. “Enough of the gloominess. It’s time to go home” he said

We all agreed. “Wait. Can I ask for a favour before we leave please?” Liyah said


“Can we keep this as a secret, please. I want them to believe we’re still not in good terms. I can’t wait to see their faces. I just want to have some fun” Liyah chuckled

“If that’s what you want, I will do it” Ares said

“Me too” Kyle said, pulling her closer to him and kssing her cheeks

I smiled. “I’ll keep it as a secret to, if it will make you happy”

“Thanks sis”

We left the flower house and entered into Ares’ car. We chatted about lots of things. Although i still feel bad about myself, I’m happy we’re back together.

“We’re home. Everybody remember to pretend ok?” Liyah said, giggling

I giggled too. I’ve missed her so much. I mean the real her not the troublesome one she’s become. “Can I get a kss before we stepped down and start to pretend?” Kyle said, kssing her neck

“Hey, she’s not your wife yet. You can’t be kssing her” Ares answered and I laughed

“Well she will soon be mine, so why can’t I have a taste of her?” Kyle asked


“Brother!!, I’m not a kid anymore” Liyah whined

“You hear that?” Kyle smiled and placed his lips on hers

“Hey!!!” Ares yelled, I laughed

“Come on, brother let’s leave them alone” I said, dragging Ares with me

“Close the door behind you please” Kyle muttered and I hit him playfully on his back

“That hurts!” He whined and we laughed

“Come on, don’t be a cry baby” Liyah said

“Kss me and I won’t cry” he replied

I rolled my eyes at the both of them and closed the door. We got closer to my room. “Evelyn, you look so tired. You should go to bed. I don’t want you looking so tired by tomorrow”

“No, I need to see mom first”

“You don’t have to worry, I’ll talk to mom instead”


“Go to bed. You won’t want Lian, screaming the house down when he sees you worn out tomorrow”

I smiled. “Ok, thanks”. I made to go but Kyle’s voice stopped me

“Can I talk to both of you for a few seconds please”

I rolled my eyes. “Where’s Liyah?”

“She’s gone to meet the rest” he answered

“What do you have to say?” I asked

“Seconds over”Ares said, and made to go away

“Hey, I’m not done talking brother-In-law?” Kyle yelled. Ares turned immediately

“You’re not married to Liyah yet, so stop calling me that” he said with an eye roll

“Well, that’s what I’m about to do” Kyle replied. My eyes switched

“You want to marry Liyah?” I asked

“Of course, after all we were suppose to be married on my twenty-fourth birthday”

“But you’re past twenty-four, right?” Ares asked

“Maybe or maybe not. That doesn’t matter” Kyle replied

“Aish!!!. You’re such a rude and arrogant boy,” Ares hit him on his head

“Hey!! That hurts. Do you both always beat your future brother-in-law? Huh?”

“Really?” I asked, raising my hand

“Hey, I was just joking”

“Now go straight to the point or I spank you” Ares threatened and I chuckled. Kyle muttered an inaudible words and I laughed

“Well, I’m planning to propose to her tomorrow……”

“Are you serious?” I jumped happily

“Hey, I’m not proposing to you. Why are you this happy?”

I rolled my eyes. “You’ve got a bad mouth”

He chuckled. “Time to be serious. I need help, and I want it secret”

“What do you want us to do?” Ares asked

“I need a time to propose, during Evelyn’s reception”

“Consider it done. I’ll talk to the Mc”

“Thanks. I also need to order for a ring, so i want to use Ares name instead. Just in case she finds out about it”

“You can do that. I’ll get the delivery when it comes. When is the delivery?

“It should be here by tomorrow, I’ll order for it and let you know”


“One more thing. It should be between the three of us alone”

“Well there’s a problem” I said

“What’s it?”

“Mom wanted dad to announce your engagement party tomorrow but I don’t know the scheduled time yet” I replied

“What, you guys were aready planning our wedding?” Kyle asked

“Your mom and my mom actually”

He groaned. “I knew my mom was up to something”

“That’s shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll confirm the time for theirs and then tell it to Evelyn, so you could schedule Kyles’s own before then”

“Thanks, Ares”

“Go, before Liyah begins to find you”

“You’re right. I love you both” he yelled, running away

I chuckled. “I’m so happy, everything worked out”

“I’m happy too. Go to bed Evelyn. Tomorrow is your day”

I smiled and hugged him goodbye, before entering my room. I pray tomorrow works out as planned


I stayed in Liyah’s room, to help her finish up her paintings. She had made up her mind, to gift Evelyn; along side the canvas, a book, containing the beautifulul moments, she ahared with Evelyn, when they were little, to show her, how much she love her. She was so happy and she kept talking and talking and talking.

After she fell asleep, i help her lay down properly and covered her with the duvet cover. Kssing her goodbye, I went back to my room. I quickly went to take my bath and changed into my nightwares. I lay on the bed and decided to check my phone. There was a message from Gabrielle. I opened it, and it reads:

Kyle, I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you and how stupid I was to be fighting for what doesn’t belong to me. I’m so sorry for creating so many scenes with Audrey. I’m sorry for making you loss your trust in me. I was so stupid and blinded by jealousy, that I did not realised, you and Liyah are made for each other.

Words won’t explain how sorry I am. I hope you could find a space in your heart to forgive me, Kyle. I have decided to leave and return back to New York, to start a new life and be the good girl you’ve always wanted. So, I felt, I should tell you the reason, Audrey and I are always into a fight. The truth is, I slept with her boyfriend and she caught us in the act. She hated me for that and vow to ruin my relationship.

I know have never been faithful to you, Kyle, and I’m so sorry. I just want to tell you that, Liyah and you are cute together. Liyah is really a good woman and you both will make an awesome couple. I hope you’ll propose to her soon and please, do send me your invitation card, when you do.

I promise to let you know, when I get a cute and decent boyfriend like you. I wish you all the best.

? Gabrielle

I sigh. The message sound really remorseful. I’ll give her a call, to know what’s going on!!


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