THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 41-The End

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 44?



When I came back to New York, mom was so furious and decided to lock me up. She blocked all my accounts and also collected my phones and credit cards. I was devastated. I had to stay in my room all day. Dad made me promise to be a good girl and when i did, he begged mom on my behalf. Although she accepted, she gave a condition, which was for me to get a job and be responsible. I agreed to that, even when I know it’s not possible.

There’s no way I’m going to be responsible if I don’t take my revenge on Audrey. She was the reason I lost Kyle to that good for nothing princess. After sending tonnes of messages to Kyle and he refused to answer any of them, I decided to call him too. I called him numerous times but he never picked or call back. I was so angry, I threw my phone, across the room. I hate it, when he ignores me.

If Audrey had not posted that fight video, I’ll still be with Kyle. If she had not come to China, things would have been better. I got dressed in a simple cloth, and took my car key. I left the house and went to Audrey’s place. I was ready for a fight, cause I wasn’t ready to back out. If I can’t get Kyle, then she will have no peace of mind.

One talk lead to another and we started a fight. I made sure I beat the living daylight out of her. By the time I was done with her, she has already fainted. I left the house and went to mine, feeling happy. My happiness was cut short, when mom barged into my room. I don’t know how she found out, though.

She came to my room with two cops and told them to make sure i stayed in jail until she asked for my release. I later found out Audrey’s in a comma and might not be waking up soon. Right now, I’m in the cell room, reminiscing what I’ve done. I wished I had listen to my mom and be responsible. I saw my maid, I mean my once was maid, coming closer to the cell. “Ma’am!!” She called

“Emma!!” I cooed, walking closer to the door. I placed my hand on the irons.

“What are you doing here?” I asked

“Miss Audrey is here to see you” she said

My eyes dilated in shock. “Di…..di…..did you just….ju…just say Audrey?” I stuttered vigorously

“Yes ma’am” she replied

I thought she was in comma? How did she survival?. This can’t be true!!!.

“Are you sure?” I asked

“Yes ma’am. She’s here to see you”

I sigh and rolled my eyes. “What does she want,?” I asked

“I don’t know but it seems urgent cause she agreed to your bailing”

I groaned. For Audrey to accept my bailing, it definitely mean one thing, which is, she has an interior motive.


“Hello, Gabrielle!!” Audrey cooed.

“Are you not in comma?” I asked

She chuckled. “Do I look like someone in comma? Huh?” She asked

I groaned. “I was told you were in comma”

She laughed. “That aside, did you have a good night rest, in there?” She asked and I felt like punching her

How does she except me to enjoy this place,? Huh?. She can’t be serious,!!. Three days back to New york and my life is already frustrated. I have spend a day for room arrest and the next two days in jail. Can my life be any better!!

“I can see you’re so comfortable with your new home” she said and I gritted my teeth.

If we were to be outside, I’ll not have mind beating her and making sure she ends up in comma this time. But I can’t in here

“Well I accepted your bail” she said and I smiled.

Emma was right. I’ll be free soon. And I’ll be going home to have a good shower, eat good food and have a good sleep. I chuckled

“But on one condition” she said and my smile faded.

I knew it from the onset that Audrey wouldn’t do that except she’s got plans. I turned back and went to sit down. There’s no way I’m accepting whatever her condition is. She laughed

“Are you not going to ask me what?” She asked, amidst laughter

I rolled my eyes. “Just get out!!” I yelled

“It’s a simple condition darling” she said and I snarled

“I said get out!!”

“Come on. Just a trip to North Richland” she said and I groaned

Is she kidding me or she’s for real?. “What do you want in North Richland?” I asked

She chuckled. “To help you get back what’s yours”

I laughed. She must be joking!!!. Or is she for real?. What does she take me for?. A fool? Or what?

“What do you take me for? Huh?. A fool?” I yelled

She chuckled. “Come on. I just want to help you get Kyle back. Or don’t you want him back?” She asked and my eyes switched

This girl is a she dev1l. She knew quite well that I want Kyle back and that’s the reason she’s taunting me with it.

“I guess you don’t” she said and turned to leave

“Wait!!” I yelled, standing up

“What exactly do you want?” I asked

She turned to face me. “Simple. To help you get Kyle back” she replied

I rolled my eyes. There’s no way I’ll believe that

“Why do you want to help me?”

“Because you’re my friend,” she replied and I scoffed

“That’s not your reason Audrey and we both know that. You’d better spill it out, if you really want me to help you”

She laughed. “Who needs help here. Me or you?” She asked and I scoffed

“Go straight to the point” I said

She chuckled. “You’re right, that isn’t my reason. You see, I’m kinda bored and I want to travel. I want to have fun. I want to explore. And i heard North Richland has nice tourist centers. And also, there’s a Royal wedding taking place a day after tomorrow, so…………..”

“Did you just say royal wedding?” I asked and she chuckled

“Chill, it’s not Kyle and that spooky princes. It’s her sister getting married. But if you don’t do something fast you might be attending Kyle’s wedding soon” she said

I sigh. There’s no way I’m losing Kyle. “I’m in” i said

She grinned. “What did you say?”

“You don’t have to pretend Audrey. Just tell me your plans”,

“Good. First of all, we get you out of this place. I already get us a ticket. Just make sure you’re ready in two hours”. I nodded. “But first you need to send a message to Kyle. Let him know you’re coming. Tell him you’re coming to get what’s yours”

I groaned. “My phone is not with me”

“Don’t worry your mom has agreed to hand it over”

I rolled my eyes. “How did you get to make her listen to you?” I asked

“That’s not the right thing now. I’ll go get prepared too. But first, let me get you out of here. Bye!!”

Audrey left and after a while, I was released. When I got outside, mom’s car was already waiting. Surprisingly, she was inside too. The Drive home was quiet. When we got home, I stepped out of the car and into the house. I went straight to my room to get prepared for my journey.

It took me over an hour to shower. When I was done, I wrapped a towel around me and stepped out, only to see mom seated. When she saw me, she dropped my phones and credit card and left without saying anything.

I groaned and quickly got dressed. While Emma helped in arranging my bags, I texted Kyle. I started with an apology, before giving him the main reason for the text.


“I joined Audrey at the airport after a while. As we tighten up our sit belt, my heartbeat increased.

“Am I doing the right thing?” I asked myself

I’m definitely doing the right thing. I’m fighting for my love. I can’t leave him, so I have to fight for him!!.

“I’m doing it for love, i’m doing it for love” I kept repeating these words, until the plane took off


After having fun with Melvin and the rest, and also eating dinner, we seperated and I went back to my room. I was laying on my bed, when I heard a knock.

“Who’s there?” I asked

“It’s Eva. The princess needs your help” she replied

I stood up quickly to open the door. “Is she ok?” I asked

“Yes. She just need your help in some paintings” she replied

“Where is she?”

“In her drawing chamber”

I went back into the room to wear something better and then followed Eva. We came outside the palace and into the compound. We passed the maids’ court and I began to wonder if we were going the right way.

“Are you sure this is the way?” I asked

Ahe chuckled. “Yes”

The rest of the journey, was silent. We finally got to a place that looks like a bushy part. She looked around first, before whispering.”Follow me”

I rolled my eyes. Why is she whispering?. We followed the part until we got to a cave. We entered and my mouth dropped in shock. It was a classic painting studio. Well designed, decorated and arranged.

Liyah was seated, facing the board. Her hair was pulled down and she seems to be working on something. “Liyah” I called

She turned. That was when I noticed the hair clip I gave her, was used to hold back some strands of hair from her face. She used her hand to shift back the hair, trying to cover her face up. I was so lost in staring at her that I did not realise she was standing in front of me. The clicking of her fingers, brought me back to reality

“I need your help” she cooed. “With that” she pointed at the board. I followed her, and we set to work, not without me staring at her frequently.


“Thanks, Kyle” she cooed

“Come on. It’s nothing. Same time tomorrow right” I asked

Since we couldn’t finish up today, we agree to continue tomorrow.

She nodded. “Good night” she cooed and made to leave but I pulled her back, crushing my lips on hers. Although she pulled off quickly and ran off, I was happy I get to taste her lips, I smiled. Humming, I went to my room. I sat down on my bed and decided to open Gabrielle’s message. She’s been calling and dropping messages, all of which I have been ignoring. When I did, I met the shock of my life. It says:

?Hello love. I’ve been calling you but you’ve refused to pick up. I sent you numerous messages too but you did not replied. I know I was so careless to have let that video out. I know I shouldn’t have fight Audrey. I’m so sorry for what I did. I know, I’ve caused you so much pain and I’m really so sorry. I want us to be like we use to. I still love you and I know you do too. That’s the reason why I’m coming to North Richland, to take back what’s mine. Which is you.

Love from Bae?

My eyes dilated in shock. It can’t be. She can’t be serious, !!. I placed my hand on my head. Just when I thought everything is moving smoothly, boom, another drama!!!


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