THE ROYAL WEDDING: Episode 41-The End

??? THE

By Debbie

?Episode 48?



“Mom, you know that’s not possible. It’s past 5 pm, already. How do you expect me to do that!!”

“Taliyah, I don’t care how you do it. Just make sure, your sister gets a dress for tomorrow or you stop painting”

I groaned. “This’s so unfair mom. You make it look like I’m the only one at fault here, when clearly, it shows that she also Is at fault”

“Liyah, I will advice, you save yourself those sermons and get to work!!”

I rolled my eyes and stormed out of the room, only to bump into Kyle. His look was daring. “Is it true?” He asked

I stared at him, confused. What’s he talking about?. “What?”

“Don’t pretend Liyah. Did you tear your sister’s wedding dress?” He asked. I scoffed. How news travels fast. “Answer me” he yelled and I flinched.

Is he yelling at me because of Evelyn?. “Stop yelling. It wasn’t my fault ok?”

He scoffed. “It isn’t your fault? It isn’t your fault that you tore your sister’s wedding dress, a day to her wedding? Huh”

I rolled my eyes. “Are you not suppose to ask me what really happened?”

He laughed. “Ask you what happened. What else happened, aside you been unreasonable to tear your sister’s dress!!” He yelled

I scoffed. “Stop yelling at me ok. Nobody cares to know what she did to me……..”

“Is it true?” Sheila asked

I did not noticed she was there with Melvin and David, until she spoke up.

“Did you do it?” Melvin asked

I rolled my eyes but said nothing. “Of course she did it. Can’t you see she’s saying nothing” David answered

I groaned. Are they for real?. None of them, cared about me!!!.

“How could you Liyah!!” Melvin yelled. “Tomorrow is the wedding for crying out loud!!” He yelled again. Sheila held him, trying to calm him. David kept glaring at me, while Kyle remained mute with no expression, what so ever

Tears teamed up in my eyes and I couldn’t control them, as I let them down freely. “Stop yelling at me ok!!!. None of you cared to know what really happened. Nobody cares about me!!!. What everyone cares about is Evelyn” I yelled

“You don’t expect me to support you, in this case. Never!!!”

I sigh. “You can all go to hell. I don’t care!!”. I ran out of the palace, and into the street. There’s no way, I’m staying in that palace. Never!!!


I watch her run off and I felt really bad. “Those words are to harsh. Melvin” Sheila said. He sigh. “Even if anyone will condemn her. Not you”

“I know. I’m just too angry with her. That’s the least thing I except from her!!”

“I know. You just have to apologize to her”. Melvin nodded. “And you too Dave”

“Me? H’ll no!!. She owe me an apology for not telling me she had such a plan” David answered with an eye roll

“What do you mean,?”

“Well if she had told me, I won’t have been surprise today!!”

Melvin groaned. “Are you for real!!”

David rolled his eyes. “What do you expect? Huh?. That I talk her out of it? Hell no. Lilyah is far more stubborn than that”

Their arguments continued and I grew impatient. We should be talking about finding her and not this!!

“You’re not for real, Mel” David said

I groaned. “We need to find her!!” I announced

“That’s true” Sheila said

“Find who?, if I may ask?” David ask

“Dave, don’t been a nuisance” Melvin said

Another round of argument was about to began but I quickly stopped it. I won’t sit down here, listening to a endless argument, when Liyah is out there.

“What’s the next step?” Sheila asked

The door opened and Evelyn stepped out. Her eyes were puffy, showing how much she had cried. The Queen came out too.

“Where is Liyah?” The Queen asked

“She ran off” Melvin said

“She did what?”Evelyn asked

“She ran off. Like ran off” David said, gesturing with his hand

I groaned. Most times, I’ve wondered if David isn’t a gay. The way he talks and do his hand can make you bet he’s one. But I don’t think he is. “He’s just been an idi©t”.

“Who is an idi©t?” David asked and I groaned. I must have said that part out too loudly!!.

“Wasn’t talking to you”

“You better don’t or I will………”

“Just shut up………” The Queen glared and Melvin chuckled. “Just keep quiet ok!!”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll go find her” I said and turned to leave.

“I’ll go with you” Evelyn said

“No. We all know how you’ve been at Liyah’s neck because she paints. Now that you’ve succeeded. Why do you want to find her? Huh?” David asked

I groaned. This guy is something else. I don’t even know who exactly he’s with. Lilyah or Evelyn!!.

“I have to go. I have a lot to tell her” Evelyn replied

“No, Evelyn. You need some rest. Tomorrow is your wedding. I’ll go instead” Sheila said

“I have to. I caused all this. I have to fix it”

I got tired with their talks, I decided to do the sharing myself. “Evelyn will go with me. Sheila, you go with Melvin to get a new wedding dress for Evelyn. Do you have any design in mind, Evelyn?”


“Good. Melvin, this is my credit card. You can get a nice one for her” I stretched it to Mel

“Don’t worry, I’ll use mine”

“No, Mel. Liyah is my responsibility. I’ll take full charge”

“I think Kyle is right,” the Queen said, smiling

“Thank, your highness”. I handed over the card. “We should leave, Evelyn”

We made to leave but David stopped us. “It seems someone has forgotten about me” he said

I groaned. “Dave, stay with the Queen and keep her company, ok?”

“He groaned. “Like seriously!!”

“Don’t you want to stay with me Dave?”

He rolled his eyes. “This is so unfair!!”

“I made your favorite cookies” the Queen said and his face lighten up

“Are you for real?”

“Of course”

“I’ll stay back then. Wish you all success”

I chuckled. No wonder Liyah called him foodie!!

I turned to leave but he called me back. I groaned. “Just in case you can’t find her. Go to the beach. Remember the picture you stole from her?”

“You stole her picture?” Mel asked. I groaned. Dave is a loose mouth.

“I did not”

“He did not steal it. He actually borrowed it, so he could paint. He so much love the picture. You won’t believe he kssed it. I just wonder……….”

“Can you just shut up!!!!” Melvin and I yelled, at the same time

David is such a talkative!!. He groaned. “Stop yelling at me. I’m saying the truth”

“Whatever” I murmured

“Suit yourself!!” He stormed out and we all laughed

“We should leave now”


It’s late in the night. We’ve been searching all over the places for Liyah but couldn’t find her. I was really so worried about her and so is Evelyn, she wouldn’t stop crying and blaming herself. I tried to stop her but couldn’t.

“Kyle” Evelyn called


“I think I know where she might be”

“Really, ?”

“Yes, let’s go”

I smiled. I hope she’s right. Cause right now, I’m so worried sick about her!!


I’ve been wandering about, instead of staying in a place. I wanted to go to the beach but I knew David will tell them that. I would have gone to the park but it’s closed.

I can’t go to the cafe either. I knew there are lots of places, that if I go, they will easily find me.i decided to go to one place I usually visit with Evelyn. When we were younger and closer.

I know no one will find me there, except Evelyn remembers, which I’m sure she won’t!!


I sat down on the grass. The flower house, still looks beautiful. The flowers were neatly trimmed and I wondered who had been doing that. Evelyn had never for once visit this place, since we stopped going out together.

I was coming alone, at first. But when I got tired, I stopped. That was over fourteen years now. Who could have done such a nice work?. I stood up and touched the flowers. Tears streamed down my face.

“Liyah!!” Someone called. The voice sounded like that of Ares. But I doubted it, because Ares isn’t the flower type. Evelyn and I are.

“Liyah” he called again. “Are you ok?” He asked

I turned and it was indeed Ares. I quickly cleaned my face. “Wh……what are you doing here?” I stuttered slightly

“I came to check the flowers. What are you doing here alone by this time?”

“Nothing. I just needed a walk”

“That’s a lie Liyah. It’s over fourteen years. Since you stopped coming to this place. How could you come now, just for a walk?”

I sigh. “The flowers are nice did you trimmed them?” I asked changing the topic

“Lilyah, don’t try to change the topic. Why are you here?. Did you have a fight with Evelyn?”

“No, no, no. We’re good”

“We ain’t!!” Evelyn said and I groaned

I turned to see her, standing with Kyle. What are they doing here?

“What are you doing here?” I asked

She ignored me and walked closer to the flowers. She smiled. “Have missed this place?!” She cooed

Kyle walked closer to me. “Are you ok?” He asked. I ignore him. “Come on” he cooed

“Who has been keeping this place?” She asked

“I did. Now both of you should tell me what’s going on!!”

“Well, I find out about Liyah’s secret painting house, tore her painting and……..”

“Point of correction, burnt!!” I yelled

She rolled her eyes. “Burnt her painting. She demanded an answer and I did not give her the right answer. One thing lead to another and she tore my dress”

“What?. Has it gotten to that?”. She nodded. “Why didn’t you tell her the truth when she asked?”

“Be……be….because….” She stuttered and I wondered why

“Evelyn. You promised to settle your differences before your marriage”

“Yes I did!”

“Why didn’t you tell her the truth when she asked?”


“What truth?”

“The real reason I hate to see you paint” she answered

“I don’t understand?”

“You should tell her” Ares said. “Now!!. Kyle, come with me. They need a sister time”

I watch them leave and I turned to face her. “Start talking”

“Come with me”


“If you want to know the truth, you have to come with me”

I followed her like a lost puppy, wondering what the truth is!!


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